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Which Cenobite Are You?


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You are thee who shall not be named.. the Female Cenobite. You're truly vicious and bloody thirsty, with only one thing in mind: pain. In fact, you're so intent on your purposes, even your master has a hard time controlling you. Whoa there, sparky. Why don't you take five?


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You're Pinhead. As the head of the Church of Sorrow, you are an excellent leader. You know how to keep your minions under control (whether by fear or respect), and conversely, keep them happy by giving them what they want. You personify the perfect mixture of fear and adoration. Just as pain and pleasure are indivisible in your doctrine, so are those two qualities in your followers.

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<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/J/jade0basilisk/1059885076_incushion2.JPG" border="0" alt="pincushion"><br>You're Pinhead. As the head of the Church of<br>Sorrow, you are an excellent leader. You know<br>how to keep your minions under control (whether<br>by fear or respect), and conversely, keep them<br>happy by giving them what they want. You<br>personify the perfect mixture of fear and<br>adoration. Just as pain and pleasure are<br>indivisible in your doctrine, so are those two<br>qualities in your followers.

<br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/jade0basilisk/quizzes/Which%20Cenobite%20are%20you%3F%20(includes%20pictures)/"> Which Cenobite are you? (includes pictures)</a><BR> <font size="-2">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com">Quizilla</a></font>

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You are thee who shall not be named.. the Female Cenobite. You're truly vicious and bloody thirsty, with only one thing in mind: pain. In fact, you're so intent on your purposes, even your master has a hard time controlling you. Whoa there, sparky. Why don't you take five?

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You're Butterball. Overweight and slow moving, you are not be underestimated. You are a priest in the church of your master, and highly intelligent- and you are just as brutal as you are smart. You are also one of the main creators of younger cenobites, having helped with the Chatterer and others. You move slowly and almost ponderously, but are very well thought-out and precise in your actions, much to the chagrine of those receiving them.

hmmmf. that quiz just called me fat

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<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/J/jade0basilisk/1059885765_ygoodness2.JPG" border="0" alt="buttery goodness"><br>You're Butterball. Overweight and slow moving, you<br>are not be underestimated. You are a priest in<br>the church of your master, and highly<br>intelligent- and you are just as brutal as you<br>are smart. You are also one of the main<br>creators of younger cenobites, having helped<br>with the Chatterer and others. You move slowly<br>and almost ponderously, but are very well<br>thought-out and precise in your actions, much<br>to the chagrine of those receiving them.

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The way I usually do it is to right-click on the image, then click 'Copy Image Location'.  Then paste into the text editor for posting.  After that, copy/paste the text.  *shrugs* It's worked for me.


I pasted all the HTML coding into the text field, then went through and changed all of it to PHP code. Tedious, but I'm a geek that way. I hand code everything simply because it gives me the most control ... and I abhor FrontPage and haven't figured out Dreamweaver yet.

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I pasted all the HTML coding into the text field, then went through and changed all of it to PHP code.  Tedious, but I'm a geek that way.  I hand code everything simply because it gives me the most control ... and I abhor FrontPage and haven't figured out Dreamweaver yet.


I thought those parts of PHP were HTML, works just the same if you don't change it. I redid my site in "PHP" just by renaming all the tags from .html to .php (with very few PHP tags thrown in but thats trivial anyhow since it doesn't magically turn the doccument into PHP code). Everything is w3c compliant too www.w3c.com

Also dreamweaver is easy as hell to figure out. If you can work front page you can work dreamweaver.

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Maybe it's BBL. Whatever this board uses. You know, the [somethingrather] tags as opposed to the <somethingrather> tags.

I guess I just haven't had enough time to really play with Dreamweaver. I should probably get a book but I just don't care enough. Hand coding accomplishes what I want done and anything more I'll just hire a friend to do.

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You're the Chatterer. As Pinhead's second in command, you enjoy the tiny smidgen of power he indulges you with (like letting you get a make-over in HR2). But what you enjoy most is wandering the corridors of hell, looking for someone to 'play' with. And of course, if you can't find anyone, you never feel too alone. There's always the chattering of your teeth to keep you company.

I knew that

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Maybe it's BBL.  Whatever this board uses.  You know, the [somethingrather] tags as opposed to the <somethingrather> tags.

I guess I just haven't had enough time to really play with Dreamweaver.  I should probably get a book but I just don't care enough.  Hand coding accomplishes what I want done and anything more I'll just hire a friend to do.


Yeah thats BBL, which dreamweaver doesn't have support for anyway (it really isn't realted to websites, just posting on forums).

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