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The Latex Twins & the Ramada Parking Lot

Fierce Critter

Do they deserve special parking privileges?  

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  Homicidalheathen said:
.  And I am jelous of any guy whose tits are bigger than mine!


LMAO OMG i thought the exact same thing when i first saw them!

As for the parking :blink I dont kow maybe we dont go enough to have problems. OR maybe i just dont care enough to pay attention casue going out is so precious to me that it does not matter who descriminate against me for what ever reason i am not going to let strangers ruin my good time.

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  saechalyn said:
I don't know what's stranger, the fact that they do it or the fact that they found each other and got married.

Those two are living proof that there is someone for everyone.


The problem is that I heard they still don't know what eachother look like under those costumes.

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  Chameleon_of_Doom said:
I give them leeway on the parking thing.  Props to anyone who can get in those outfits, much less drive with em on and make it to CC in one piece.


Ahh, bullshit, Marc. Try driving in a corset. :laughing

I honestly could care less about the twins themselves. For all I know, they're great people.

Soapbox.gifI just am STUPENDOUSLY miffed at parking attendants who act like they're running the velvet rope line at Studio Fucking Fifty Four.

What will get me even more riled up is the fact that, with the exception of "Exile: North Carolina", I've been attending that dump for around 15 years, and they've been going there, what, less than 3? I know I never saw them before moving to NC.

If I wasn't so freaking stupid about not wanting to wear a coat into the club and in a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig freaking hurry to get into some warmth, I'd take it up with the attendants every time I see it.

Instead, we'll just have to get there early enough for it not to be an issue. Oh, and get drunk and then go off when Jon tells people, "Ask Critter about the Latex Twins and the parking lot." Mad.gif:wink :laughing

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I have no problems with the laTex couple, I've known them for quite a while now. I'm pretty sure that theyve been going there for longer than 3 years...the exact number eludes me. I used to talk to them alot a couple years ago,,,,hmmm...maybe longer not sure. I'll admit to not talking to them much anymore, not sure why, one of those things I guess. I know theyre names and I never really had trouble telling them apart.

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I think the costumes are great. Though I personally wouldn't mix non-patent with patent (the backpacks). I would like to see them shake things up a bit. Throw in some red, purple, blue, whatever accessories, that sort of thing.

Like I said, my beef isn't with them. I've never even shared a word with them so I'm not one to judge.

I just despise preferential treatment. If they're paying extra to the attendant, I can honestly see that and accept it. I'm not willing to do that. So more power to them. Like I said - I'll just have to make sure our asses get there earlier so it's nto an issue.

But the one attendant I did challenge about it led me to believe that's not the case. I can recall the conversation almost verbatim:

Jon and I drive up to the lot. There's no "full" sign, but the attendant tells us it's full anyway, so we don't make a stink. But we have to pull in in order to back-up and get back out. As we're doing so, the LT's pull in, stop at the attendant, and then park in the spot right next to the door.

So I drive up to the attendant, and say, "Why is their money good and mine isn't?"

Attendant: "umm... they're in latex."

Me: "ExCUUUSE me?!?!?"

Attendant: "They're In Latex - they're a group."

Me: "Is their group PERFORMING here tonight?"

Attendant (growing visibly shaken): "Ummm... Well, no..."

Me: "Dude - that's bullshit, and you KNOW it. Complete and utter bullshit."

Attendant (obviously broken): "Alright, alright. I don't want a fight." Walks back to attendant shack and brings back parking tab, takes my $3.00 and let's us park.

That tells me it's a simple matter of preferential treatment. Maybe they tip extra sometimes, I dunno. All I know is it happened again last weekend. We drive up from behind the lot and check for open spots so we're prepared to challenge any "lot full" signs. We approach the attendant, different guy this time, and he tells us the lot is full. When we point out we saw open spots, he tells us he was supposed to save 36 spots for Ramada customers, and that really is perfectly fine for us.

Then, as we're walking up freezing from the $5.00 lot, who do we see making their way into the freaking lot? The LTs.

I was too damned cold to bother last time. But if I see it happening again, fuck the cold. I'm saying something.

It's a little battle, I know. But I'm picking this one. Oh yes, retribution shall be mine!!!

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1) It's their lot. They reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

And I reserve the right to bitch about it and do something about it if I can. Or just bitch about it ad infinitum. =)

2) It's free country, you don't like the shit someone is giving you? You're more than welcome to go elsewhere.

See #1 =)

3) Everything is not a crusade.

Nope. Some things are battles. And some things are fights. And some things are brawls. And some things... =)

4) The world is not out to piss you off.

BULLSHIT! I reserve the right to my very own persecution complex!!!! =)

5) If you can't handle your liquor don't get drunk.

Ditto drugs. Just say no. DARE to keep kids and City Club patrons off them. God bless Nancy Reagan. =)

6) If you do get drunk, don't bitch about the consequences.

Agreed. It's hard to bitch when you're vomiting anyway. Just makes for messier puking. =)

7) You're no better than anyone else, just louder.

In a "who can be louder contest" however, the louder you are, the better you are. So that's not always true. =)

8) If they're not wearing the little black badges, they're not real parking attendants.

Answer #1: But if their names are Oblina, Ickis and Krumm, they ARE Real Monsters - badges or not. =)

Answer #2: Badges?!?!?! WE DON'T NEED NO STINKING... =)

9) Life isn't fair.

No. It's more of a neutral beige. =)

10) Life isn't easy, if it was people wouldn't be Emo.

I kinda like some Weezer. =)

11) Whining is Emo and as previously established.... Emo is bad mmm kay

I made some money off a Weezer t-shirt once. =)

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