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Halloween [10/31, Mon] DGN @ Necto Aftermath

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I was there. It was pretty crazy last night. TONS of people. The crowd was way more mixed compared to normal mondays, but it was halloween.

Some freakin great costumes as well. the guy dressed as the shamen so should've won.

The red room was nuts this time as well. They had sme really dark and hard drum n bass goin on down there. Could've done without the MC over it but thats just me.

over-all... probably one of the best nights at necto in a long time

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red room?  I missed a whole fucking room?  where is that at?

so Nectos not usually this busy

or cool?


haha necto has always been a pretty great place. Used to go there every thursday when they would bring in big name DJ's. Mondays arent usually as packed but they are fun. Sorta like a nice mix between CC and Luna. And for the price of admission and the drink specials all night its damn worth it!

the Red Room is passed the bathrooms... which if you didnt venture to them are down in the maze of hallways and stairs...

The Red Room is ratehr small but has a bar and they usually do another style of music down there for those who need a break/got dragged to whatever event by their friends. Im amazed they are leaving the patios open so long as well. It was nice to catch some fresh air.

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I was there last night with Tearsandrille and KittyKat Kat as well as two other Lansing people. The night was very good. Lots of people, good mix of ages and styles and of course Necto is a great club for talking or dancing. I saw several DGN people but didn’t do a whole lot of socializing in between dancing and drinking. The club was really packed both in the red room and the main floor. Hell, even the patio was wall to wall people. I've been going o Necto Mondays since it started and that may well have been the highest attendance I can recall. I got their early (I was wearing and Anubis leather mask) at about 10 after nine and got my drink on with the cheap long islands. At about 1030 the club was filled up and it only got more packed as the night went on. The costumes where great and very sexy, the bar staff as always was unbelievable even under a huge demand. Jinx spun (I especially dug some of the old school stuff during the first hour the club was open, haven’t heard some of that in a club in years) a great set and was out as usual making an ass of himself with the rest of having a good time. In conclusion, Necto was an amazing time and more of you need to come out.


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Ah The Necto...I was there along with Unchaste and Vyriz came along with us. I was dressed as the normal douchebag i am bondage pants and GNR shirt and all but had a collar and leash on as I was unchastes pet :grin , Unchaste was wearing a prom dress and had the cross burn (god i love that) and Vyriz had on the Helsing costume. I did meet some people I haven't met before...

Anyways, I FINALLY got to talk to Zhukov for a min, each time I see him and Holliwood i always get to say hi and talk with her but hes always so busy! Saechalyn was there, looking great as always. Saw Msterbeau and bullshitted for a min which is always awesome. I got to see MorbidSuicide for about a min before we left for CC...Its always awesome to see you Charlie!

Now to the CC thread as we left Necto after like an hour, hour and a half there.

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If memory serves, near a gladiator and Marie Antoinette.  Cool outfits! If they had a couples prize, they'd win for sure.  I kept wondering though,  wouldnt it be hot in there? and uncomfortable to dance in? 


Hehe, I think you'll get your answers, that was our very own ZhukovCodeslinger and Holliwood!!!!

And I was there in my DGN Fairy outfit. :)

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Holli and I had a great time.... my "Roman" costume was not too hard to dance in, but for modesty sake I chose not to.

Ill probablyl wear it again sometime since it is mine forever!

(same goes for holliwoods costume.... though she looks far cuter in hers than I did in mine)

The one thing I could have done without were the drunk morons who felt the need to punch my armor and then complain that it hurt their hands.... I thought it was pretty obvious that it was steel. I guess these are the same people that would stick their hands in a running garbage disposal to see how it fealt and then complain it hurt afterwards.

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