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What kinda meds should I take?

Morbid Side

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I haven't taken anything over the counter in a few years to treat my ADD and Manic-Depression disorder but now I wanna get back on something again. I tried lexapro, I've tried other stuff some good and some really bad but not quite what I was hoping for. The lexapro (sp?) was for my aniexty and depression and I did not like the feeling of being slow and tired all the time. I constantly fight a uphill battle in my mind and it tends to spin especially at work and I have a hard time concentrating and following directions. Sometimes I wonder why I'm here and who the people around me are. I easily forget the important stuff..

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i do not know much about it but i know a few friends who take adderol for Adult adhd or what ever they are calling it now......They have reported good results.....I also have a friend who took one befor he went to take his state boards.... he failed three times..... said he had a hrd time concentrating......so some one said wel thsi will help and he took the adderol and said he never finished a test so quickly in his life and he passed......

Like i said i dont know much other then the few i know hwo take it says it helps but you wold have to talk with your Dr. about it.


^ if you look in the menu this site has places for Remedies..... if you are looking at the natural route i would just goggle cure for adhd add etc.... and compare info on sites and make the best choice for your situation.

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Charlie, my son takes Strattera. It doesn't make him sluggish at all. It just helps him to concentrate. He does very well in school because of this medication.

For those of you who refuse to take meds, fine. However, some people feel as though it would help them. Try to be somewhat supportive while giving your suggestions. If you knew what my son went through, you'd go a little easy on others. Meds are not wrong (in my opinion). Meds have been created for many reasons. My son would never be able to get by without them. Meds are a choice.

Aren't you glad we have choices? :wink

*Edited to point out that my son has Asperger's. It's a high-functioning autism that is treatable, and meds are given on time. Every day.

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It's so strange to me how ADD is viewed differently than any other medical condition.

If you had diabetes you'd try diet and exercise and if that didn't get your blood sugar normal would anyone bash a person for taking insulin?

I would rather avoid drugs if at all possible, of course, but I take my migraine preventative every single day. I've tried many different things (acupuncture, herbs, spent literally thousands of dollars over the years) but Inderal is the only thing that has consistently helped me.

Obviously there are idiots out there who drug their kids and themselves without a second thought, but I do believe there are many cases where careful use of medication can improve the quality of life.

With that said, my daughter has severe ADD and we HAVE tried many many different medications. Sadly nothing has worked for her so far. I'd love to have her on something that does work. We've tried everything on the market and no luck so far. She deals with it, just like I dealt with my pain before I found Inderal, but I would be very happy to find something that would work for her, and am keeping a close eye when new ADD meds come out.

If you decide to try meds, see if you can find yourself a doctor who is experienced in treating ADD. Not all are. Sometimes it's worth going to a specialist. Some neurologists specialize in just that.

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Please consult a professional about the ADD and make sure you find someone who considers diet. I've seen quite a few segments on news shows lately, and read magazine articles about how meds after meds after meds didn't work for some children. They were taken to a doctor who looks at diet considerations and, for instance, took one child off tomatoes of all things - and the change was like night and day.

I do advocate meds if necessary. But sometimes, they aren't the solution.

As for your other problems, I tend to recommend Effexor XR. Though it may not be strong enough to combat the mood swings of bipolarism.

My husband has been on 75 mgs of Effexor XR for going on 3 years now. He suffered from anxiety, and mood swings. On the Effexor, he is just plain normal - not slowed-down, not numb, nothing. Just NORMAL. Able to keep his cool instead of stressing out over minor things.

75 mgs is a starter doseage. Most docs will try to increase you to 150 mgs a day. Jon didn't let them. He's fine on 75 mgs. Not everyone would do as well on a "low" dose like that.

I mainly suggest it 'cause it doesn't change who you are. Just how you handle yourself.

Good luck.

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All I know is, with my divers and all the doc said it would be harmful to me. He said allot of this stuff constipates. I know that is a gross subject but you younger people never think of long term effects. It could hurt you. Make sure your family does not have a history of gastro intestinal problems that are hereditary before you take anything that will mess with your insides.

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babes..if you need meds for a while then use them.

Get things worked out so you don't NEED them anymore and then have your doctor remove them from your daily life. they aren't a CURE anyway just a help.

I like talking to my pain counselor...that makes things very mellow for a while.

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This is a great great topic for discussion because it is so controversial and affects so many different people.

First - let me say that yes there are circumstances where Meds are a viable tell to help with ADD, and various other anomolies. I agree with this.

But next - (and this is just me) I also beleive that Meds also present certain problems, as the dosages need to constantly increase, we often have to turn to other meds once the former no longer proves effective, it absolutely messes with your body's natural chemical processes and creates side effects and most importantly - CAN breed a psychological dependence on the Med assisted lifestyle.

Laura was once on meds (a very tough two years for us) for panic / anxiety disorder. She hated the dependence, she hated the disorder and lack of control, and she hated the constant side effects. We found a Docotr (yes and MD) who told us that her former diagnosis was technically "correct" in that she had social anxiety disorder - but nobody was treating the CAUSE.

He cost me a fortune. Straight up. But he got her off of meds and shes been off of meds for many years now and does not struggle with panic attacks anymore. He treated her with Nutrition, and many suppliments (no drugs - vitamins vitamins vitamins) , and cleaned out her system. He found heavy metals in her system - something very common in AMericans, he found food related allergies that sent her chemicals into chaos (another very common AMerican problem) and he found that her liver was thoroughly over sturated with estrogen. When he put her through the "clean out" phase he warned me that she would lose it for awhile, and she did. Mostly because he flushed out her liver and all the hormones were raging through her. She also learned a series of stretching and breathing excercises that center her and stop the flush of adreniline through her body when it starts to threaten an overload.

And it worked. And everyone else in her family is still on Meds - and think she's the wrong one for going off of them. They ignore the fact - that she no longer has symptoms requiring meds - for years shes been free. Because their own Doctors have said that she should be on them like the rest of the family - that nobody can treat these conditions nutritionally, they have chose to trust exactly that which has them bound.

Personally I beleive that there are many factors that lead up to the plethora of issues that we face today. Environment with its many pollutants. Mercury in the air, and in the fillings in your teeth. Processed food with its general lack of naturally available nutrition (just because vitamins have been added to food does not mean that your body has the ability to synthesize them). Latchkey syndrome. Finanical hardship. Food Allergies. Sugar Intake. Broken Homes. Many things. Overcomplication leads to.....complications. The evidence of which is often seen in the 2nd and 3rd generation.

For those of us who have had to turn to meds, all I ask is will we ever pursue an additional goal that could possibly lead to freedom?


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Having taken Lexapro myself for about 3 years previously. I can say this:

It helped at the time, but I never wanted to be on meds and knew there had to be another way.

I can never understand fully what your ADD does to your mind, since I do not have ADD. I was diagnosed with several things...Bi-polar, Borderline POD...etc...but I really don't like to be labelled with ailments and diagnoses that I think many people use to keep themselves down.

At any rate, here is what I had to do to change my life:

1) Changed my outlook. I had to see that silver lining and force myself to see it when the going got tough and tougher and really really tough.

2) Explore my darkside fully. You cannot slay a demon until you understand it fully. I know seems like a contradiction to #1, but both sides had to be explored.

3) Eliminate options (aka excuses)-

I had to eliminate certain excuses and crutches to fall back on. Make the things that destroy you most NOT an option.

4) Get out and socialize a LOT more. Interacting with people helped me concentrate on them and stop being so self-centered from isolation.

5) Find small things to make yourself feel competent. Sometimes small accomplishments can help ease your mind and feel better.

6) Notice when I was coming up on a manic episode and stop it mentally. There is no reason that I had to INDULGE the manic tendencies and crash and burn hard later. Life can be enjoyed, but the super hi's and super lows can be avoided. It's a matter of gaining a certain amount of control over oneself.

Ok, all this being said my life is far from perfect, but I have come out of major depression, gotten off meds, stopped years of therapy, have learned a lot about me and am moving in a direction I want, no matter how slow. I did write in another thread that I do feel stuck at the moment, BUT what I no longer feel is the need to be on a rollercoaster drama trail of emotions on either side of the richter scale.

I would recommend supplementing B vitamins midday and liquid Colloidal minerals in the morning since they really do help.

Good luck with whatever you do.

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And it worked. And everyone else in her family is still on Meds - and think she's the wrong one for going off of them. They ignore the fact - that she no longer has symptoms requiring meds - for years shes been free. Because their own Doctors have said that she should be on them like the rest of the family - that nobody can treat these conditions nutritionally, they have chose to trust exactly that which has them bound.

I have to second this as well.

My entire family is on meds and they harp on me for not taking meds. I just look at them and say that the meds they take do NOT help them so wtf difference is it.

Somehow my family deludes themselves that if the meds help a little, they don't care. The psychiatric community will also tell you that controlling your own med doses is wrong. For those on dangerous meds, I would say yes. Many meds above the lowest does should not be played with. I was on the lowest does of a drug and when she upped it, I did not. I refused to become addicted to the meds and have to continue upping the dose.

Doctors don't do blood tests on people and then prescribe the meds so frankly after years of dealing with them all they have are THEORIES not hard medical evidence and not medically sound diagnoses. If they did use hormonaly and blood testing I doubt as many people would be on the med rollercoasters they are often on.

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A few of my clients are on Straterra for ADD and it seems to work well.

As for the bi-polar disorder...it is very hard to treat and find the right medications for it. The best thing to do for now is to learn as much about the disorder as you can, and learn to recognize your highs and lows.

As for me, I have been on many different meds to treat my bipolar disorder. If the right combination of meds are ever found, I will gladly take them. I hate the things I do when I am manic sometimes. I do things without thinking sometimes and end up hurting others or majorly screwing things up, or I just do stupid shit for no real reason. I accumulated $11,000 in credit card debt in 1.5 years because I would go into a manic swing and spend money, not thinking about the consequences. I hate my depressive swings because I get suicidal.

People who don't understand bi-polar disorder think that we use it as an excuse for our misbehaviors. I use it as an explanation for it, and I apologize to those I wronged when it happens.

Currently not on meds, and trying to control my behaviors during my swings, which is not always easy. Still looking and hoping for meds that will work.

Morbid Suicide, I wish you luck in your search for help.

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People who don't understand bi-polar disorder think that we use it as an excuse for our misbehaviors.  I use it as an explanation for it, and I apologize to those I wronged when it happens.


I know someone with Bipolar disorder. This person is basically good. However, the mood swings are just unbelievable. This person goes from being really nice, to absolutely vicious. I don't think that the meds are properly balanced at this point, though. I could be wrong, as I'm no doctor. I'd like to see said person be on an even keel, so it doesn't affect the family as it has in the recent past. It would be so good all around.....

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Having taken Lexapro myself for about 3 years previously.  I can say this:

It helped at the time, but I never wanted to be on meds and knew there had to be another way.

I can never understand fully what your ADD does to your mind, since I do not have ADD.  I was diagnosed with several things...Bi-polar, Borderline POD...etc...but I really don't like to be labelled with ailments and diagnoses that I think many people use to keep themselves down.

At any rate, here is what I had to do to change my life:

1) Changed my outlook.  I had to see that silver lining and force myself to see it when the going got tough and tougher and really really tough.

2) Explore my darkside fully.  You cannot slay a demon until you understand it fully. I know seems like a contradiction to #1, but both sides had to be explored.

3) Eliminate options (aka excuses)-

I had to eliminate certain excuses and crutches to fall back on.  Make the things that destroy you most NOT an option.

4) Get out and socialize a LOT more.  Interacting with people helped me concentrate on them and stop being so self-centered from isolation.

5) Find small things to make yourself feel competent.  Sometimes small accomplishments can help ease your mind and feel better.

6) Notice when I was coming up on a manic episode and stop it mentally.  There is no reason that I had to INDULGE the manic tendencies and crash and burn hard later.  Life can be enjoyed, but the super hi's and super lows can be avoided.  It's a matter of gaining a certain amount of control over oneself.

Ok, all this being said my life is far from perfect, but I have come out of major depression, gotten off meds, stopped years of therapy, have learned a lot about me and am moving in a direction I want, no matter how slow.  I did write in another thread that I do feel stuck at the moment, BUT what I no longer feel is the need to be on a rollercoaster drama trail of emotions on either side of the richter scale.

I would recommend supplementing B vitamins midday and liquid Colloidal minerals in the morning since they really do help. 

Good luck with whatever you do.


this was excellent. Wisdom this gal has...... HUGE potential.....

(i'm becoming a fan)


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I know someone with Bipolar disorder. This person is basically good. However, the mood swings are just unbelievable. This person goes from being really nice, to absolutely vicious. I don't think that the meds are properly balanced at this point, though. I could be wrong, as I'm no doctor. I'd like to see said person be on an even keel, so it doesn't affect the family as it has in the recent past. It would be so good all around.....


The meds are most likely not in balance, and as I stated before, it is very difficult to find the right combination of meds to help. It is very difficult, because when that other side comes out, it's like they are an entirely different person, and most of us feel bad when we act horrible during that time.

I hope things work out for this person you know.

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I'd recommend Stratera for ADD. ADD meds are one area of psychiatric drugs that actually work well for many people. Yes, there are some side effects with the stimulants like ritalin though. Stratera, however, is not a stimulant so I'd give that a shot.

As for Bipolar....that's much tougher to treat and involves much more serious medicines. 'Serious' meaning much greater chance of side effects, and more severe ones. The classic one is Lithium, which works well but you have to be verrrry careful about exact dosing or it has nasty side effects. The newer ones are things like valproic acid and olanzapine.

If you want to know specifics about possible side effects, or whether you'll develop a tolerance, let me know. I've got my notes in the other room. (Not all drugs are associated with tolerance.)

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