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Punishment for Crooked CEOs.

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:devil My Opinion, when any company that moves it's work over to third world countries, the CEO. crooks should by law have to live in that country so they cannot reap the rewards while living here! There should be a law that whenever this happens these idiots should have to reside in the same shity nation that they moved the company to. It sucks when this kind of crap happens and people who need jobs here cannot have them because of this shit. Unfortunately it will never happen. I wish I knew of an idea to put an end to all of this. We need more jobs in this state and country big time!!!

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Quality vs Quantity

If companies want something done in mass quantities, why pay more to do it in the states when you can pay a bunch of kids 10¢ /hr to do it in some 3rd world country.

Perhaps if americans started making better quality items, companies would be least likely to move over-seas. (my pet peeve about UAW)

As is, I heard a blurb on a random radio station stating that due to the increasing cost of fuel, some companies are moving production back to the states because it's cheaper to make it here, than it is to make it there and ship it.... thank god for rising oil prices!

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:devil My Opinion, when any company that moves it's work over to third world countries, the CEO. crooks should by law have to live in that country so they cannot reap the rewards while living here! There should be a law that whenever this happens these idiots should have to reside in the same shity nation that they moved the company to. It sucks when this kind of crap happens and people who need jobs here cannot have them because of this shit.  Unfortunately it will never happen. I wish I knew of an idea to put an end to all of this. We need more jobs in this state and country big time!!!


I agree completely. Why not cut their wages the same amount that an hourly worker will get his wage cut? For example, a Delphi worker in China makes $3.00 an hour, while an hourly worker in America makes ~$27.50 an hour. When they move their work to China, all execs should have their wages cut 1/9th since "labor costs" are such a liability for a company. My father in law works for Delphi out here in Coopersville (west of GR.) He's gonna get screwed. No doubt about it.

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As much as I dislike how some large companys run thier business and as much as I really think the people in charge of those companys are fuck stains that need to be washed away.... There is still nothing we can do about it. It's not our company... it's not our money. The only way we could do something about this kind of behavior is to make the government even larger and give it even more power over my life.... and last I checked... those same said CEOs are running my government. So fuck that. As an added "fuck that"... trickle down... If we start punishing the CEO's for running thier business well... and taking away all thier "extra" earnings.... where does it stop.. at what level is someone "rich enough" but not so rich that the socialist are going to kill him and take everything he has? Why should I go to work and bust my ass if your just going to take away everything I earn and give it to some lazy bastard who wont go out and earn his own?

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As much as I dislike corporate CEOs, it is not their actual, listed salaries that I have a problem with. Most CEOs do not post salaries that are that ridiculous. What bothers me is all the below-the-board shit that goes on to make them truly rich. Sweetheart stock options, loans that, ostensibly, they don't have to pay back if they meet certain management goals, but in reality, rarely have to pay back ever. Such earnings are rarely taxed, so they get to keep it all for themselves. This is my problem with the rich. They find ways to give themselves more money without paying what they really owe.

As for the corporations themselves, any entity that is treated like a person, but is by its very nature without conscience, I am going to be extremely skeptical of. Personally, I think that if a corporation can be seen as a person in the eyes of the law, it should be taxed like a person in the eyes of the IRS.

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Guest Game of Chance

.... thank god for rising oil prices!


Which have actually been spurned on by higher demand from foreign nations such as China and Korea. In the meantime Exxon Mobil posts a $40,000,000,000 profit this year??

But unless, we have a harsh winter, oil prices will stay where they'r1e at IMO. Its heating oil that's been pushing the demand up lately.

Without a doubt, some changes need to be made. But, the situation is more complicated than it looks.

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