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:blink  Drunk post.  Skip me i fyou already don't have me on ignore.  I don't care whatever.

I hate the fucking drama, and I wish if people has some problem with each other they could just fuckingsay i tto someones faces insrtread of beign a child and hiding behind a computer screen. You got an issue with me? tell me at cc...theres a good cahnce i don' t like you either.  I come here to escape my shitty fucking day to day life adn i don't want to come here and have to see people i care about being insulted becuase someone shit in your cornflakes. 

The ignore function is greatthough sometimes i take a peeka nd see if the posts are worth reading again or if the sight of their avatar makes me want to stab myself...sometimes yes sometimes no.

I'll proaby delete tomorrow since today makes no sence and will be ignored and forgotten like the shitty cornflakes.


What the hell do cornflakes have to do with anything?

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This may seem like an odd change of tone from my last post but,

yes, they do give a fuck. 

At least some of them. 

It's like any other community.  You have good and bad people. 

And the "good" people are ones that others on here think are assholes

and vice versa.

Let me correct myself. 

This is better than an average community.

Because people like Troy really give a shit that things run smoothly.

He's not a poltitician.  He has no special interests to pay back.

And most of the other mods care deeply too.

You'll always have your core group. 

The ones that mean a lot to you, if you're open to it. 

And my philosophy is,

if you have a problem with someone, make it known and get it dealt with.

Of course, Im very stubborn.  :happy:

There really are fantastic people here. 

If I leave, it'll probably be because of the benefit to my life/job  (i should be prepping for work or talking to Hille right now)  :doh


You know I only sign on to DGN about once a month and everytime I notice that you are fueding with someone different, you couldn't even avoid "drama" in this thread, I don't want you to take this the wrong way but have you tried taking another tact in regards to your persona on the internet? Also, kindly and gently, I am going for my PhD in Psychology and your use of certain terms in the field are incorrect. I don't mean to sound mean, just offering a friendly suggestion. =)

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Maybe there'd be less drama queens if there were less people with anger issues causing drama.

There'd be less anger issues if parents/gaurdians got the mental help they need and in turn raised their children in a more healthy way. It's the rare child that comes out of a home where caretakers are abusive, abscent, uncaring or just plain emotionally unavailable and is still reasonably well-adjusted. It's so frustrating that these patterns of behavior just get passed on from one generation to the next, instead of getting dealt with.

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Thank you, Dark Angel. You said what A LOT of others have been thinking and saying off the board.

You know I only sign on to DGN about once a month and everytime I notice that you are fueding with someone different, you couldn't even avoid "drama" in this thread, I don't want you to take this the wrong way but have you tried taking another tact in regards to your persona on the internet?    Also, kindly and gently, I am going for my PhD in Psychology and your use of certain terms in the field are incorrect.  I don't mean to sound mean, just offering a friendly suggestion.  =)

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You know I only sign on to DGN about once a month and everytime I notice that you are fueding with someone different, you couldn't even avoid "drama" in this thread, I don't want you to take this the wrong way but have you tried taking another tact in regards to your persona on the internet?    Also, kindly and gently, I am going for my PhD in Psychology and your use of certain terms in the field are incorrect.  I don't mean to sound mean, just offering a friendly suggestion.  =)

I apologize if I misused the word projection. I dont know any other psychological terms Ive been using.

As for drama with different people every month.

Some of them Ive been told, are the exact same person. Outside of literally, two people on this board, I have no ill will toward anybody.

And taking Troy's example of decency to all, I think I'll be changing my view on them as well.

Even the "drama" on this thread stemmed partly from a PM a got a little while ago.

Dont believe everything you read, I guess.

Anyway I havent received any correspondence from anyone recently, except for a compliment from someone about my posting in the Troy thread and PMs from a special someone, so it's probably all water under the bridge.

I dont think you'll ever see drama involving me again

except the pining, woe is me, gothy kind :happy:


To quote a PM I got recently, "It's over," and nevermore to be found around here =)

You know I'll be honest.

This whole Troy thing is really fucking with me right now. =(

I dont want to engage anyone at this point.

I wish you all well. Let's all try to be a little more kind to one another.


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This may seem like an odd change of tone from my last post but,

yes, they do give a fuck. 

At least some of them. 

It's like any other community.  You have good and bad people. 

And the "good" people are ones that others on here think are assholes

and vice versa.

Let me correct myself. 

This is better than an average community.

Because people like Troy really give a shit that things run smoothly.

He's not a poltitician.  He has no special interests to pay back.

And most of the other mods care deeply too.

You'll always have your core group. 

The ones that mean a lot to you, if you're open to it. 

And my philosophy is,

if you have a problem with someone, make it known and get it dealt with.

Of course, Im very stubborn.  :happy:

There really are fantastic people here. 

If I leave, it'll probably be because of the benefit to my life/job  (i should be prepping for work or talking to Hille right now)  :doh


I have to agree with you on this 100%

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I hear ya gothicmom.  A lot of my posts get ignored too.  I just figure they weren't important enough to be replied too.

I've seen it on other boards and especially chatrooms.

HH...I'm still looking forward to meeting you someday.

(joking part)  Can I stare at you like a love sick teen or a lost puppy??  I promise NOT to ask for any pics.  (just trying to get a smile out of you, I know, bad subject to choose, I'm good at that)

Slowly some of the people here are becoming extended family.  1 person in particular, you know who you are, has been helping me keep my head straight and focused properly and I thank you for that.  Maybe now my posts will sound less pathetic and more joking when I post about myself.  There are others who have helped make me feel welcome and I thank them.  There are many others I look forward to meeting one day.

YES, I have considered leaving for a few reasons, 1 already stated above.  My main reason for considering it is my age.  Wondering if I fit in etc etc...  Saw a guy at Luna's last week.  Got me wondering if I was like that, single guy trying to fit in, trying to dance with ladies who just moved away thinking what a creep(if that is what they were thinking altho the way they looked at him, one wonders what they were thinking, didn't look good)  So it got me wondering if people would see me like that here.  If I was more an outsider looking in thru a window.(weird random thoughts strike again)  Anyway I decided to give it more time, time to meet more peole and see where it goes so for now I am sticking around even tho the run away and hide feelings are getting stronger.  Sorry if I hijacked the thread.

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I can't leave you guys...I don't have real friends just you ! LMAO


Well, golly, last time I checked I was real, hehe. though, I can't seem to ever find you when I'm out and about ~ one day I shall! :)

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Well, golly, last time I checked I was real, hehe.  though, I can't seem to ever find you when I'm out and about ~ one day I shall!  :)


:ohmy: I'[m not dodging you my beauty...i could never do that to Onyx my pain free friend!

I was just bein' silly w/ ya :happy:

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leave oh no not that please don't make me leave I...I..I..I just couldn't take it i would die, just die. And besides none of you know where I live and don't know where to find me............HAHAHAHAHA

Their coming to take me away

Their coming to take me away

HA HA HE HE to the funny farm

Where life is beautiful all the time

and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white jackets

And their coming to take away

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Gonna jump in the water here for a few. Eternal, thanks dude.

Game of Chance, you opened your house to me the first night we hung out at Luna's, a bunch of us sat, talked, listened to music both radio and played. You made me feel very welcome, Thank you.

Saephyr, you rock my world sweetie, Bean, so do you. The two of you have also made me feel very welcome, Thank you.

Holliwood, Zuch, unchaste and the others I have met, you all have made me feel welcome and I thank you.

No, I'm not leaving, just recognizing those who I have met most, hung out with most.

Right now I may be a bit of a drama queen with what is going on with my mom. I have no family other than a few close friends so sometimes I just need to vent a little. I hope you all can understand this and tolerate this for a few days.

I know I have been part of some of the drama on here and I wish to apologize to all who have had to deal with it. I am sorry it spilled onto here. There are a lot of nice people here and I do appreciate the fact that I will have the chance one day to meet some of you. I look forward to that day. Thank you for reading this.

*breaks out in song "Why can't we be friends"*

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