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The Spirit Is Alive

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I am at the Post Office yesterday, my last stop, with kids in tow after a long day of running errands in the middle of THE BIGGEST SHOPPING DAY OF THE YEAR! :blink Of course the line was long and i was there to take care of an insurance claim, that in my opion should not even be placed ( i think the lady is scamming me or the post office and i want nothing to do with it) but i was told to do so.... So we are in line the kids being okay a little excited and it is my turn and i get stuck with the Loopy lady who never knows WTF is going on. So here i am trying to take care of bussiness that furstrates me to no end already and i get the lady who knows nothing..... so i am all tense and i could feel the breaking point get closer...

Out of No where this Older man starts to play the HArmonica, Christams music, Joy to the World To be exact and all of a sudden the post office became calm, the ENTIRE POST OFFICE including me and the kids..........

It was so pure, so perfect, so wonderful, so calming, it tamed us all!


it was not commercialized or blared over the Loud Speaker, the guy was not makeing money he was just purly spreading christmas cheer and for those few moments inside the Roseville Post office I felt like a kid, the magic of the season was there.... My kids listened intently and they were sitting calmly no fighting or frustration of bordem.......IT calmed all of our savage beasts inside.

Some covered there ears, why i am not sure, the guy played well, some one suggested perhaps they are of a different religion, But the spirit to me is the same no matter the Religion, How could a person ignore such a powerfull thing becasue of religion i wondered, I guess that answer does not matter as they are the ones to loose out on the wonderful experience. Closed minds Limit so much.

I came home in a good mood, the day went on and i had forgotten about this till i was talkign with Brian, and then in relaying the story to him it made me cry, I felt silly in a way, but he hugged me and said "its nice when something wonderful happens like that isn't it?" It was wonderful even amazing to me..... it left me feeling good and less jaded about this holiday,

IT gave me my spirit back and i started to decorate for the holiday.....

I wish the Power of this simple experience could translate better through type.

Thank You Mr. Harmonica Player 178harmonica.gif

My Holiday wish to you all is to find your spirit........

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That is the coolest thing.

Y'know, Detroit has such a bad reputation for crime and unfriendly people, but I've had the opposite experience with most everyone I've met. I know there are high crime areas and I know there is violence, but I meet many many more friendly people over there.

Over here, a pregnant woman was trampled yesterday at Wal-Mart when the doors opened and a 14 year old girl tried to help her up and the lovely west Michigan crowd stepped ON HER BACK to get to the sales first. She was sent to the hospital, fortunately not seriously injured, but they did have to keep her overnight.


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Yah I heard about the walmart story and thought......there is nothing in that place that would make me get mean.

Every once in a great while I come across someone like the harmonica player. Just too rare these days.

You know it takes guts to play in public like that when your not on stage....or asked to. And to have your instument with you like that.......awesome.

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The Wal-Mart Thing Happens every year at some store, i never understood all that, i mean honestly if you really wanted that item you can probably find it online for the same damn price if not cheaper, and i never understood why people have to be so mean, for a season that we are supposed to be thinking of our fellow man allot of people only think of them selves. I also would be afraid if i trampled some one for a Toy Karma would come around and bite me and some one would end up suing me for something stupid and they would win and i would be in cardboard shack.

But as Onyx pointed out, there are a few genuinely nice people around here, back near Halloween Brian spotted a large piece of Styrofoam sitting on the side of the free way, i was going to make tombstones, so he called me and i went like a nut to get it from the side of the freeway, while i was trying to load this over sized Styrofoam in my car, a VERY VERY LARGE Black Guy ( i am not P.C. Sorry if it offensive) stopped to help me cause he thought i was stranded, his words, "MY momma would beat me if had not stopped for a woman n all" LOL There are allot of good souls out there, they are rare and when comes by your way, you should never over look them.

Guys it is was so awesome (the Harmonica player) and i am so glad that some of you can relate to what i experienced........ its like a small miracle........Every one should get a moment like that at least once in a life time.

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I have to add my little story to this, it is more about race though. I used to live in Pheonix AZ. I had allot of freinds on the South side. You may not know it but this is considered a 'bad' side of town mainly because it is mostly persons of mexican decent and many are imagrants. Yes, some are gang members.....my freinds included.....they do what they have to too fit in the hood.

Well my yuppie and even just plain blue collar white freinds used to get on my case all the time for going over there. Warning me of things that might happen, telling me how ruthless these people were......and yes I stood out. I was blonde at the time.

Well one day I got a flat. I was in the middle of no where with no place in site to go make a phone call. Boy was I scared. Not because of any experience....everyone had always been nice to me on that side of town. Smiling and saying Hi for no reason.

Well these two guys stopped and not only gave me a lift but took me to their freinds junk yard......got me a tire......took me back and while I drank their beer changed it for me. All the time joking about how scared I looked when they drove up and how I probably thought they were going to rob me or rape me.

I love mexicans.

That is why. Here are two guys who made less than minimum wage helping me.

They were happy and smiling. All day with no A/C.

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