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What Christmas should mean...

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Hi folks.

just wanted to take a moent to share a few thigns with you regarding this woman in trouble that I had previously told you about.

It was quite an adventure, let me start with that. And, rather sobering as well. I found this woman quite by accident, via an ad placed on her behalf in an online community. I was looking for a guitar. Found her instead. Stranger things have happened.

As I had done with you guys - I plead this womans case in several mediums, to include contact with one famous and affluent Mega Chruch in Plymouth that I used to be a member of, and one smaller, regular joe church that I am now attending in Canton. The small church speaks my language. They are not fancy. They keep it simple, and keep it real. And, they ran out of money and food in their outreach pantry two months ago. They have people onstaff like a professional liscensed councelor who helps people free of charge, because nobody can afford it. The other church has resources galore - to include trucks, money, food, furniture, etc. Theyve been on TV and are famous across the states. They also have almost a year's worth of my tithes.

You guess: which church turned me down? Yep - Mega Church. Turned me down because she was not a member, can you fucking beleive that shit? I dont have time to get into it here and I'm sure it would bore you, but the Pastor of their outreach ministry and myself waged a mini war for over a week. He accused me of harsh judgement of their in-house "rules". I accused him of sitting on his fake fat ass and doing nothing if it did not immediately benefit him and of not having the authority under God that he tried to push on me. Needless to say - we are not pals and we do not respect one another.

During the course of my war (day 9, literally) with him I challenged him. I told him I was taking this woman's situation to the Pagans. I also told him that I was willing to bet my paycheck that the Goths would step up to offer to help, and that many of them, were struggling themselves. So I posted on DGN, and DCC. and waited.

it took all of 45 minutes to start getting replies and offers to help. I was elated. Of course I told him.

As for the other church, the small one - they too - stepped up right away, and they were literally out of resources allready when I made them aware of her. But the word got around. They got her food, beds for her kids, a couch, and a TV, and enrolled her in their food pantry. She aint a member of their church. She doesent even go to church. Didint matter. It shouldent matter either. One church was real, the quiet one. And one church was fake, the shiny famous one. I'm just glad that I go the chance to see the difference. I'm also glad that I had my little war. To revere something you sometimes have to challenge it. I didint change a thin in that big Mega Church, they'll go on being what they are. But they didint change me either, nor did they get me to accept what i knew was wrong, nor did they get to walk away with clean hands.

You guys matched the smaller church's giving, and I aprreciate that very much. Between the smaller church in Canton and you and DCC we came up with and delivered the following:

a very significant and measurable amount of boxed and canned food.

a large microwave

3 beds for the kids

a mattress for Mom

2 TV's


a Patio table and chairs for use in the kitchen

toys, some used, some new

a nightstand

a very cool plushy pleathur TV chair that reclines

small cabinets

Ice Skates of various sizes for kids

a lighted Bed Headboard.

a stereo

several lamps

And cash ($$$)

I wish you guys could have seen this womans face when this stuff showed up.

She had, literally, nothing, nothing inside of a cheap rented apartment in the bad part of westland.

Were still working on getting her a stove and a fridge. She's been putting spoilable food outside in the snow - but there are rat issues.

I also wish you guys could have seen the kids (gorgeous by the way) when the toys showed up. I Had to go outside for a minute to get my shit togethor, these kids acted like they hit the toy lottery. Tell you what though...they had Christmas in that house. I think they had more Christmas than most of us understand.

I know many of you are disenchanted with Christmas, and people, and faith, and God.

I understand that. I've been in that place. But I'm searching all the time for evidence that its not true, that despite so much cynical observations that are offerred to us on a daily basis that God still exists in the hearts of certain men and women and even in the occasional church and that there is goodness to be found. Call it a fatal flaw of mine. I guess I'm an anti-cynic. And to be honest with you I dont really know where i got that from, it just sort of happend a long time ago and it grows worse every year.

After delivering this stuff Laura and I came home and looked around and realized that we truly do have alot, and that our cats have lived better lives than this woman and her kids. Before Saturday we had been of the mindset that we had had a monumentally difficult year, that we had struggled, that we had been financially and emotionally exhausted beyond beleif. But we hadent. Not really. Compared to this lady we were Golden. I'm glad I saw that. Especially going into the new year. And even that I consider a gift from God. Perspective.

funny how things tie togethor in the end.

thanks folks.


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I'd just like to say one thing. Steven... You are a fantastic person. You stepped up and organized an amazing amount of resources to see that this woman and her children are in a better position in life then before you entered their lives. I applaude your efforts and hold you in very high esteem...

Hope your future blesses you well. You certainly deserve it.

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I'd just like to say one thing.  Steven...  You are a fantastic person.  You stepped up and organized an amazing amount of resources to see that this woman and her children are in a better position in life then before you entered their lives.  I applaude your efforts and hold you in very high esteem... 

Hope your future blesses you well.  You certainly deserve it.


I appreciate that Brutha but all I did was put people togethor... it's people (plural) that did the thing and people that made the difference.

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I appreciate that Brutha but all I did was put people togethor... it's people (plural) that did the thing and people that made the difference.

True... But without your initiative... People would never have known, nor would the stuff have been collected and brought to her.

Quit being modest. :tongue:

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Were still working on getting her a stove and a fridge.  She's been putting spoilable food outside in the snow - but there are rat issues. 

thanks folks.



Some members of my family might be able to help with this. They work with insurance companies that write off appliances with smoke/water damage.

They clean em up good as new and sell them for a VERY low price.

I am sure that I can help get her fixed up with these as long as someone is willing to pick up.

How about washer dryer, is she all set there?

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And by the way.... Gas or electric stove?

I just talked to my sister, they do this out of my dad's shop and she is going to talk to them for me.


Hi Tina,

thanks for your help in this. I arranged for a fridge today, were replacing our old one in the lunchroom at work and I'll bring her the old one Wends nite.

Stove is still up in the air. I have a maybe - but not definite yet. Her place is set up for both gas and electric....

Washer and dryer? Man, you rule. Should I ask her or do I need to wait to see if you can arrange this?


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Hi Tina,

thanks for your help in this.  I arranged for a fridge today, were replacing our old one in the lunchroom at work and I'll bring her the old one Wends nite.

Stove is still up in the air.  I have a maybe - but not definite yet.  Her place is set up for both gas and electric....

Washer and dryer?  Man, you rule.  Should I ask her or do I need to wait to see if you can arrange this?



It CAN be arranged. let me know.

By the way, I called you but the number is not a recognized mailbox.

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It CAN be arranged.  let me know.

By the way, I called you but the number is not a recognized mailbox.


just sent you a PM.

I have no idea what happend with the phone call thing (whats a recognized mailbox??) - I double checked to make sure I gave you the right number and I did, so I apologize for the mix up but your welcome to try again later.

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    • Sounds like a real moron!  Don't let one idjit sour you on everyone.  Sometimes what's going on with someone isn't about you, you just happen to be in range. Miss you n' Trene!
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