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I could probably simulate energy draining powers using a combination of hypnosis, NLP, and suggestive communication (no, not that kind of suggestive).


Yes, thank you!!

and thank you Blackmail also.

Finally a few voices of reason.

I love the goth scene. I love vampire movies, vampiric imagery and I find it all great fun. In fact, my favorite series of all time is a cheesy Canadian vampire series about a Toronto cop who is actually a vampire.

but they aren't real - come on!

I thought that sort of thing went out of fashion years ago, but apparently there are still a few who claim to be 500 years old and think that is the ultimate pickup line - good for entertainment value I suppose. ack.

I'm sorry - drinking people's blood and pretending you are a vampire is just plain stupid (and high risk behavior) and there just is not anything at all to this idea of a psychic vampire either.

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Let me ask this question and bear with me for a few. Does anyone besides those in martial arts undertsand Chi? I watched on tv a martial arts master concentrate and swing his arm like throwing a ball at a tarp that was about 10ft tall and about the same wide. * people stood behind it in a row extending from the tarp. They all flew back and hit the groubd. The explanation was that this master could channel his Chi into a physical force and throw it. Now no one on the other side of the tarp could see what he was doing to time their movement. So based on observation, he was able to channel his internal energy and throw it and move people. Now I am sure some people will say..oh, it was faked, it's a stunt. Now if this is true and he could do that, then why couldn't someone be able to draw this energy from him for themselves? In essence that is what an energy vampire could do. Now I am not saying they do exist, but the possibility exists. I've never read a book about them but I do believe they could exist. Nothing is totally impossible, just improbable. And I don't believe science can disprove or prove everything. But that is just my opinion.

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A guy went in and it did not work on him.  He said it was because he did not believe in it at all.


Which brings up western philosophy, that reality is the consensus of common believe. If enough people stopped believing in gravity, then it would cease to exist. So if you don't believe in chi, then it won't work on you and if you do, it will. To some extent, I can see the merit behind this philosophy and can think of several examples where it's true (Forer effect for astrology for example, but then again, that has it's own problems). In other cases, lots of philosophy is nothing but creative bullshit.

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As far as chi goes, my sifu constantly demonstrated every week the effectiveness and reality of chi in the body. Some of the stuff he does is just crazy. I've also personally felt the effects of chi a few times through training and what not. The power that human beings possess is still I think one of the greatest mysteries. Who was it that said we only use 10% of our brains? Maybe that other 90% is what science hasnt figured out yet and or what religions have been trying to get at for years with different things. Too me, it just makes the world a little more interesting.

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Who was it that said we only use 10% of our brains? Maybe that other 90% is what science hasnt figured out yet and or what religions have been trying to get at for years with different things.


Actually, we only actively use 10% of our brains. We use the other 90% for data storage and other tasks that run behind the scenes. So, it's like 10% is our processing chip, and 90% is our hard drive, but we do utilize 100% of our brains. Of course, I use the whole 10% thing in some of my shows because that's just good entertainment. The audience doesn't have to know I lie ... a lot. :wink

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Have you met one - Yes and No...

I met two people, a couple, who claimed to be and went to great lengths to make sure everyone they talked to knew it. I never blow off what people have to say without first having a reason. Their chatter bordered on bragging I would say. Not knowing much about it, I asked questions which they were all to happy to answer.

After a few minutes of conversation I got the feeling that everything that came out of their mouths was totally rehearsed, as if instead of trying to answer my questions honestly they simply regurgitated something they had come up with some time ago. For a moment I thought maybe they didnt want to answer questions but yet they went on and on to anyone who would listen and repeatedly asked to be asked questions.

To make this story a bit shorter, Ill skip the specifics and jump to the fact that by the end of the conversation both myself and my best friend were practically in tears from fits of laughter at these two ridiculoud people. The guy started telling me that my disbelief only gave him the opportunity to make me his victim and i couldnt resist the chance to really goad him on.

About this time his wife pulled out a tarot deck, things got more interesting.

What ended up happening is this: He started to 'suck' my energy away and I invited him to 'do you worst' He insisted that he would continue to draw my energy even after i left and that my proof of his ability would be that i would be so drained by the time i went to bed that i would be mentally and physically unable and unwilling to get up the next day. His wife did a tarot spread for me which according to her revealed that by 2003 either my body, mind or spirit would be dead. Meaning, according to her, I would suffer either physical death, become braindead, or become so weak and suffer from such major depression that my spirit would die from lack of nourishment and i would never be able to laugh or feel emotion.

What actually happened:  Nothing. After this ordeal the friend who i was with and the other people who had come to hang out with us all left laughing. I went about my night, i went home, i was absolutely fine the next morning. in fact it wasnt until that afternoon that i even remembered that i wasnt supposed to be able to get out of bed. and here it is now, 2006 and all three of my mind body and spirit are still kickin.

These people were obviously braggarts who needed some attention. This doesnt mean that i discount all claims of people's to be psi vampires, it just means that i am really skeptical based on my own experience. I dont blow off tarot readings either, but have met only 1 person who seemed to know what he was doing and the rest of my experiences were "If-y" at best.


she read the cards wrong. death represents that you will change dramticaly in one of those aspects wich coinsidently will happen to all people over time as change is constant. so the real meaning of the reading was lost.

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there is a certian need or yearning for social gratification. humans are social animals. some people brag others make fun of people to belittle them in front of there peers in an attempt to obtain that social gratification.

there is a certian heard instinct and humans are animals. dogs and cats are close to us that way. animals behave differently in swarms. also this heard instinct or connection (however subconcious) can be focused. it's almost an empathic bond that animals develpoe when in proximity together (go pistons). some people realize this and know how to use it better. (it helps alot in martial arts to understand the spirit). your psychich vampire. feelings come from the spirit, feelings generate thoughts. someone elses feelings can only be forced into you if your soul has made a connection with the others. this act of connecting two souls partially is called passion. (an exchange of spiritual energy between two souls).

to be so close to someone indeed makes you share their feelings as you share your heart. those feelings generate thoughts. so be carefull how much pain you couse someone your so close to because your hurting both of you. (theres no going back). yes someone can develope an ability to connect with others more easily but they often don't realize the reality behind what there doing. they don't realize they can never get rid of you inside them either.

they gain as much as they give. weather they no it or not. the spiritual energy (or feelings) can be posative or negative. but nobody gains more then they give.

raise your hand if you have any questions

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe "Psychic Vampires" is the wrong name... perhaps based on the descripion "Psychological Vampires" would be more accurate


i'm an energy vamp. i'm not claiming immortality or any other foolish myths or powers. i'm simply more attuned to the energies that surround us. our bodies react to all energy, but sometimes ur too attached to this material world to realize it.

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that so??? how ya figure?


Because there is no such thing, thus you are not one.

Here's a challenge - meet me at city club. Attempt to steal some energy from me. Then I will attempt to steal your wallet. If I can obtain your wallet, it means I have plenty of energy and I get to keep the contents within. If I am too tired to steal your wallet then you can have the contents of my wallet....after my nap of course.

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Because there is no such thing, thus you are not one. 

meet me at city club.  Attempt to steal some energy from me. 


first of all, can't meet strangers in detroit, live in georgia.

second, i don't steal energy.

third, i feel that u don't believe in us bc u don't understand the concept of energy vamps.

you know of chakras, meditation? healing? what helps you metaphyically? energy.

or maybe u know of auras?

if u can't understand, then u can't believe.

can u at least tell me what u've been lead to believe about energy vamps?

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i feel that u don't believe in us bc u don't understand


One thing I don't understand is that sentence. To start off with, the only time the letter "i" is used alone and in lower case is in outline format where it goes:





... and so on. So following the rules of the English language I am to assume that this sentence is part of an outline, though I can't seem to find the preceeding points.

Next, I'm trying to understand what "u" is. The majority of the time it's used alone is in acronyms the most common being where it stands for "University" such as UofM, MSU, OU, and the like. In that case though it's capitalized as it's a proper noun. So what you're referring to by using a single "u" in lower case, I have no idea.

Finally, "bc" stands for "Before Christ" (though recently it has been changed to "BCE" or "Before Common Era") in reference to eras in time on our calendar. Though it is almost always capitalized.

So, following linguistic rules, my interpretation of that sentence is:

Point in outline - feel that university don't believe in us before Christ university don't understand

But then again, I could be wrong and probably am. Silly me for applying linguistic patterns in attempts to understand improper English.

One thing I do understand however is the concept of vampires. A commonly and universally accepted definition of vampires is, "A supernatural being that survives by stealing the blood (life force) of living creatures." Recently blood has come to be accepted as "life force" which could include energy.

So, if you're a supernatural being that can only survive by stealing the life force of others, then by definition I have to believe you're a vampire. If this life force you need to survive is others' energy, then I'd have to call you an energy vampire. But you already stated you don't steal energy therefore negating the fact that you are an energy vampire. Therefore, you must be something else. A Psi Empath perhaps based upon your screenname?

but then again id have trubble understanding teh concept of psi empath if its what u r

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ok you are being a hypocrite. you diss the way I type, then use the u r. GRR!

ok, i'm over it.

I don't exactly steal energy. basically, being around hyper people some what, stimulates my own energy and makes my previously gloomy mood, happy. OR if i'm around a crabby mooded person, I become not very bright. if i'm not around crowds everyday, then i get weak and have headaches.

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ok you are being a hypocrite. you diss the way I type, then use the u r. GRR!


That's "dis" which is short for "disrespect" which only has one S, not two, therefore not "diss". And it's not being hypocritical, it's being sarcastic. Major difference.

As for the rest, I'm drunk and in a hurry so I'll touch on it later. Thanks for the clarification though.

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ok you are being a hypocrite. you diss the way I type, then use the u r. GRR!

ok, i'm over it.

  I don't exactly steal energy. basically, being around hyper people some what, stimulates my own energy and makes my previously gloomy mood, happy. OR if i'm around a crabby mooded person, I become not very bright. if i'm not around crowds everyday, then i get weak and have headaches.


He's not being hypocritical. He's been a wiseass. And you know what they say, "Better a wiseass than a dumbass".

Ummm... the rest - it's called mood. If you're around happy people, generally it's kinda hard not to be happy.

Unless you're emo. Then you're just freaking unhappy no matter what the situation.

But I do like some Weezer. I made money off a Weezer t-shirt once. :grin

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ok you are being a hypocrite. you diss the way I type, then use the u r. GRR!

ok, i'm over it.

  I don't exactly steal energy. basically, being around hyper people some what, stimulates my own energy and makes my previously gloomy mood, happy. OR if i'm around a crabby mooded person, I become not very bright. if i'm not around crowds everyday, then i get weak and have headaches.


this is fair. I think this applies to alot of people. I am just not of the opinion this is a "supernatural" or "metaphysical" phenomenon.

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this is fair.  I think this applies to alot of people.  I am just not of the opinion this is a "supernatural" or "metaphysical" phenomenon.


Exactly ... I'm thinking that is normal. I am like that ... and I lay no claim to anything "supernatural" or "metaphysical" here.

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Exactly ... I'm thinking that is normal. I am like that ... and I lay no claim to anything "supernatural" or "metaphysical" here.


alright guys. so what about physical pain? ya'll all seem to feel the empathy, what about stomach aches, or headaches at the same time as someone else?

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