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Witches, Wiccan, Pagan, Shaman or other..

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I have really grown into likeing solitude. Mostly, because I find so few people I feel I could be close with. Even when I do get too close to someone they seem to go off on a different path, I have a strange effect on people. What you want isn't always what you should have. Hmmmm..... that's rambling if I ever did see it. Must be too reflective on current pain. BAH!

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I have really grown into likeing solitude.  Mostly, because I find so few people I feel I could be close with.  Even when I do get too close to someone they seem to go off on a different path, I have a strange effect on people.  What you want isn't always what you should have.  Hmmmm..... that's rambling if I ever did see it.  Must be too reflective on current pain. BAH!


Hey woman, never apologise for venting on DGN that's just silly!

I know what you mean though. I'm very iffy about females in general. I can ger along VERY well socially but up close I have so many scars from my old loves i am just terrified to let someone into my center and have them tear me apart again. It's very understandable. Wish you lived closer we could carpool and go to clubs :laughing

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I studied cabala in Israel for awhile and have been a occult scholar for over 15 years (God has it been that long). Was catholic for while. I studied everything related to the Golden dawn you could possibly imagine and have a huge collection of books that I need to get rid of one of these days.

Got involved in martial arts very seriously and studied zen, tendai, and tibetan buddhism

Now a days... I think Im a daoist or something a long those lines in philosophy of life. IM all about chi energy and quigong. I dont hate christianity, I hate commercialism. Now a days, everything is for sale in the holy lands. I went to the church of the holy sepulchre (the place that catholics believe is were christ's tomb and resurrection site is. On the other side of the tomb is a gift shop literally built into the tomb itself. There's a monk selling all sorts of christian merchandise there. I asked him if what he was doing was blasphmeous. He smiled at me and said of course.

I think money brings out the worst in all spiritual paths

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Thank you. I always enjoy conversations of theological and metaphysical natures. When I was at this ultra religious Jewish community called Moshav Modeem, I had lunch with the head rabbi at this synagogue. We were talking about different religious views and mystical things. At one point in the conversation the sun shone through his dining room illuminating everything and he said to me very simply, " In the end Robert, it's all the same. We all believe in similar ideals and want to be better people. " He basically said that we all share the same or similiar moralities which made me happy. None of us are perfect but its the point that people try to be the best people they can be in life no matter how great the suffering of us all. The cabalist believe that God is beyond our comprehension "ain soph" so we label God with religion, various names, etc. But many of the rituals, mystical symbolism, cultures, do connect in one way or another. I would have to say that my conversation with this rabbi was mystical in a sense. But traveling around the holy lands searching for the right path only made me realize that everyone is looking for the same things and there not to be found in any holy places. It's inside us all. Isnt that beautiful to think that if there's anything divine in this world, it's inside us?

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I come from a long heritage of Celtic Mutts....... seriously. fear my Irish, English, Scottish and German blood.

Anywho, with the Celts came Druids.

I'm an on-and-off student of Druidism. I was told by my mother that if she, me and George all died together, they'd be so upset that they wouldnt see their daughter in Heaven because of where my faith rested.


I like where I'm at and I have participated in celebrating Imbolc once with my friends. That was pure "Food, fun and Music" delight.

Even if I dont do actual rituals, I know I'd definitely celebrate Druid/Pagan holidays and celebrate the comings of a new season, because in all honesty, I know I'd have such a blast. =3

So, I'm a happy Druid. w00t w00t!!

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I grew up Catholic.

Then, in my teens, I started thinking. And I started realizing. And one realization I came to was I couldn't stand hypocracy. And I really started feeling like a hypocrite going to mass, 'cause I wasn't feeling it.

I started questioning Catholic dogma. It started with lent, when you're not supposed to eat meat on Fridays. Now, the thing is, prior to Vatican II, a big meeting of Catholic powers-that-be in the 60's wherein lots of things happened, including major re-writing of rules, it was forbidden to eat meat ANY Friday. Then, post V-II,  that requirement was only on Fridays during lent.

So, my question was, "did all those people who went to hell for eating meat on Fridays pre-V-II get to go to Heaven once the rules were re-written?"

And even if my facts were wrong, and they may very well have been, my eyes were still opened to the hypocracy, judgment, ulterior motives & BS that existed wherever dogma ruled. Didn't matter if it was Christian, Wiccan, whatever - if there was a rule, it was written (and further translated) by SOME man.

And I don't trust men. So I quit going to church, and started talking to people.

And my beliefs include the following:

I can believe in any deity/non-deity I please. If you haven't met the guy/gal face-to-face, you have no business telling me he/she does or doesn't exist. If I wanna love Jesus, I'm gonna love Jesus and call myself a Jesusian. If I wanna quote Buddha, I'm gonna quote the happy, smiling guy. If I just wanna thank a deer for giving of itself to feed me, I'm gonna do so.

If I'm good, good will come to me. And I try to be good to everybody. Golden Rule, Wiccan Rede, whatever you wanna call it. It's a damned good all-around way to conduct yourself.

My faith has to come from within. I can't consult a book written by Tinsel WolfSpider to get my answers. I can't read the Bible. I don't need either. If I wanna talk to God, I can go right to the man/woman/Great Spirit direct.

The saints rocked. And I dig angels.

I'm on this earth a short time. It's up to me to not fuck it or my life up. I can ask for help if I think I need it. But I damned well better help myself, too.

I'm not sure what I believe about afterlife. I don't discount anything, except perhaps "nothingness". I do believe there's something waiting for us after we stop breathing full-time.

I don't think anyone is going to any kind of hell just because their beliefs differ from mine or anyone else's. If they're bad people and do things like hurt puppies - karma/hell/reincarnation as a slime mold await them. But a Jew isn't going to hell 'cause they don't believe Jesus is the son of God. And Wiccans aren't going to hell 'cause they worship Ceridwen.


These are my thoughts as well. Critter, you always type what's in my head so eloquently.

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I come from a long heritage of Celtic Mutts....... seriously.  fear my Irish, English, Scottish and German blood.

Anywho, with the Celts came Druids.

I'm an on-and-off student of Druidism.  I was told by my mother that if she, me and George all died together, they'd be so upset that they wouldnt see their daughter in Heaven because of where my faith rested.


I like where I'm at and I have participated in celebrating Imbolc once with my friends.  That was pure "Food, fun and Music" delight.

Even if I dont do actual rituals, I know I'd definitely celebrate Druid/Pagan holidays and celebrate the comings of a new season, because in all honesty, I know I'd have such a blast.  =3

So, I'm a happy Druid.  w00t w00t!!


I'm kind of the same way. It's odd; it's like I can feel it in my blood. I'm a very similar mix of all those different nationalities as well, so we must be kindred spirits in a way. My parents have told me the same thing, so don't feel so bad. What denomination are your parents, out of curiosity? Mine are baptists. Reading your post seemed like I could have typed it myself.

Also, rereading Critter's post, I really liked what she said and how she said it as well. =)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i studied evil for a long time.

i got a friend from bahgdad who is kirshnian ( a form of christianity)

i asked him were he was from he said we are kirshnian

"were,s that"

where from iraq

I said what part and held my hands out to simulate a map like you would for michigain

he said were from bahgdad but were kirshnian like christians.

so to him its not were your from but what religion you practice at least it's like that were he's from.

my family has traditionally been roman catholic i never was but i try hard not to offend while openly denying their faith.

if i were to discuss my religious past you all would think i was crazy and just saying insane things to get attention. well i'm a veteran spiritualy iv'e won many victories and suffered great betrayals. iv'e walked the path of darkness. and now i am wise in my youth for the life i lived/suffered.

let me ask you this whoever? do you have power. are you strong. spiritual power?

could you fight ghosts how. raw power? a spell or enchantmeant?

have you ever had to battle ghosts before? not just see one or feel it's cold touch like cob webs on your skin as hair turns gray. but actually made the decision to attack it and succedded in it.

well off track here but i want to see who has what power just curious? from were

anything along that lines.

what clarity comes with your lifes lite?

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I'm , unfortunately at times, a trianed empath. My Great Grandfather Shaman Lahatohea taught me to 'inhale' people. Inhale is the only word that sounds right. He tought me with bugs and animals at first and after he died I kept on advancing and doing spellwork and what some call Hoodoo. I don't consider it power. I consider it a gift for being true to my heart.

It's cost me a LOT to be me so I have to try and stay strong in that right but, other than that I'm no powerhouse of Witchcraft, No.

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I hear you, Saephyr.

I've got quite the empathic talent.

Ordinarily, I don't like to talk about it. Because I'm a healthy skeptic when it comes to things like that, so honestly, I don't like to open myself up to the rolling eyes of closed minds.

But there was a period when I started "playing" with that talent, and it started getting out of hand. Would affect me very strongly in a very bad way.

So pretty much I put up walls around it and only let it out in tiny ekes & slips.

I know I could learn how to control it and use it to my advantage. But honestly, I'm not that interested.

Maybe sometime, but not lately.

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