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Where NOT to go..

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Do you like being bored?

Do you like more cops per citizen than any other city or town in the world?

Do you like having nothing better to do than get drunk?

Then, visit Laramie Wyoming! It's great for those reasons.. Other than that, fuckin skip this town!

Yeah so anyway..

Here's a fucked up story for ya.

Last night me and a friend decided to drive 2 miles out of town and park at the end of a gravel road that sits on top of a hill overlooking Laramie. All that surrounded us was some fields.

Went up there with a couple of six packs of Mike's Hard Lime and Smirnoff Triple Black, with the intention of parking there and passing out in the car till morning..

Where we were sitting we could see any cars coming for like 2 miles, literally.. The road was straight as hell, and sitting atop the hill with the lights off we felt pretty safe..

Well anyway I managed to put away 2 Smirnoffs, my friend put away 5 Mikes.. Still had a lot left when we saw headlights like 1 1/2 miles away..

We were like "Hmm wonder if they'll turn off before they get out here.. Nope.. Kept on coming.. So, we turned the headlights on, started driving towards them so not to look suspicious..

Turns out it was a cop, we passed him in the opposite direction.. We fuckin flew down that gravel road at 90 miles an hour while tossing the alcohol out the window, jumped on I-80, got off about a mile down the road, and parked the car on a side street near our dorms, and ran to our rooms..

Didn't get busted, and I know the cop didn't get an ID on the car cuz he didn't turn around until we were like 2 miles away from him.. (amazing how far you can see out here)

But the moral of the story is, in Laramie, even though their slogan is "An outdoor town with an outlaw past", don't do anything illegal..

They have an "absolute" speed limit here, too. Do 46 in a 45 and they can and will give you a speeding ticket.. The judge won't throw it out either.

But yeah the one weekend we decide to drink and that's what happened.. I think that's a sign that I should stick with my original intention of not drinking out here.. But I don't have any homework right now cuz we're kind of in the end of the first phase at school right now.

School is going good, I'm one of like 5 people in my class of 42 who still has perfect attendance... And I'm one of 4 who hasn't lost any points for not following the rules, like professionalism, following directions, etc.

My grades are high, too.. Doing well indeed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 years later...

:rofl: love this story!

"Do 46 in a 45 and they can and will give you a speeding ticket"

I wish Detroit would be like this.

But if Detroit was to be like this, I would forever be broke. The majority of the speed limits around here are 30mph and coasting over the viaducts can get you up to speeds of 35 - 40mph. If I didn't use cruise control, that would mean every time I went to McDonalds is a ticket...and MickyD's is my number 1 diet food must have... :hrhr:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Haha omg this post is ancient! I've been back there, since then. It's actually not so bad as I once thought. Now that I'm older, slightly wiser, I went back to Laramie, Wyoming last year to finish my education I started. I really enjoyed my stay there. It's not as bad as it was, either. The cops are not as strict as they once were, and I find as I get older the less I can tolerate heavily populated areas. I am starting to enjoy wide open spaces and mountains. In fact, I long for them. I can't see myself living in a big city anymore.

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I live in a big city, but I have two and half lots. The entire neighborhood is covered in trees and we are inundated with squirrels, raccoons, possums, hawks, finch, pheasants, owls, plus your standard cats, dogs, and rats. Took a photo of my backyard and someone thought it was a forestry park. :biggrin:

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