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Oh yeah it's time! RESOLUTIONS!

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:happydance I'm going to because dammit I need it! :cool

Not going to say smoking, cuz I love it.

Not saying lose weight cuz I can't afford lyposuction either.

I'm going to strive to feel physically and emotionally better. I'm going after my life again and should i reach a higher goal then yey me! :woot:


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WOrking on a fresh start, brighter thoughts, makeing love a reality again, makeing peace with past demons and help those around me do the same.

i have wants that i would love to see happen this year, but i know many many factors can come in to play and muss those up so i leave them as hopes and dreams and not resolutions.

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I hate making resolutions... They're made to be broken. I'd really like to grow and stretch myself a little bit this coming year though... I'm just so stagnant right now in my life right now with my career, my spirituality, and my friends (most especially this one). I wish I lived in Detroit so I could hang out with you all. Grand Rapids sucks so bad for meeting new people and making new friends with similar interests. Plus I have very limited ways of meeting new people in GR in general. I work with mostly 50ish women with children at my job, so I can't exactly relate to them and vice versa.

I dunno. 2005 has not really been my year; I'm hoping that this coming year will bring some positive changes to my life.

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1) Create and record some music with local Detroit talent

2) Get my ass back on the Bowflex

3) make Brenda Starr fall in love with me

4) Invite Critter and her Husband to the safe house (my house) for dinner.

5) Finnally go to City Club to see what all the hullaballoo is all about

7) get back into my writing routine to include: a former weekly column I had at the Detroit Buzz, and begin work on a book Idea I have.

8) get a new guitar since I sold mine to pay kitties vet bills

9) Learn to play the thing after I get it.

10) tell the world my secret: that I am really Bat Man.

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3)  make Brenda Starr fall in love with me


Could you BE any cuter?

I'm going to quit smoking (again)

Drink more water

Buy a Louis Vuitton handbag (I know, not very goth. Tough shit)

Come back to Detroit either this Spring or Fall. Not Summer, as I didn't enjoy roasting my ass off at City Club.

Take my kids out more often to do fun things.

Pay off a lot of bills.

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FINALLY get over this girl that I've had an unhealthy obsession with for the past 5 years.


Oh yeah, and get back into my old career - video editing.

Did I miss something, or is there no edit feature? Or do I not have permission to edit my posts?

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I really dont have any thing to promise myself into the New Year with, except that I want to live with my Odims, and we can make our relationship stronger. I know this sounds all gaggy cute like, but this something I am going to werk towards. Making all of this werk out for us. No matter who or what gets in our way.


Sounds extremely reasonable. I wish you the best!!!! And gaggy cute like seems to be our specialty lately. :wink

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We don't make actual resolutions. But the following are on our unwritten list of things we're striving for anyway (oops - guess it is written now... :wink):

1) Keep the apartment more organized

2) Pursue individual interests more (I've barely touched a single craft project since the day I met Jon)

3) Improve our health, and yes, this does involve losing weight for both of us

4) Accept a dinner invitation from Steven & Laura - gladly and with anticipation :grin

5) (myself) Get back into musical pursuits including my own, and working with others (have vocals, will travel)

6) (Jon) Work on carving skills & push towards a career in the arts

7) Maintain & foster a loving, respectful & considerate relationship together

8) (myself) get my eBay business back up-and-running full speed

9) Settle debts.

10) Pursue answers/treatments for medical conditions that have gone untended.

That about covers it, I think. With the possible exception of #4, these are things we work on regularly anyway. We've just needed some semblance of being "settled" to be able to breathe enough to have the energy to really, really put work into all of it. Now that we're back "home", this should be easy.

I'm REALLY looking forward to this near future period. Been spending the last 4 months (has it really only been 4 months?!?!?) recovering from the unexpected move back. Time to stop recovering and start living.

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