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Ha, timely thread... I'd just realized I hadn't been on here in a month & thought maybe I should stop in & say Hi!

I'm kind ov on & off w/most boards... there are just times when my online time & energy are gonna be spent elsewhere. I tend to be a lot less active during the school year just 'cos of the time factor. Even more so this year 'cos I'm so exhausted all the time due to my illness &/or meds. I will also back off or leave altogether during those times when a board seems to be overwhelmed with negative energy.... however I'm not the type who feels called on to announce they're leaving and give all the details of why.

I'm one of those who tries not to take any online milieu too seriously. My aim at this point in my life is to minimize stress & negativity "by any means necessary". I get paid to deal with dysfunctional behavior at work; don't want any part of it on my own time around something I do for fun & the companionship of kindred spirits.

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Heh your good at amusing me too. I have big implants....... I used to have HUGE implants....(ask $$ heh) and now I just have big implants but HUGE implants look nice......they just get in the way sometimes.

I remember once after I got them I wasn't used to judging the distance from my chest to the store counter and had my arms full of stuff and when I went to put the stuff on the counter I walked my tits right into it.

I sorta bounced off..the clerk just sort of looked at me and smiled.

oh by the way...... couldnt resist:


god i am so good at amusing myself.... :woot:

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So now I've been given another reason to leave. Tired of the BS high school drama. Tired of false accusations because of someone elses actions. Why is it some people cannot accept the responsibility of their own actions, that they have to make it look like it's someone elses fault. Seems like only a chosen few are allowed to have a bad mood, be depressed otherwise it's being faked to get attention. I had a feeling somehow that something would happen and I would end up in the drama. Guess I'm the type of guy who is always at fault.

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So now I've been given another reason to leave.  Tired of the BS high school drama.  Tired of false accusations because of someone elses actions.  Why is it some people cannot accept the responsibility of their own actions, that they have to make it look like it's someone elses fault.  Seems like only a chosen few are allowed to have a bad mood, be depressed otherwise it's being faked to get attention.  I had a feeling somehow that something would happen and I would end up in the drama.  Guess I'm the type of guy who is always at fault.


hey...bad vibes can be controlled and so can the outcome of all things.

Just be the bigger man and suck it up and blow it off if it was PURE accident/mishap. If u want to, pm me and I'd like to talk w/ ya =(

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Wow! I havent checked this since the first couple lighthearted posts. Great thread guys. For the record, I wasnt announcing that I was leaving. If I do, Ill probably just slink away.

I do have good reasons to, though and I was curious how you've all felt at one point or another.

I cant sleep right now. And Im nauseous as usual. I think I ate too much, but then again, Im a little underweight and Im feeling fat again. :confused

I wish I was sleeping. Im going to be so tired for work.

The reason Im rambling is I have a bit of an addictive personality.

So, it's quite unhealthy for me to be on here.

Now that I AM here, Ill be spending too much on tonight

I rarely come on here for a few minutes. It's usually for hours that should be used cleaning my place or going through bills I cant pay.

Id love to blame Hille (for introducing me to DGN), but, besides the fact the fact that she's one of the most interesting people I've met in a long time, if I wasnt doing this, Id probably be doing something else to spend my time.

Like seeing Hille (so if youre reading this right now, that's why I havent come over in awhile -just kidding- I do miss your 500 lb cat though =) )

Another reason I shouldnt be here, is everytime I come on here Im reminded of someone I should be forgetting. My heart aches for her even when my head says to move on, and coming on here makes moving on a sad joke that no one laughs at. (As opposed to the happy jokes I tell that no one laughs at :wink )

The last reason, of course, is the drama.

A few of you might be surprised to learn that it's the least of the reasons. I put no one on post ignore, because I want to know what they have to say, but I user ban a ton of people for PMs, since I dont like the back and forths.

Its just not worth the headache.

Id like to not be sensitive, but its just not in my nature.

And Im honest about myself and my lifestyle and my choices

I may leave things out to protect those close to me, but Im horrible at lying or covering my emotions.

And When you leave yourself exposed, you're bound to get hurt.

I think its fair to take things seriously when youre personally attacked, but I'm realizing the key to avoiding this is to shield yourself.

I think Ill try that next lifetime.

This is a cool place. Ive met some great people on here. Ive laughed and felt loved. Sometimes though, it's a little too much.

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So now I've been given another reason to leave.  Tired of the BS high school drama.  Tired of false accusations because of someone elses actions.  Why is it some people cannot accept the responsibility of their own actions, that they have to make it look like it's someone elses fault.  Seems like only a chosen few are allowed to have a bad mood, be depressed otherwise it's being faked to get attention.  I had a feeling somehow that something would happen and I would end up in the drama.  Guess I'm the type of guy who is always at fault.


City Club and all things associated with it have a level of drama. It's unavoidable, and you will get sucked in at some point. You just have say "what the fuck ever," laugh it off and move on. You can't be sensitive, or else it will chew you up and spit you out.

I've been lucky and not had drama in awhile, so I'm sure I'm due for a dose soon, and as always, it will be from someone who I hardly know, so it won't mean shit to me. eye_rolling_smiley.gif

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None of you better leave! Good freinds have drama. We get over it and get on with our lives.

If you have a freind and there is never any drama.....I question the depth of your freindship. My true freinds are involved in my life and life is not perfect hence....a little drama.....not much......but it happens. Let it go.

I love DGN most of you are from around here and that means I actually get to see you in person unlike most sites......

And Vampire freaks has so many members I cannot keep track of my freinds. Most are far away.......

Myspace it is too hard to keep up with everyone's blogs...bulletins....ect.......

So I stay here.

I hope you do too, Draco and Eternal.

I usually don't let things bother me that much.

I so do like it here and won't leave......but sometimes may just lurk :cool :fear

That is always an option ya know.

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Actaully not just leaving DGN but the whole scene. I feel way to isolated out in the badlands of Lansing and I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels socially with the detroit scene. Nothing agaisnt anyone of the boards, I just feel that most of my efforts to be more social have been rebuffed. Kinda sad really so I'm more gaurded. I lurk on dgn more then anything as sometimes i think my opinions are stupid or I'm being ignorent about things being so much disconnected form the epicenter of the detroit scence. Additioanlly, it seems so imperosnal meeeting up at a club and basically introducing yourself to random people you recognize form the board. Maybe thats just me being shy? ehh *wanders off to ponder*


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Actaully not just leaving DGN but the whole scene. I feel way to isolated out in the badlands of Lansing and I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels socially with the detroit scene. Nothing agaisnt anyone of the boards, I just feel that most of my efforts to be more social have been rebuffed. Kinda sad really so I'm more gaurded. I lurk on dgn more then anything as sometimes i think my opinions are stupid or I'm being ignorent about things being so much disconnected form the epicenter of the detroit scence. Additioanlly, it seems so imperosnal meeeting up at a club and basically introducing yourself to random people you recognize form the board. Maybe thats just me being shy? ehh *wanders off to ponder*



I felt kinda like that too when I lived in GR.. but I got to know alot of people better and the situation improved immensely.

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Actaully not just leaving DGN but the whole scene. I feel way to isolated out in the badlands of Lansing and I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels socially with the detroit scene. Nothing agaisnt anyone of the boards, I just feel that most of my efforts to be more social have been rebuffed. Kinda sad really so I'm more gaurded. I lurk on dgn more then anything as sometimes i think my opinions are stupid or I'm being ignorent about things being so much disconnected form the epicenter of the detroit scence. Additioanlly, it seems so imperosnal meeeting up at a club and basically introducing yourself to random people you recognize form the board. Maybe thats just me being shy? ehh *wanders off to ponder*



Hey, quit yer complaining!

I'm stuck over here too, but 3 hours away! (just kidding - I am the queen of complaining).

I know just what you mean though. It's tough. I would move if I could but I can't do it at the moment, so I go to the clubs when I can and other than that, socialize on the board when I can. Not a perfect solution, but I just have nothing in common with most people in this conservative town.

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Actaully not just leaving DGN but the whole scene. I feel way to isolated out in the badlands of Lansing and I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels socially with the detroit scene. Nothing agaisnt anyone of the boards, I just feel that most of my efforts to be more social have been rebuffed. Kinda sad really so I'm more gaurded. I lurk on dgn more then anything as sometimes i think my opinions are stupid or I'm being ignorent about things being so much disconnected form the epicenter of the detroit scence. Additioanlly, it seems so imperosnal meeeting up at a club and basically introducing yourself to random people you recognize form the board. Maybe thats just me being shy? ehh *wanders off to ponder*



Imagine how I feel. I live just a little further away than you do. :whistling

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it seems so imperosnal meeeting up at a club and basically introducing yourself to random people you recognize form the board. Maybe thats just me being shy? ehh *wanders off to ponder*



Actually, Jon and I used to be very anti-social. But since returning from NC, we've met a LOT of DGN'ers just this way - showing up at CC and getting introduced to people. We used to go just to dance and stick to ourselves. Now, we rarely get time to dance we're so busy talking to DGN'ers we've met. And we're loving it.

It would help if someone would volunteer to do that for you - and if you'd like, Jon and I will. =)

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Actually, not just leaving DGN, but the whole scene. I feel way too isolated out in the badlands of Lansing and I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels socially with the detroit scene. Nothing agaisnt anyone of the boards, I just feel that most of my efforts to be more social have been rebuffed. Kinda sad really, so I'm more guarded. I lurk on dgn more then anything as sometimes I think my opinions are stupid or I'm being ignorent about things being so much disconnected from the epicenter of the detroit scene. Additioanlly, it seems so impersonal meeeting up at a club and basically introducing yourself to random people you recognize form the board. Maybe thats just me being shy? ehh *wanders off to ponder*


yes it is.

You're given a bad hand here in Lansing. You've got Hille, who's ridiculously cool but hardly goes out and me who (although not nearly as cool) usually can't even go when I want to. I keep meaning to go to Necto, but I usuallly have to be home by midnight or I turn into a pumpkin (long story)

so it doesnt seem worth it.

I went to Luna for the first time, and there was literally no one on the dance floor at 10:30

Then at midnight, when I left, there were like 6 people.

Otherwise I'd be introducing you to everyone, that is once Ive met them. :grin

And no opinions are stupid. unless intentionally so.

I hear all this whining about how 'people donrt respond to my posts' 'people think Im stupid' 'Im just a loser' 'everyone ignores me' and I'm like

"Stop that, voices in my head"

What Ive come to the conclusion is, people respond to posts for 2 reasons

1 Youve touched a nerve. That is usually only a good thing when it is your goal to piss people off. Im an expert at this.

2They thought it was really compelling or funny or they related completely to you posts and HAD to respond

Has anyone ever noticed that the there are always 10x the views than there are responses?

Often times posts are read and we find them








( those are often the most interesting)

but we dont respond EVEN if we like them because we're tired or depressed or busy and we just cant respond to it.

But we still LIKE the post.

There's even a last category I call "Holy shit"

That is reserved for the posts that are a little too intense or personal that you look at and you'

re like

"Wow, dont know how to respond to that one"

I'm pretty good at this one, too

So, I wouldnt worry. Ive always liked what you have to say and Im sure others have too.

If I was at a different place in my life, Id be splitting gas and seeing all you crazies every week.

And as apparently the only man who hasnt hit on DD's wife, I think Ive still got protection. :fear :fear :cool

If you really want to show off your intellectual prowess and get noticed, go into a political thread and pick the liberal side. You can flex your muscles and feel superior and get heated responses from a couple of our resident neo-cons who also flex their muscles and feel superior

Otherwise, just post and know that we are silently enjoying reading what you have to say. :cool

Hey, quit yer complaining! 

I'm stuck over here too, but 3 hours away!  (just kidding - I am the queen of complaining).

I know just what you mean though.  It's tough.  I would move if I could but I can't do it at the moment, so I go to the clubs when I can and other than that, socialize on the board when I can.  Not a perfect solution, but I just have nothing in common with most people in this conservative town.

GR fucking sucks. I was up there for a time and I felt bored and yet extremely interested in Amway products at the same time.


Take note TLS: Lansing's bad but it could be worse, much worse.

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It could be worse.. you could live in the middle of Michigan's woods... far from anything except trees and animal droppings.

Out in the woods can be a niice thing sometimes. Peace and quiet... and all the beauty of nature. :happy:

Proximity to friends and "stuff" is good too though... :whistling

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Out in the woods can be a niice thing sometimes.  Peace and quiet... and all the beauty of nature.  :happy:

Proximity to friends and "stuff" is good too though...  :whistling


I've lived in both types of places. I once owned 5 acres with a house right in the middle of it. The woods SUCK ROYALLY after awhile. Better to just visit them now and then than have to drive 45 minutes to get a damn gallon of milk and walk an acre and a half just to pick up the mail.

It could be worse than where I live, yes. Living in the south made me want to climb a tower and start shooting.

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