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Now Drinking


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I am drinking the best tasting store-available root beer, which also happens to be the cheapest. For those of you who DON'T know, Meijer brand Root Beer is just about the best root beer available, with the lone exception of the draft root beer available at A&W restaurants.

You are a walking advertisement my man...

coke. Like always.

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Ima go get a orange creame frap at star bucks.

I was walking around r.o. all bloody in that nasty outfit I got at Salvation Army and some prep looks at me and says 'she ruined a nice outfit for that?'

Um yah freek. I dress like that all the time. Duh.


And they mentioned Starbucks it was funny....they were these two young preppy gay guys walking around with us but not joining in which is weird......we go by star bucks and they were all like....'oh yes! So sweet! We can go to Star bucks when this is over! Oh how nice!'

Blah. I hope I never look like a prep again. I better start hiding my preppy starbucks addiction, or I may lose goth points...... :starwars:

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I went over to pauls yesterday and we were drinking some orangy type vodka it didn't mix well with my xanax and I ended up falling asleep for like 5 hours not good. I don't think I'm gonna mix my xanax with alcohol anymore. I can't remember what kind of vodka it was but it was only like 7.75 for a fifth of it. I was hammered.

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