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[11/05, Sat] DGN @ City Club Aftermath


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The night (in no particular order): Got drunk (me? NO, NEVER!! :blink ) saw my peoples, got "checked out" by a hottie then made out with him for a bit. Made out with a few other dudes. Chatted, bitched about things, drank some more. Danced a whole lot, (yet again attempted to convince Lady W to join the bi side, hehe) made out with some guy, got felt up, drove home alone (my choice...it's celibacy weekend). So yeah, the night ended up being better than I thought it would be. My hangover was gone by the time I got there. Cheers!! Oh and I'm a bit sad that someone didn't show up...bitch :spank hehe

Damn it Dave, how am I supposed to make money when the insurance hasn't kicked in? You know the customers like it toothless! And I gots teeth!! :pimp

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The night (in no particular order): Got drunk (me? NO, NEVER!!  :blink ) saw my peoples, got "checked out" by a hottie then made out with him for a bit.  Made out with a few other dudes.  Chatted, bitched about things, drank some more.  Danced a whole lot, (yet again attempted to convince Lady W to join the bi side, hehe) made out with some guy, got felt up, drove home alone (my choice...it's celibacy weekend).  So yeah, the night ended up being better than I thought it would be.  My hangover was gone by the time I got there.  Cheers!!  Oh and I'm a bit sad that someone didn't show up...bitch :spank hehe

Damn it Dave, how am I supposed to make money when the insurance hasn't kicked in?  You know the customers like it toothless!  And I gots teeth!! :pimp


Looks Like I missed a good night. Glad someone made the most of the evening.

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Wasnt the best night I had by any means.


Wow. Us, too.

By far, the worst evening we've had there in years - I guess not counting the 3-1/2 year exile in NC. :wink

It was cool meeting a few new people - JustDave, WheresMyPiggy (You are GREAT), one or two other people who aren't DGN'ers.

And always great chatting with fave peeps we've come to know better - you know who you are.

Onyx, I was so happy to meet you. Sorry if the conversation was somewhat stilted and short - I hope we can meet again under more pleasant circumstances.

Just not a good evening. =(

I think we're going to give CC a break for a weekend or two. Time to hit up some old haunts like The Old Miami, Lilli's, etc.

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I hope you found your id, Jen. Sorry your night went to sh**.

I on the other hand had a great night. Brought my friend Liz with me *a cc virgin* and I know for a fact that she had a great time. Why is it that everyone gets so shocked when I tell them that I'm going celibate for a month? (yes that includes masturbation) <--- Maybe that's it. Anyway, got stood up for a concert so I went. Daddy don't get dressed up for nothin'! Saw lotsa good folks, but memory won't permit me to name names. Got a free drink from a stranger which is always nice. Oh- Who all was scratching my back last night? I still have a few good welts that decided to hang around.

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Sounds kinky kids...couldn't invite poor Saephyr eh?

Evil , bad, naughty DGNrs


I called, you did not answer :tear

It was an okay night. Not the best CC by any means, but I always have a good time with my Ajax.

Sorry we bailed early, it had been a long day in retail hell for the both of us, and we were beat. We'll close out the club one of these weekends, though.

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Damn, what made the night so shitty for you all?  I can see where Jen lost her ID.  But what happened to everyone else?


I had kind of a crappy night too (but was VERY happy to finally meet Critter and Jon and see Saechalyn.

I met two people for the first time and I can not for the LIFE of me remember your handles on here - I am so sorry! Please forgive me and refresh my memory? You were sitting at the tables next to the bar? I wasn't feeling well at all.

A couple of things messed up my night - first of all I had a migraine all afternoon and that in itself tends to mess up my memory and make it impossible to make good conversation.

I just was not myself.

Plus, there were a lot of people there (I arrived a little before 1 a.m.) that made me think I had walked into the wrong club. I have no problem with newbies, but these were people that were obviously there to 1) stir up trouble and attempt to start fights and 2) assholes who think every female at CityClub is just waiting for them to walk up and fuck them.

The music choices were good, but the volume seemed WAY louder than before. Usually I can at least talk in people's ears and make myself understood, but last night it seemed ridiculously loud. A couple of other people mentioned this too.

All in all it was good to get out, but I was relieved when my friend who drove there with me wanted to leave.

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I had kind of a crappy night too (but was VERY happy to finally meet Critter and Jon and see Saechalyn. 


Finally meeting you was the highlight of my evening. =)

A couple of things messed up my night - first of all I had a migraine all afternoon and that in itself tends to mess up my memory and make it impossible to make good conversation.


We were having a dickens of a time with conversation ourselves. Dunno. Things just seemed - forced, no matter who we were talking to. That's such an uncomfortable feeling.

We were having a disagreement between ourselves that put us in a pissy state. We worked things out eventually. But it's rare for us to have to work something out in a public situation, and it just made for discomfort all around.

Our initial impulse was to stay home. We would have (should have) done that, but I wanted to meet Onyx too much.

Plus, there were a lot of people there (I arrived a little before 1 a.m.) that made me think I had walked into  the wrong club.  I have no problem with newbies, but these were people that were obviously there to 1) stir up trouble and attempt to start fights... 


You know, we - or at least I - had the same experience. I went to talk to someone I knew, and someone they knew who I hadn't yet been introduced to noticed my less-than-cheerful expression (how the hell that stood out in a gaggle of freaking GOTHS is beyond me) and said something to the effect of "why so down". I replied that was observant, but that I was fine and inquired as to their identity by asking (exact words), "who are you?" Kinda the same way I ask people, "who are you on DGN or are you at all?" Their response was to say something about me being rude and to leave the area without further explanation.

Now, my drinking was at a minimal last night. And no matter what state of intoxication (or non-intoxication), I keep my manners when meeting new people about me without fail. My tone of voice could in NO way be construed as "rude". So I had to chalk it up to this particular person having the problem, not me, and let it go. Whatthefuckever.

The music choices were good, but the volume seemed WAY louder than before.  Usually I can at least talk in people's ears and make myself understood, but last night it seemed ridiculously loud.  A couple of other people mentioned this too. 


When Jon and I first started going to CC together years ago, we'd sit on the sides of the dancefloor and he'd say to me, "why aren't you dancing?" and I'd say, "I'm waiting for them to play something I can dance to." Last night was the first time since those first visits that the same scene replayed itself like a bad re-run. I just didn't like what I heard, yet I REALLY wanted to dance. I was hearing a lot of borderline techno and industrial-lite with lots of repetitive beats, and that just gets boring to me. My moves are somewhat limited (unless I'm at a club that plays 50's/60's/Disco - can you say Wooly Bully's? :wink), and without some variety in types of songs played, I get bored with myself.

And the music WAS louder. I've always had a problem conversing in the ballroom - I just cannot do it (never think I'm rude when trying to talk to me there - just understand my ear cannot separate your voice from the noise in there and you'd have to just about use a megaphone for me to be able to hear you distinctly). So when I tried to talk to Onyx, I had to move us out of there. Even purgatory wasn't going to work. Once we got out to the bar area, I was STILL having trouble. Never experienced the like there before.

We moved between the dancefloor & the bar area several times, looking for either decent conversation or danceable tunes, and finally gave up about 2:30 and left.

We worked out our disagreement before getting off the expressway, and enjoyed a bite to eat at the local diner. But we both agreed it was a particularly off night all around.

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the cat is back :cat: and it looks like i have fleas with this emoticon. I went last night and it had been like lil over a month since i was last there so it was nice to get out. I ran in to some dgn'rs probably quite literally since i drank too much. had good night met new people danced and all the same ole flirtatious shit.

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Guest Megalicious

Finally meeting you was the highlight of my evening. =)

We were having a dickens of a time with conversation ourselves. Dunno. Things just seemed - forced, no matter who we were talking to. That's such an uncomfortable feeling.

You know, we - or at least I - had the same experience. I went to talk to someone I knew, and someone they knew who I hadn't yet been introduced to noticed my less-than-cheerful expression (how the hell that stood out in a gaggle of freaking GOTHS is beyond me) and said something to the effect of "why so down". I replied that was observant, but that I was fine and inquired as to their identity by asking (exact words), "who are you?" Kinda the same way I ask people, "who are you on DGN or are you at all?"  Their response was to say something about me being rude and to leave the area without further explanation.


EWW. really? beause when I met you, you (and John) were so very nice. Sorry you guys had such a shitty night. I hope it doesn't keep you from venturing out to CC all the time it was a pleasure to meet the two of you. I'd hate to have one shitty person ruin it for all of us lol =)

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