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Can you break into someone's emal.....

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My freind said his soon to be ex did this.

I think she must have a hacker B/F.

And, when does gossip become that?

We bounce ideas off of each other and talk about our problems together. Yes, he wrote me about her. And yes he vented. Well it beats breaking down and crying along the highway......and is cheaper than a shrink which he cannot afford right now.

So, when does it become that? I mean, once you feel you have gotten enough feed back that you can make up your mind.....and feel better. Then you should drop it I guess.

And, when your just a shoulder to cry on.......maybe you should not put in your two cents? Especially when your freinds with both sides of the situation? Even if you know one of them is acting out of line?

I know gossip is bad but......we need each other in society in a way. To figure ourselves out somewhat, you know? We all do it. But when it becomes excessive....I guess that is bad.

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It is possible for all information you send and recieve online can be in danger due to spyware, but if you have a firewall up or some type of security program installed on your system, that will usually take care of the problem with no worries.

Another possible thing that could have happened is that a key logger could be installed on the computer and someone who has the access code to the logger can go and find everything that another has sent, recieved, and typed on the computer including all passwords to programs and other such activities that require passwords online (like online banking passwords and such). For this to have happened one has to have access to the computer long enough to install this hidden program. Once installed it is very hard for another to detect a key logger program is even there because most of these programs have a stealth setting which makes it nearly impossible to find and delete the program. The best way to insure that this program is not on one's syestem is to whipe everything out on the compuer to the way it was when it was new and then load each program in again one by one until your pc is to how you desire. It is a pain I know, but this does work to get rid of the program.

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