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Cigarette Prices

Fierce Critter

Are current prices affecting you? How?  

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Jon and I noticed that a pack of major-brands were over $6.00 the other day. That was a shock to us - in NC, you can get major brands for about $2.50 in some places.

We wondered how these prices might be affecting smokers here in Michigan.

Jon's thanking his lucky stars he quit when we got together 7 years ago. He did the math, and was shocked. Smoking a pack a day and buying by the carton would cost appx. $140 a month. The things a person can do with $140 a month!!!

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I've been cutting unnecessary expenses to keep smoking. I tried cheaper brands and I can't smoke them because they give me a headache. I tried to quit smoking a few times and after a few days people were forcing me to smoke. The world is a safer place with me smoking. I generally pay $4.98 for a pack where I buy mine.

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We Roll our own Cigarettes..... Right now we are using:

Gambler Light Tobacco 1 lb bag $14.99

Supermatic Light Filters 200 count $1.99

With one Pound of Tobacco and 2-3 boxes of fliter we get about 2 1/2 cartons of Cigarettes This will last the both of us a week or more..... I also find the home made one taste better and last far longer......They burn slower

when we bought pre made ones it would take 4 cartons for us both to have them for a week... that would have been roughly $120 a week if not more now i spend roughly $22.40 (with tax n all) a week and we both smoke and hardly ever have a worry if we will make it.

Links to help you get you on your way if you want to save$$$$ Shop around some of these pricces are not the best but provide a genreal idea






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I don't smoke, so yeah I'm not affected all that much.

However I'm still affected as both of my parents smoke and it's all a part of the economy. I guess it's a good thing in part because it is doing it's job in part, getting people to quit. With all the restrictions on where you can smoke now too it's just a better choice, but not always an achivable one. It can be very hard to quit, and I have no idea what cloves cost but I'm sure it's just about as much also. It costs almost the same to smoke weed instead heh. I know Big Boy has lost out on business because they're non smoking now, so when me and my dad went to the new one (which I didn't like anyhow) we pretty much turned around and just left.

I do agree that the government shouldn't try to run our lives for us and that people should be able to do whatever they want, but just so long as it doesn't affect anyone else. I love going to the bar, I hate the smoke at the bar and try to avoid it.

They'll never make smoking illegal, they make too much damned money off of it (also why weed is illegal because they can't tax it and anyone can grow it). However they can make it a pain in the ass for smokers because it's "for the bennifit of society".

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I smoke because I LIKE to smoke. I don't have an actual addiction to the drug. I can go for weeks and even months w/o ANY at all and not freak out.

I don't think it was wise to tax fags so heavy since it's my freedom and my choice to smoke or not to. One of the old classic debate subjects...

Yeah. It does piss me off that they cost so much now though.

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It didn't say..this is what I am a bit worried about because I am picky with what I smoke. I only like Camel and Kamel. If they taste anything like Marlboro I am going to die. I did find a site that has different blends and you can click on the brand you normally smoke and it will direct you to the blends you would like. I will have to buy from that site next time.

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What's the flavor comparable to? :fear


The Brands i mentioned above would get you close to a Marlboro light to a Basic light.

If you are worried about taste i would go to the local head shop/smoker shop and pick up the little bags they sell, and sample a few kinds befor you go buying a full pound, also taste depends allot on the filter you use, For examply Lestat smoke full flavor filter premade but we discovvered in roll you owns he like a light filter with light tobacco. So the first few times you play a little bit with the mix to get a Flavor you like. This actually gives you so much more variety too, you make the choice of what you like, if you want a little cherry, add a pinch of cherry tobacco, browse oils made for this, etc........ so much to play with. But dont give up on the first one you smoke if you do not like it for us we found a tobacco we liked then had to play with the filter tubes to get one to compliment the tobacco.

I also wanted to point out that the flavor is clean with roll your owns then the crap you buy, I can actually taste the extra chemicals they put in manufactured ciggys now and they are pretty gross. Can we say AMONIA? and a few otehr flavors i dont even want to identify, Yeah certian brands of Pre made smoke now literally turn my stomach at some of the tastes it produces.

It seems odd to me that when i was kid and i first started smoking, when my taste buds were at there best that i could not taste any of the nasty stuff but now i can :blink

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I smoked for two years and quite cold turkey thank you very much. So yes I know what it's like. I think if you want to quite you can. Most people don't really want to.


I've smoked since I was 13. I've quit several times. Never long enough, thank you very much. It is STILL harder to quit than you realize, as all people are not the same. And no, right now I really DON'T want to.

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Me neither Brenda


I just don't get how people can say that it's easy to quit. Easy for WHOM? Not me. I don't do drugs. I rarely drink (due to the fact that hard liquor makes me vomit nowadays). Everyone's tolerance for quitting is so different. Besides, I just don't feel like it right now.

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That's exactly why it's hard. You don't want to give it up. If you wanted to actually do it then you would. I wanted to quit so i did. That's why it was easy.

My thing is people get cancer and do everything possible to try and cure it. Yet people willingly start smoking and don't even want to quit when they willingly give themselves cancer.

I just don't get how people can say that it's easy to quit. Easy for WHOM? Not me. I don't do drugs. I rarely drink (due to the fact that hard liquor makes me vomit nowadays). Everyone's tolerance for quitting is so different. Besides, I just don't feel like it right now.

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