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On the topic of NAMES

Crazed Vampyress

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Okay so we all know of Moon Unit Zappa, right? and of course there's Bruce and Demi's daughter named Rumor. Micheal Jackson named his children Prince Michael Jackson Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, and Prince Michael Jackson II. Every so often i find articles about people with odd names and here are a few maybe you havent heard (yes they're real to the best of my knowledge)

Last name PIPE first name DWAIN

Last name WOOD first name HOLLY

Last name BANKS first name ROBIN

Last name BATTLE first name TEXAS (nickname, Alamo)

I even went to middle school with a girl whose name was Coco Chipp. This was not funny until i realised her name, tho pronounced CoCo was spelled Choco. I found the entire thing utterly hilarious when she confessed to me her full name was spelled:

Choco Lette Chipp, i went so far as to ask her mother when we were at her house to confirm she wasnt pulling my leg. it was true!

Parents can be SO cruel.....

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A friend of mine is a teacher and every school year we take a look at her class lists and giggle over some of the names. Some of the names are (and I'm not joking either):



Lavender - pronounced La'van der

Orangejello - pronounced O'ran jello

Tray - pronounced Trah

Ceasar - pronounced Chez-array

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i watched a show on this once. celebrity people and the what they name their kids.

one was Pilot Inspektor

the names were just ... stupid.

here are some others:

Audio Science


Fifi Trixibelle

Peaches Honeyblossom

Poppy Honey



Daisy Boo

Racer, Rebel, Rocket (forget who their parents were)



Dixie Dot and Bibi Belle



God'iss Love Stone

Honey Kinny and Betty Kitty

oh there is just TOO many to list look here:


or how about George Foreman and all his Georges? that is just as tacky to me as any "weird" name

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A telemarketer called me, she said her name was AQUANETTA. I asked her if all her siblings were named after hair products. She hung up after hearing me and my coworker laughing.


I talked to someone at my work whose name was Aquanette...but I like my job so I shut up.

I have dealt with Robin Banks also.

There is the user who requested a network ID change and unfortunately was required to keep the username/email ID "McGeek".

There are so many that I come across on a daily basis... Just the last name "Hiscock" cracks me up. Could you imagine?

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