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Sickened by it all

Fierce Critter

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Ever have something happen that totally fucks you up about a certain aspect of your life?

Something, say, that - for a while at least - makes you sick of everything goth and goth-related? DGN, City Club, other clubs, the clothes, the attitude, the music, the make-up, the hairstyles, the lifestyle and everything that is associated with it?

I'm there. I'm feeling a little depressed. Like I just want to fucking cry, crawl into bed, and wake-up in a day (or three) and start over with something totally new.

Something happened recently in a very all-goth environment and, like an artificial limb, my entire body feels like rejecting everything of that nature. I can't get into specifics. But I'm truly feeling sickened.

I feel like I could quit going to CC altogether.

Sigh. =(

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I do all the time. I get sickened by alot of this so called "goth" culture.

But a wise man (our own Steven from DGN) told me something profound, he said I can maintain my own identity and morals within the "goth" scene.

So my advice FC would be to reject the negative you see at CC or DGN or whatever, maintain your own persona, and enjoy the things that attracted you to this "scene" to begin with.

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Thanks, all. A lot of really great wisdom spoken here.

I think we're going to start venturing out beyond CC a bit more. I used to go to a lot of great places before I met Jon, and I've yet to share any of that with him. It's past time.

And when we do go to CC, which will be often I'm sure, we probably will isolate ourselves a bit more than we have been. We've loved meeting & interacting with people we've met through DGN. But we see a need to distance ourselves from some things, and so you might not see us spending a ton of time in the DGN corner once we've said hellos & how are yous.

Old Miami/Alvin's/Paychecks/Hamtramck Pub/Gold Dollar/Bronx Bar/Honest? John's - I'm coming home - and I'm bringing my sweetie with me!!!

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It has happened in other aspects and even with the gothy parts a bit, i just distance my self take time to think it all over regain a clam sense of things ask questions of the people invovled if appropiate and try to work out some understanding of what happened or why it happened. its not easy some times and it does not allways work and i end up deciding the event people or places were just not my thing, and eventually looking back i realized i was never happy with what was at hand in the first place. Time and not acting in a rash manor i found have been the fast way to find a solution even if it does hurt for a bit.

Bigg huggs Lilith

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I too, stay away from the DGN table a bit now. I won't go into why. We used to go out to the Zoo, Art institute....Ford house and stuff like that more and are getting back into that. Really I am kinda tired of bars and drinking. But I love to dance and just don't like most clubs music.

The whole bar scene just gets so old. Everyone getting plastered and trying to have a good time. I just want to explore new horizons.

Anyone care to suggest something new and different in this town maybe that does not involve drinks????

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When I go to CC, I go to meet with and chat with people from here. Just trying to increase my circle of friends.

HH, during the summer, check out the Renaissance Festival, an enjoyable time to be had. My friends and I sometimes go to Gibraltar Trade center in Taylor, walk around, window shop and sometimes catch dinner. It may sound boring but it can be fun, especially when you find clothing and tell each other it's so you. Also there are many parks one can go to for picnics, can always get a group thing going sometime.

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I too, stay away from the DGN table a bit now.  I won't go into why.  We used to go out to the Zoo, Art institute....Ford house and stuff like that more and are getting back into that. Really I am kinda tired of bars and drinking.  But I love to dance and just don't like most clubs music.

The whole bar scene just gets so old.  Everyone getting plastered and trying to have a good time.  I just want to explore new horizons.

Anyone care to suggest something new and different in this town maybe that does not involve drinks????


I'm old Babe.

I just related to every single word you jut posted.

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