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Do You Think That You Look Good For Your Age?

Brenda Starrr

Well, Do You??  

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No. I guess people think so then I take off my clothes and well....I have allot of scars from surgery I wear with pride. I am still alive! That is all that matters at my age.

Knee surgery, two sets of breast implants that did not go well...I don't suggest people get them.

Tummy tuck no scar revision......3 abdominal totally open surgeries...a c section.....My tummy looks like a big upside down peace sign. Heh.

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Not that i am really at an age where i think it would make a huge diffrence ( will be 29 in 13 days) but i have allways been told i look allot younger then i am.... NOw a days i get palced at around 23 - 25. When i was younger they would say "are you even old enough to wrok here" . Now most of this has come from Guys whom were my customers at one bar or another so the likley hood of them just trying to get a piece is high... but i enjoyed hearing it none the less. :grin

Lestat and My mother inl aw both thought it to be funny i had Wrinkle Cream on my list of wants for Christmas...... They boht asked why.. I said well i am at an age where i mid as well take care fo what i've got befor it gets destroyed and i do really look my age... they still think it is funny.... but i say prevent the ageing process if ya can, besides it just feels good to take care of your self.

Over all for a mom of 3 with a allot of stress i think i look good for my age.

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no, I've had people tell me I look 40. Besides, one has to look good first lol.

I don't know who's oppinion I'd trust more though, a friends or a strangers. A stranger has no reason not to lie to you, most especially if you're female and they're feeding you a line. On the other hand friends are more apt to tell you the truth (at least good firends).

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no, I've had people tell me I look 40.  Besides, one has to look good first lol.

I don't know who's oppinion I'd trust more though, a friends or a strangers.  A stranger has no reason not to lie to you, most especially if you're female and they're feeding you a line.  On the other hand friends are more apt to tell you the truth (at least good firends).


Um, no. You don't look 40. Sheesh. And you look just fine.

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heh...this seems to have more to do with features than other signs of aging to a cetain point:

women: large eyes, small nose and neat chin *i.e. not double chin etc.* will shave 5-8 years on your age as these are features associated with children.

men: large eyes, not balding/no facial hair and not fat = 5-10 years more youthful.

people thought I was 23-26 when I was 14/15. I usually get 24-26 range from people now *shrugs.* I look my age, but no lines or anything yet~

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Um, no. You don't look 40. Sheesh. And you look just fine.


Well thanks, but I've heard it from quite a few people.

Though when I do shave I'm told I look 20 ish (used to be 16 ish back when I was 20). Maybe it's because I've always acted wise beyond my years, or something like that.

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I've always been told that I could pass for 28-30. I don't know if they're blowing smoke up my ass, but strangers tell me this. Not just friends.


I don't think I'm all that... at all. But I'm certainly happy that I look young. That way I can justify acting like an immature goof. :wink

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I constantly get looks of surprise and, "YOU ARE NOT!!" when people find out my real age. Even on Myspace.

Especially since returning to Michigan and finally meeting people from DGN face-to-face. I've been honest about my age on this board for years. Yet people still guess my age around 25 when I talk to them in person. "I want YOUR genes" is one I get a lot, and, despite my weight, "No WAY - you are so HOT!!!" It's incredibly flattering, and makes me not at all hesitant to share my real age.

I got that in NC, too. The only acquaintances I made were girls in their late teens, early 20's through Jon's co-workers. They all had to crank their jaws off the floor when I finally admitted I was old enough to be mother to some of them. They all guessed me no older than 24.

I really do think it's a gene thing with me. My dad is 79, and usually gets guesses of 60. My mother is visibly more frail to me now, but she still doesn't look beyond her 60's. My oldest sister is 55, and has nary a grey on her head. Truth be told, she doesn't dye her hair - she plucks. But to have as few grays as to be able to pluck them and still have a full head of hair at her age is quite good, IMHO. She really doesn't look past her 40's.

I'm hoping that with correct medication for my hypothyroidism, weight loss & increased physical activity I won't FEEL my age quite as much. =(

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I am told I look young for my age. My mom looks real young and I guess that's where I get it from plus I do not abuse my body.

I still get carded for cigs sometimes and I am 30. Most people think I am like 21-24.

The sun and heavily drinking will age you alot.

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I go back and forth. depends on how I literally feel that day. I dont have a "regular" face, I know that - it has very strong features. I feel as if when I feel good that day - it works for me, when I dont, it dont.

I'm almost 40. I dont know if I "look" 40, because I'm not exactly sure how 40 looks. I'm familiar with how it feels though from time to time when I've over extended myself. But I dont sweat my age, I like where I'm at. Sure I'm a little thicker in the middle and my hair is a little thinner on top, but I still know how to live and havent forgotten how to laugh. I think that keeps you young.

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Like... do you mean "look good for the age I *really8 am" or "look good for the age a lot of people seem to think I am"?

One of my oldest friends (actually, she's one of the youngest, but she and I have been friends for years) once told me, when I was 19 mind you, that she thought I "looked very good for my age, almost like I just turned 21."

"Uhh... How old am I, Esther?"

"I don't know exactly, but I always thought you were about thirty-two or something."

She swears up and down that she thought I was that old because I guess I carry myself like somebody much older, who's been around forever. Which, in the "goth scene" I suppose is kind of true. I've been in and out, at various degrees of involvement, since I was thirteen.

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Most people guess that I am 21 or 22 (I'll be 26 in February), when I've done my makeup and had decent sleep. This always suprises me because I have abused my body (former drug addict, alcoholic, overweight, heavy smoker, don't sleep), and I have some wrinkiles starting around my mouth and around my eyes. I have good genes in my family though, everyone on my mother's side looked much younger than they were. People used to think my mother was my sister until I was about 18, and she just stopped getting carded for booze about 6 years ago (she is 51).

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