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Your geeky obsessions

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Got a movie you've seen 1,000 times? An entire basement of warhammer figures? 20 banker's boxes full of magic cards? Time to fess up!

I don't have many, but I have two:

I own the entire X-files series on DVD (yes, even after it got crappy.)

I adore This American Life on NPR. I've listened to all their shows at least once, and most of them more than once.

Your turn!

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:woot: embrace the inner dork and all will be well :woot:

- Knitting, gardening and crochet...I am a 90 year old lady in a 30 yr old bod.

- Obsessive word collecting: etomology is my friend, which leads to another dorky thing: scrabble.

- have an aquarium and I have freely gone Lapidary hunting on vacation.

- Astronomy: amature with telescope, have eye on super-scope~

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Got a movie you've seen 1,000 times?


Gone In 60 Seconds and Days of Thunder...most people would have guessed that about me though....:happy: I have a geeky obsession with cars. Collect TONS of racing and car models...Cars is probably my biggest obsession. Collecting, fixing, looking....anything to have to do with cars.

Hmmm...Geeky....I used to play Magic in high school and got quite excited when my 6 year old brought home a deck....

I also have recently been known to play Unreal Tournament ALL NIGHT long with my friends.

Other than that and DGN...That's about it.

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I have a few.

The one I will enumerate here (for the time being) is Miyazaki Hayao films. I have most of his films released in the States; I have yet to collect Porco Rosso (Kurenai no Buta) and Kiki's Delivery Service (Majou no Takkyubin).

I also don't have the version of My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro) released in the States because it does not include the original Japanese language track. Some of the dubs on other films are decent, but the cuteness of the two little girls yelling in Japanese cannot be equalled in any dub.

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umm... i've seen "princess bride" 74 times now... (yes, i've been counting...)

"fessik, are there rocks ahead!?"

"if there are, we'll all be dead!"

"no more rhymes now, i mean it!!"

anybody want a peanut!?"


*grin*  :fear


That, my friend, is beautiful.

I've never counted, but I've been watching that movie, Labyrinth, Legend, The Hobbit, and countless other dorky and/or childish films throughout the entire course of my near-twenty years.

I read. A lot. I have a bookshelf in my room that's about 6' x 4', and it's full.

I read comic books.

I love all things Tolkien. The Two Towers didn't leave my DVD player for about 2 1/2 monthes after it came out. Don't ask me how many times I've read the book. I'm not mentioning my action figures. Anyone not seen my tattoo?

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i once watched all 3 extended editions of lord of the rings, back to back to back. :fear

i have tons of comics

i wargame at least 5 different games on a regular basis

i assemble and paint models for the above

on countless occasions ive been in a basement, on perfectly nice days, role playing and playing video games for hours on end

ive LARPed. alot.

i own alot of anime

ive read tons of fantasy and scifi novels

i have taped up glasses (honest).

i spend countless hours on online forums, mostly for gaming.

look up 'nerd' in the dictionary, there i am.

oh.jpg <--------nerd.

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i once watched all 3 extended editions of lord of the rings, back to back to back. :fear

I Love You

i have tons of comics

I love you more

on countless occasions ive been in a basement, on perfectly nice days, role playing and playing video games for hours on end

Are you my soul mate?

i have taped up glasses (honest).


Marry me?

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