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I stopped posting cause some people on here took a stab at something very personal with me. I got angry. Said a few rude things and left.

But you can't always let someone elses opinion of you or your situations ruin your day.


This is something I really need to learn. Someone in my life right now has way too much control over my emotions (nobody on DGN) and I'm realizing the only person I have to blame is me. :/

Very good to see you around here again. Pull up a chair and stay a bit. :)

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So now I've been given another reason to leave.  Tired of the BS high school drama.  Tired of false accusations because of someone elses actions.  Why is it some people cannot accept the responsibility of their own actions, that they have to make it look like it's someone elses fault.  Seems like only a chosen few are allowed to have a bad mood, be depressed otherwise it's being faked to get attention.  I had a feeling somehow that something would happen and I would end up in the drama.  Guess I'm the type of guy who is always at fault.


not sure exactly what is going on. It's none of my business, but I'd like to see you stay Draco. Hope you change your mind, especially if it has to do with only maybe one person or a few.

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I've found there's another reason or two people don't respond to posts sometimes.

If the information/opinion given is spot-on or irrefutable, people either don't feel a need to respond, or don't want to admit you're right.

For instance, GothicMom, Lilith, Holliwood and many others are very, very good at offering suggestions on everything from recipes, hair colouring, saving money at the grocery store, etc. When they offer information like this, there's often no need to respond with anything but a "thank you". And I admit, that's something I don't always do, and I have felt like an ass about it. I'll try to be better about that in the future.

Also, and this happens in the politics forum a lot, there's the case of a debate going on and someone comes up with a good, irrefutable point that the opposing party KNOWS they can't counter - yet they don't have the balls to post a message conceding the point. Rarely do I see either side say, "you know, you have a good point there, and I can't argue with that". Instead, they just disappear from the conversation.

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being that i am only 1/4 goth (1/4 English 1/4 german, 3/32 native etc) I only devote a small portion of my time to the goth sceen. I spend most of my time socializing with Military/War people, gun nuts, Rap Gangstas, Waiters, truck Drivers, politicians, and authors.... it makes it easier to find somthing to do... but that is just me.

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I stopped posting cause some people on here took a stab at something very personal with me.


not sure exactly what is going on.  It's none of my business, but I'd like to see you stay Draco.  Hope you change your mind, especially if it has to do with only maybe one person or a few.

I'd check out the CC aftermath thread.

10 sec summary for the lazy-

Everyone started kissing at CC. DD's wife kissed Draco. DD got angry and threatened him. Draco was bewildered since everyone thought DD and his wife had an open marriage.

I personally think it'll blow over.

Hey, Draco, you've got a lot more pissing off to do before we'll let you go. And this is coming from a guy who even has snack crackers looking to kick his ass.

(I don't go anywhere now without Nature Valley Granola bars.

They're tough.

They're protein rich

And there's two of them in every pouch, so Im twice as ready to rumble :tongue: )

Also, and this happens in the politics forum a lot, there's the case of a debate going on and someone comes up with a good, irrefutable point that the opposing party KNOWS they can't counter - yet they don't have the balls to post a message conceding the point. Rarely do I see either side say, "you know, you have a good point there, and I can't argue with that". Instead, they just disappear from the conversation.

There are two other reason to not to keep responding in a political forum.

1 You realize, "I'll never agree with his/her opinion and s/he'll never agree with mine" so you stop.

2 Arguing about politics is tiring.

(I write VERY slowly. And my posts used to be very very long. So after writing and rewriting a post for an hour, it takes a toll)

I got drained at some point, and said "Im through with this" which was awesome because at that exact moment Crunchy Pickle took my place :grin

It gave me some free time.

I think he in turn said the same later.

That must have been a tough decision

Fight with the Dark, spend time with FarrIL

Fight with the Dark, spend time with FarrIL

Fight with the Dark, spend time with FarrIL

Politics arent allowed in the love nest, anyway :wink

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Guest Game of Chance

The only thing that has ever made think about leaving is:

to get away from the people on this board that keep bringing up old drama and not getting on with their lives.

There are a few on this board that take it way too seriously.

However, I like Troy, and I like what he's trying to do, so I stay and try to increase our membership whenever possible. If nothing else, in the hope that the new posters will overshadow the dramaqueens.

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The only thing that has ever made think about leaving is:

to get away from the people on this board that keep bringing up old drama and not getting on with their lives.

There are a few on this board that take it way too seriously.

However, I like Troy, and I like what he's trying to do, so I stay and try to increase our membership whenever possible.  If nothing else, in the hope that the new posters will overshadow the dramaqueens.


well i am glad to hear you like ME TOO :tongue:

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True Brenda but I think you know signifiacantly more people then I do and your in another state! Damn social aniexity disorders, Furthermore I cant imagine you feeling kinda ehh about the whole scene your the life of the DGN!


Pfft! I'm not the life of this site. Phee is!

Baltimore is a large city, and it's not far from other large cities (Philly, DC, etc.).  So, there must be a number of cool things to do in your area.  I'm sure there must be goth-y people and places in Maryland too...


It's not as cool, really.

I stopped posting cause some people on here took a stab at something very personal with me. I got angry. Said a few rude things and left.

But you can't always let someone elses opinion of you or your situations ruin your day.


Glad to see you here!

i can't leave...

something in our mod contracts...

something like "troy owns your soul" blah blah blah "all eternity" blah blah blah - something like that ...

that and i am chained to this chair and am whipped if i don't type.  :whip



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I came and went then came back thinking people on here gave a fuck ( which they dont ) then left, now back . .now I just dont care.. im on here just becuase I am on here. I have been here ( since the begining ( kinda) ) just one of those things u just cannot leave alone I guess.. troy u rock !

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The only thing that has ever made think about leaving is:

to get away from the people on this board that keep bringing up old drama and not getting on with their lives.

There are a few on this board that take it way too seriously.

However, I like Troy, and I like what he's trying to do, so I stay and try to increase our membership whenever possible.  If nothing else, in the hope that the new posters will overshadow the dramaqueens.

Here's another reason I've had for thinking of leaving.

The posters who have MAJOR anger problems they havent dealt with. Unchaste was surrounded by their type at the Slipknot concert.

Anyway, they're always the kind to say offensive things and then say "Hey I was just kidding.

Lighten up. Take a joke. Don't be so serious"

Until you touch a nerve and post about something they dont like.

EVEN if it's political.

and has NOTHING to do with them

THEY'RE the ones to take it personally.

And they need YOU as an outlet for THEIR anger problems.

So then you start getting PMs because THEY can't get on with THEIR lives after your impersonal posts.

They're bullies and when you say things that piss them off, they threaten YOU so you'll go away.

It kind of reminds me of when I was in Junior High and I got into a verbal argument with someone and he finally said " Hey, you wanna fight"

I responded,

"Why? I'll get beaten up and you'll still be an idiot"

(I think I had to duck him for a couple weeks.)

The big difference here is my jr high guy didnt have friends who could make up 3 different aliases to continue the harassment.

(Its often hard to move on from "old drama" when the problems persist :blink )

But my favorite part is


when you report them, it's

"Wha? Huh? That whole threatening their safety thing was just a joke. Look we all joke about kicking each others asses in anger filled tones. Lighten Up! What a drama queen"

when THEY were the one who took things to heart in the first place.

It's classic projection. They've taken things so seriously, that they have to accuse you of it to take heat off of them.

It's in every school in the country.

I had a friend who was a counselor promoting this anti-bullying campaign (it's nationwide now)

He said, "I had this kid come into my office. He'd just beaten the tar out of some other kid. I told him

' Why'd you do it? Why would you rearrange that poor guys face?'

' It was a joke. Lighten up, man. Don't be so dramatic?'

'Really, how funny do you think he found it?'

<dead silence>

I dont like dealing with people who have so much anger, they seek out people who dont agree wtih them to threaten and bully

I avoid them in real life, so they make me consider leaving here.

Maybe there'd be less drama queens if there were less people with anger issues causing drama.

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I came and went then came back thinking people on here gave a fuck ( which they dont ) then left, now back . .now I just dont care.. im on here just becuase I am on here. I have been here ( since the begining ( kinda) ) just one of those things u just cannot leave alone I guess.. troy u rock !

This may seem like an odd change of tone from my last post but,

yes, they do give a fuck.

At least some of them.

It's like any other community. You have good and bad people.

And the "good" people are ones that others on here think are assholes

and vice versa.

Let me correct myself.

This is better than an average community.

Because people like Troy really give a shit that things run smoothly.

He's not a poltitician. He has no special interests to pay back.

And most of the other mods care deeply too.

You'll always have your core group.

The ones that mean a lot to you, if you're open to it.

And my philosophy is,

if you have a problem with someone, make it known and get it dealt with.

Of course, Im very stubborn. :happy:

There really are fantastic people here.

If I leave, it'll probably be because of the benefit to my life/job (i should be prepping for work or talking to Hille right now) :doh

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Guest Game of Chance

Here's another reason I've had for thinking of leaving. 

The posters who have MAJOR anger problems they havent dealt with. Unchaste was surrounded by their type at the Slipknot concert.

Anyway,  they're always the kind to say offensive things and then say "Hey I was just kidding.

Lighten up. Take a joke.  Don't be so serious"

Until you touch a nerve and post about something they dont like.

EVEN if it's political.

and has NOTHING to do with them

THEY'RE the ones to take it personally.

And they need YOU as an outlet for THEIR anger problems.

So then you start getting PMs because THEY can't get on with THEIR lives after your impersonal posts. 

They're bullies and when you say things that piss them off, they threaten YOU so you'll go away.  

It kind of reminds me of when I was in Junior High and I got into a verbal argument with someone and he finally said " Hey, you wanna fight" 

I responded,

"Why? I'll get beaten up and you'll  still be an idiot" 

(I think I had to duck him for a couple weeks.)

The big difference here is my jr high guy didnt have friends who could make up 3 different aliases to continue the harassment.

(Its often hard to move on from "old drama" when the problems persist :blink )

But my favorite part is


when you report them, it's

"Wha?  Huh?  That whole threatening their safety thing was just a joke.  Look we all joke about kicking each others asses in anger filled tones.  Lighten Up! What a drama queen"

when THEY were the one who took things to heart in the first place.

It's classic projection.  They've taken things so seriously, that they have to accuse you of it to take heat off of them.

It's in every school in the country.

I had a friend who was a counselor promoting this anti-bullying campaign (it's nationwide now)

He said, "I had this kid come into my office.  He'd just beaten the tar out of some other kid.  I told him

' Why'd you do it? Why would you rearrange that poor guys face?'

' It was a joke. Lighten up, man. Don't be so dramatic?'

'Really, how funny do you think he found it?'  

<dead silence>

I dont like dealing with people who have so much anger, they seek out people who dont agree wtih them to threaten and bully

I avoid them in real life, so they make me consider leaving here.

Maybe there'd be less drama queens if there were less people with anger issues causing drama.


Do you have some kind of guilty concious? I wasn't referring to anyone in particular, just the general drama on the board. There's so much more fun to be had here without it, and this is a classic example.

I'm not sure why you quoted me...and then made mention of people with anger issues causing drama.

Anyone and everyone on this board who has met me knows that I am the happiest, most go-lucky person that they could meet.

Thanks for the support though.

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Some time last year I quit all of my online haunts- no big deal drama-laden reason, I just decided it was time to pursue offline pursuits since I was spending entirely too much time on the computer.

A lot of people asked me why I "left DGN" but really there was no reason. I ended up "coming back" because back in May I was at cc and met a bunch of people who all said they were on the board, who seemed cool and worth knowing. I remembered how DGN was a springboard for me to make friends in this state when I was a fresh east coast import and knew no one, so why could it not do the same again? So here I am.

Other assorted thoughts on this subject:

DGN really is more of a community-type atmosphere than most online spaces. That is a wonderful thing, but it can be a double-edged sword. It can lull people into a false sense of security, where they end up sharing deeply personal things and then get hurt and angry when they get a reaction they didn't want. You are still posting on the Internet, for the world to see. If you're not comfortable sharing something with a complete stranger, and that yes it will be taken out of context because these people really don't know you, don't post it.

It always puzzles me when someone gets upset with someone on here and says something to the effect of, "I thought this group was different." Misunderstandings, miscommunications, hurt feelings, things said in anger, things taken the wrong way, are all part of the experience of interacting with other human beings. At times we are all judgmental, or bitchy, or hypocrites, as much as we try not to be.

There is always a signal to noise ratio- some people are just jerks, or immature, or 24/7 drama bunnies. These people do not concern me (any more than they have to, as a mod). I have enough drama and pain and complications in my own life without getting worked up over someone's post.

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Guest Game of Chance

Nice post, Angela.

I hear you about the not letting the drama bother you.

Maybe its just a pipe of dream of mine that my job as a mod is done when there is nothing more to moderate.

It would be great if everyone could get along and actually "play nice" all of the time.

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:blink Drunk post. Skip me i fyou already don't have me on ignore. I don't care whatever.

I hate the fucking drama, and I wish if people has some problem with each other they could just fuckingsay i tto someones faces insrtread of beign a child and hiding behind a computer screen. You got an issue with me? tell me at cc...theres a good cahnce i don' t like you either. I come here to escape my shitty fucking day to day life adn i don't want to come here and have to see people i care about being insulted becuase someone shit in your cornflakes.

The ignore function is greatthough sometimes i take a peeka nd see if the posts are worth reading again or if the sight of their avatar makes me want to stab myself...sometimes yes sometimes no.

I'll proaby delete tomorrow since today makes no sence and will be ignored and forgotten like the shitty cornflakes.

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Nice post, Angela.

I hear you about the not letting the drama bother you. 

Maybe its just a pipe of dream of mine that my job as a mod is done when there is nothing more to moderate.

It would be great if everyone could get along and actually "play nice" all of the time.


Thanks! :happy:

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I hate the fucking drama, and I wish if people has some problem with each other they could just fuckingsay i tto someones faces insrtread of beign a child and hiding behind a computer screen. You got an issue with me? tell me at cc...theres a good cahnce i don' t like you either.  I come here to escape my shitty fucking day to day life adn i don't want to come here and have to see people i care about being insulted becuase someone shit in your cornflakes. 

The ignore function is greatthough sometimes i take a peeka nd see if the posts are worth reading again or if the sight of their avatar makes me want to stab myself...sometimes yes sometimes no.

I'll proaby delete tomorrow since today makes no sence and will be ignored and forgotten like the shitty cornflakes.


No, it does make sense.

I notice there is a tendency to post things on boards like this that you'd never say to someone's face (myself included). On another board I almost lost a dear friend due to my big mouth. Someone edited it while I cooled down and realized it was a misunderstanding and I am grateful for the last minute save.

Sometimes I think we forget we are real people communicating here and not just text on a screen.

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Do you have some kind of guilty concious?  I wasn't referring to anyone in particular, just the general drama on the board.  There's so much more fun to be had here without it, and this is a classic example.

I'm not sure why you quoted me...and then made mention of people with anger issues causing drama.

Anyone and everyone on this board who has met me knows that I am the happiest, most go-lucky person that they could meet.

Thanks for the support though.

No guilty conscious. It seemed interesting for you to post that after my post.

I also wasnt referring to you personally, as Ive never had a problem with you-nor has anyone else to my knowlege-

but using what you said as a jumping off point for others you know who...you probably know who Im talking about.

Although I will not concede giving you support since you seem altogether too happy and well-adjusted to be on this board :tongue:

My main points are valid though.

I hate threatening, angry people

I hate threatening, angry people

I hate threatening, angry people


Ive become the hulk!

:blink  Drunk post.  Skip me i fyou already don't have me on ignore.  I don't care whatever.

I hate the fucking drama, and I wish if people has some problem with each other they could just fuckingsay i tto someones faces insrtread of beign a child and hiding behind a computer screen. You got an issue with me? tell me at cc...theres a good cahnce i don' t like you either.   I come here to escape my shitty fucking day to day life adn i don't want to come here and have to see people i care about being insulted becuase someone shit in your cornflakes. 

The ignore function is greatthough sometimes i take a peeka nd see if the posts are worth reading again or if the sight of their avatar makes me want to stab myself...sometimes yes sometimes no.

I'll proaby delete tomorrow since today makes no sence and will be ignored and forgotten like the shitty cornflakes.

Quite coherent for a drunk person!

On a different note Im a little numb right now, having just read the Troy threads.

I really hope the man's okay :fear :fear :fear =( =( =( =( =(

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Guest Game of Chance

Although I will not concede giving you support since you seem altogether too happy and well-adjusted to be on this board :tongue:

I really don't understand why you feel the need to take backhanded stabs at me. I don't recall ever doing anything to you.

Hmm...I'm happy and well-adjusted because I applied myself and focused on myself rather than others....this resulted in success in life on some level. I can only wish you the same.

Good luck.

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I really don't understand why you feel the need to take backhanded stabs at me.  I don't recall ever doing anything to you.

Hmm...I'm happy and well-adjusted because I applied myself and focused on myself rather than others....this resulted in success in life on some level.  I can only wish you the same.

Good luck.

Um, I was complimenting you.

Anyway, there's no point in doing a back and forth. No NEW drama =)

Besides, Im not up for anything now. Damn, I cant believe Troy's laid up right now =( =(

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