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Eisbrecher vs Unheilig


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(( LONG POST!!! Sorry!! ))

Now, Pulse State and Scary Guy would know this more than anyone, besides my friend Kelly and how much i rave to her about German music, but I love the German language.

Now, there are two German bands (( or groups, or soloists or whatever )) that I happen to be loving currently, Eisbrehcer and Unheilig. I've already said that Eisbrecher makes me randy. And what Eisbrecher cant do, Unheilig does.... even more so.

If it's one thing I've learned that hard way about the German language is that it's based on common sense. You wouldnt believe how long it took me to get that 'Eisbrecher' mean 'Ice Breaker'. talk about blonde roots.

I managed to download Eisbrecher's album "Eisbrecher" and gave it a listen. And another listen. And another listen.

Oh, did I ention that the CD is overplayed in my Jeep when I'm on the road?

Anywho, onward with the album.

"Polarstern" (( Polar Star )) is mainly an intro for the album that is actually danceable. The German lyrics are actually a description, aboutt he various parts of a rather futuristic ship. The sounds in the back give one an impression of the building of the ship, the beat sounding like metallic mallets banging to mold the ship's shape.

The next song is called "Herz Steht Still" (( Heart Stays Still )) and this song features a gorgeous melody and thrashing beats during the chorus that is built to sends chills through your body. A perfect grinding song. Dance, stomp, whatever you do on the dancefloor, this song makes you want to do it to it. Seriously. A wonderful song, and it's only the second song on the album.

"Wilkommen Im Nichts" (( Welcome to Nothing )) sounds like a cross between Rock and Synthetics. Synths immitate a guitar and while you might find it a wee interesting to dance to, this song makes you want to 'rock out' nonetheless. Especially the chorus..........

"Willkommen – ihr Kinder des Lichts

Ihr seid willkommen – willkommen im

Herzlich willkommen im nichts!"

"Welcome – you children of the light

You are welcome – welcome to

A very warm welcome to nothing!"

(( It's catchy, I'll tell you!! ))

Now, the VERY first song I ever heard from Eisbrecher was "Schwarze Witwe" (( Black Willow )) and it happens to be song #4 on this album. I'll tell you from experience, if you want to dance your ass off, this song will make you do it. I have worn myself out dancing to this song on many occasions. And it's well worth it too. Now, if you dont know German (( or dont know where to find the lyrics and get them translated )), you wont realize that the translation is a bit vague, yet derogatory at the same time. All in all, let's just say that it's talking about giving into Lust. And that's just the song in a nutshell. A wonderful song to dance do, seriously. Grind, stomp, jump around..... fun, fun, fun!!

"Ruhe" is what sounds like a short interlude and it means "Peace". Take a short break before the piano stops and out of nowhere comes.......

"Angst" (( Fear )). Another song to make you want to rock out, in a sense. It reminds you of Wilkommen Im Nichts. The Lyrics are spoken fast, almost like building up to a climax before letting loose in the chorus. Chill factor is majorly high on this song. =3

Now.... song #7.... amazing. Great beat, catchy chorus, even catchier rhythm..... "Fanatica". How to describe this song without it sounding broken up with "Wows" and "Woahs"..... Synthetsized Salsa music anyone? The two men revert back between German and English. The verses are sung in German (( yet oh so easy to figure out what they're saying )) and then the chorus is sung in English.....

"Feed my Fire,

Let me put some dust on your face

Heat my wire

You make me feel extatic

When we dance Fanatic to the beat"

MMmmmm, like I said.... catchy. Another song that when you hear it, you just gotta move to it.

"Taub-Stumm-Blind" (( Deaf, Dumb, Blind ))...... another Driven-By-Lust song. Freak song, it is, I TELL YA!! And that's about all I can say about the song. Orgasm in music-form. :woot:

"Dornentanz" (( Thorn Dance )) is a song that possess this beat that makes you think like beating the snot out of someone. The chorus and how 'in your face' it is can make you just imagine your fist making contact with someone's jaw. Not that that's a bad thing, but that's how the rhythm and beat sounds.

"Hoffnung" (( Hope )) is another instrumental. This song doesnt sound very "Hopeful".... because it sounds more mysterious than anything like traveling into dark coridoors or jagged caves, shadows playing games with your mind. =P

"Eisbrecher", the title track of the album, another song with the possibility of rocking out to, more synthesized rock beats. The sound, the rhythm..... the music will rock through you yet again and make you want to dance. And this song has one of those feels that will take hold of you and NOT let you go until the DJ plays the next song.

Oh..... add grinding to the mix. Because that's what this song is good for, methinks.

"Frage" (( Question )) sounds like a desparing lovesong, something to make rough love to. Just the rhythm and the lyrics..... this song sends chills through you and could possibly throw naughty images into your head. ~_^

"Zeichnen der Venus" (( Sign of Venus )) starts off with some light, beeping tones and then some light drumming. Soon, the two men that make of Eisbrecher sing, light and softly, and only until they hit the chorus do their voices and the music get more intense. This song is a rather light in it's tone, a major contrast to "Frage" before it and "Mein Blut" after it. All in all, this song is very misleading in thinking that the intensity is going to continue and get harder and harder to create that wild rush spoken of in several of Eisbrecher's songs but this isnt so much an intense song as it is a bit of harsher-sounding lullaby.

Pleasant to the ear nonetheless.

"Mein Blut" (( Come on, do I really need to translate this one? It's "My Blood" oO )) would be my choice if I had to cage-dance. It starts out with light chimes and Monk chanting and then the beat starts. Slamming, grinding and another "Gotta move, gotta move" feel. This song has that "thrashing" sound.... definitely an enjoyable listen.

"Sakrileg" (( Sacrilege )) speaks of a relationship with nothing left in it. This is more of a grinding song, only fast-paced. Or something rock slam or stomp to. The song is quite catchy during its chorus too. =3

The last song is a remix of Fanatica. A little more bouncy and I ended up actually favouring the original more because of the beat. The remixed beats sound a little more hollow and short and the synthesized salsa feel is gone. Not a BAD ending to the album, but it needed more.

Now, I ask you something........ what would you do if you heard a musician that sounded like Rammstein meets VNV Nation? This is how Pulse State described the next artist......

Next, we move on to Unheilig, 'Heilig' meaning 'Holy' so I guess we can figure out what his name means. =P

Anywho the album is called "Zelluloid" and the first song is an intro called "Die Filmrolle" (( The Filmroll )), making for an awesome start for the album. The synths and noises in the background, along with the beat and rhythm make for a chilling beginning and a mysterious sound.

Now..... "Zauberer" (( Charmer {I think, but 'Zauber Es' means "Charm it"} )) is like "Herz Steht Still" only Zauberer has a more driving sound and continues with the high-marking chill factor. Synthetsized guitar sounds enable that grinding feel, also a stomp, a slam or merely moving to the music. A great second track for the album. The chorus makes youw ant to sing along SO badly, whether or not you know the words.

"Hoert Mein Wort" (( Heard my Words )) has a beautiful high pitch melody in the background and, for some reason, it sounds like a good song to blast on the stereo while speeding down a main highway (( like I-75 )), or it sounds like a good background song for an action movie/borderline love story. This song is gorgeous. =3

"Willst Du Mich" (( You Want Me )) starts off with a bit of a Western feel and then SLAM, the driving rhythm starts. Definitely a song to dance too and one to rock to.

"Himmelherz" (( Sky Heart )) is a softer song, like a ballad, but it sounds like a lovemaking song. Pleasant to the ear, slower beats and soothing to listen to. A rather pretty song.

"Auf Zum Mond" (( On to the Moon )) gives you an emotional, rushing feeling immediately after it starts. I get the image of a spectacular dance routine or imagery flashing over screens. Another "action movie/boderline love story" song, smooth animation of a fight scene or car chase in a tunnel at night. This song is a wild rush. =D

"Freiheit" (( Liberty )) reminds me of a song, sung in German, and I cant remember who sings it (( Rammstein perhaps? )). Well, the beginning does anyway. When the chorus begins, it's yet another Action movie song. I still think this has awesome potential for an awesome music video if one were ever created. It'd be a great video to a an even greater song. =3 Dancing to this song is next to majorly simple because the rhythm and the song's feel has that nagging abilitiy to give you chills or give you a wild rush on the floor.

"Herz Aus Eis" = Action + Sadness. There's a light, bouncy beat at the beginning of the song which leads into the vocals and then the chorus seems to mov einto Cut time (( fr those band geeks out there )) and it's here that we hear something sad in the sound of the melody and the lyrics. After all, the song's title translates into "Heart of Ice".

"Sieh in Mein Geischt" (( Look into my Face )) is an intense rush of beautiful synths, broad vocals and a synthesized rock sound throughout the chorus. This song definitely has a high chill factor. X3

"Mein Koenig" (( My King )) sounds rather sad and melancholy in it's high synths, but the melody rings as haunting and very pretty and the vocals sing of emotion.

"Fabrik der Liebe" (( Factory of the Love )) starts off light and then unleashes a rush of high-pitched melody and the vocalists voice echoes "Fabrik der Liebe!!" in the background before the verse starts. Again, I keep mentioning music for an action movie/borderline love story and this is yet another song that strikes that idea. Only this idea would feature some sort of scene of a club fight going on, people have guns and the man is trying to get his girl back who's been snatched, or the woman is running through the crowd trying to shoo the guy who's got her man in a scuffle. (( Odd as it sounds, but think about it!! )) The 'bip' noises and the synths sound like depicting a club scene with tons of flashing lights and bodies moving to the music.

This song is a GREAT song to dance to.

And now, onto the song that got me ranting and raving about Unheilig in the first place....... "Tanz Mit Dem Feuer" (( Dance with the Fire )). There's some light drums and then what sounds like a womanly screech, the song turns into a wild rush meant perfectly for thrashing about the floor and singing along to the lyrics in between jumping around and boogieing down. The chorus will send chills down your spine because it's melody and the words will stick to your subconscious. You hear this song...... it's absolutely gorgeous!!

"Feier Dich" (( roughly translated to Celebrate Yourself )) is a slower song, sounds like an intense love-making song to me. Not that I'd know but it gives me that impression. Over all, this song is very pretty, the melody rings bright yet melancholy in its tune and the vocals add that intensity, as does the guitar sounds in the background.

"Zeig Mir Dass Ich Lebe" (( Show me that I Live )) is another wild rush of music with intense vocals. Hearing this on the dancefloor, this song would probably increase your energy level 10-fold, just to move to it because this song..... wow, gorgeous!!

"Wenn du Lachst" sounds very depressing and also lets the listener know that the album is winding down. Now, the song, not necessarily depressing all around, it just sounds very reminiscent of a past lover, as the title translates into "When You Laughed". Melancholy, yet oh-so-pretty.

Finally, "Zelluloid" ends the album and unfortunately builds up the suspense of another thrashing, in-your-face song, but that doesnt happen. Instead, it is a beautiful instrumental, producing a mood of the aftermath of a shoot-out in a western, with the victor walking off into the sunset. A rogue of sorts.

And with the sounds of a celluloid roll of film flapping off of its canister..... the album ends.

Now, both of these albums..... absolutely enjoyable. Both a mixture of beauty, driving and thrashing beats, stomping sounds and catchy melodies. Worth the download and definitely worth the purchase. =3

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