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Okay, I'll play.

I am Sass in the Pants.

I live in my house in Redford. It looks like this /\

[ ], except it's blue.

I'm also engaged (it seems to be going around lately, I suggest boiling the water and washing your hands after using the toilet just to be safe). My fiance likes rocks, and shiny objects and asks me every day if we can have a sloth be the ring bearer in our wedding. No, he's not twelve, but I wouldn't blame you for thinking he was. I told him the Catholic Church wouldn't allow non-humans in the wedding party. He said I was being a "speciest" and he was going to call PETA on my ass.

You won't likely see me at CC or any of the other cluibs really. I'm just very busy is all. If I do make it to a club I will probably be wearing a peach prom dress, or a lime one and if this EBay bid goes well, I'll have a fuschia (let me say that again, FUSCHIA) one to add to the collection. I also wear them when I go sing karaoke. I'm not so much a karaoke "singer" as I am a "karaoke performance artist".

And now it's off to bed because seriously, it's 8:30 and I'm falling asleep as I sit.

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If I ever get married, I think I'll have a sloth officiate the wedding.

How do ya like them apples!?


See, you say that as if this were an idea that he and I HADN'T already discussed, but we have. See, I talked him DOWN from having the sloth officiate to having the sloth be ring bearer. In between there, he thought it would be fabulous to have the priest at least HOLDING the sloth during the ceremony because he, and these are his words here "could have something interesting to look at".

Um, that would be me, ASS. I'M supposed to be the something interesting to look at. Your beautiful WIFE!!

And he said "I mean, you're pretty and all, but a sloth is it's own ecosystem! You really think you're more interesting to look at than an entire ecosystem? There's an algae that grows ONLY on a sloth! You don't have ANY alage on you."

He said this with disappointment, that was the best part. And all this time I thought that made me more attractive. Huh.

Some brides are afraid their fiance will run off and be with another woman. Some brides are afraid their fiance will run off and be with another man. I'm afraid my fiance will run off to go live in the jungle.

How do ya like them apples?! :tongue:

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See, you say that as if this were an idea that he and I HADN'T already discussed, but we have.  See, I talked him DOWN from having the sloth officiate to having the sloth be ring bearer.  In between there, he thought it would be fabulous to have the priest at least HOLDING the sloth during the ceremony because he, and these are his words here "could have something interesting to look at". 

Um, that would be me, ASS.  I'M supposed to be the something interesting to look at.  Your beautiful WIFE!!

And he said "I mean, you're pretty and all, but a sloth is it's own ecosystem!  You really think you're more interesting to look at than an entire ecosystem? There's an algae that grows ONLY on a sloth!  You don't have ANY alage on you."

He said this with disappointment, that was the best part.  And all this time I thought that made me more attractive.  Huh.

Some brides are afraid their fiance will run off and be with another woman.  Some brides are afraid their fiance will run off and be with another man.  I'm afraid my fiance will run off to go live in the jungle.

How do ya like them apples?! :tongue:



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Hey my name is littlepinkkitty aka goldie... i ama receptionist and a student.... I have been a dgn member for a while now and i post when i have free time ( wich hasn't been so often since college started) i havent been to CC in a while but i go up to mephistos sometimes on wednesdays.

my dream is to own my own personel cotton candy machine. i want one so bad but they are too expensive. Another important thing about is that i am a buisiness major and i go to school 4 days a week and work also. I love chris farley movies they all crack me up. I love being outside and walking barefoot in the grass.

I love keanu reeves! I dont know why but i think he is so so so sexy.

I guess thats all i want to say.... :cheerful

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  • 1 month later...

Hey hey baby! I'm Saephyr A.K.A. Cat :cat:

( No puss jokes if you would )

I have a home. I work for my own company out of my house. I have a son who is called a dog by most, and Nikola by me.

I have a decent car. Lots of terrific friends from DGn and life itself.

Always interested in finding new friends to be nosey at.

Have AWESOME parents and 1 sib who's thinner than her pic by oh so beautiful =)

I have pain issues.. and that includes being a pain in other peoples ASS.

I like to suck and bite newbies at CC

I travel to conventions just to be a flirt and really enjoy it.

My best friend is now on DGn and his name is Spoon and we love each other so very much like we was soul mates!

I love to dace when I can.

Party, when I can.

Have great sex, when they can :wink

I'm a brut when someone hurts my buddies and an shoulder when my friend cries.

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i am pretty much stuck in 1992 but i visit 1985 often too.

really simple things make me happy like knee socks, mochas, and music that makes me really *feel* something (even if that feeling is just a memory of 5th grade or a driving in my car with friends when i was 17)

i have not seen most movies and people don't understand this about me. i am really picky when it comes to what i will sit down and watch for an hour+. i am not very open minded when it comes to movies i have not seen or to hearing "it was a really good movie!" by most of my friends. if you are my friend and say "it was a really good movie" chances are - i will not believe you. and if you are my husband and you say "i heard it was a really good movie" - i won't watch it. at all.

there's more but that is all i am willing to tell you. 

WAIT WAIT! You forgot the tree hugging hippee stuff!

*runs and ducks out of your way*

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Greetings. I am Shade Everdark, known as Christopher in everyday life. My everyday life is pretty boring. I work as a computer operator at a mortgage bank in Troy, and I live in Fashionable Ferndale.

I've lived in Detroit Metro for about five years now, just after I graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 2000. I majored in Japanese language and literature, but other than being versed in the Japanese classics, I've found it to be pretty useless as a career move.

I'm the resident lurker Mod on DGn; usually, I tend to not say much, unless I feel I have something important, or especially witty, to say. I'm much the same when you see me out and about at one of the local goth haunts--I've never been very good at small talk, and it's just as likely you won't see me, since I seem to have a natural knack for keeping myself unseen.

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i'm sorry, i can't help it - every time i see this thread, i think of...

my name is, my name is, my name is *sicca-sicca* slim shady!!  :doh  :doh  :laughing  :whistling


yes that is exactly what i think too. and i was still singing it in my head when i got to your post so that was even more funny.

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Now that the scary part is over, for those who don't know me the name is Chris White{aka pops} ask me why later. I've lived in Detroit :jamin all my life. I'm one of the bouncers @ City Club, been working up there since new year's eve. I started out in the Labyrinth doing the Rocky Horror shows then mary-ghosted my arse up all those damn stairs to work in CC. Lemme see what else:

Marriage status: SINgle

Offspring: 0

Employment: Not good, bounceing does NOT pay well there, but its betterthan nothing.

Ohh, I forgot I have a motorcycle and I'm good with my hands.

Oh Yeah, Giggity giggity Goo!!!!

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Heyo there!! I R teh FarrIL and please dont mistake me for a guy. Trust me, until people see my picture, they mistake me for a guy. ;;___;;

Anywho, I'm a college student, agonizingly slowly working my way up to attaining my Bachelor's degree in either Graphic Design or the broadened field of Visual Communications. I hate restrictions, so I'm hoping to get that degree in the latter, instead of the former.

Heritage? I'm quite the Celtic mutt of Irish, Welsh, German, English AND (( like you could ever tell this )) part Native American. Yeah, right, with MY pale skin? Pfft!!

I'm an art nut, like seriously, Drawing has gotten me into trouble on quite a fw occassions throughout school. No matter what grade you're in, there's always going to be a teacher near to take the sketchbook out of your hands. Grr, makes me angry. But when I'm not drawing or sitting on my keester, networking, I'm usually dancing off the food I ate earlier. I wont get technical as to how much I weigh because......... well, just because!! =P

Speaking of music and dancing, I listen to different types of music. Band names go all over the board, such as Kansas, Journey, Heart, Don Henley, Cradle of Filth, Damn Yankees, Enigma, Enya, Assemblage 23, NIN, Velvet Acid Christ, Skinny Puppy, Adeimus, DJ Encore/Engelina, the 69 Eyes and Lacuna Coil. And trust me, there's lots more, including the occassional guilty pleasure or two. =D

I <3 cats. I happen to have 6. Cleo, Mogen, KC, Dakota, Ripley and Peyton.... conveniently enough the order we received them is also the order from oldest to youngest, so there's little to know confusion.

And I also have a rodent. He's a hamster and his name is Bart.

I'm a Body Modification enthusiast. That being said, if you like tattoos, this is good. If you like piercings, this is good. If you go to the extremes of subdermal implants, splitting and things like that..... "ouch" but more power to you, and this is good. Kudos to you for being brave and going against the narrow-minded norm. =3

And despite how innocent I appear, I like a little pain for my pleasure, if ya get y drift. ~_^

And one more thing............. I'm able to be entertained with Pocky and Faygo. =D

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I am Kelly. I am 26, Married, with zero children. (I don't think I will have kids? I don't know....)

I live in Royal Oak, and lived all over Metro-D at some point.

I am an Insurance Agent for a large company. I am working on getting licensed to own my own agency. I have been doing insurance for almost 7 years.

I am a cynical, pessimistic, yet bouncy person. I don't like confrontation. I am a very late, unorganized, and spontaneous person. I enjoy many activities. I am not hard to please. I like nature alot and I like camping and hiking, blading on the trails, biking etc... I also enjoy watching TV, hanging out with my girls, driving aimlessly, I love local bands and seeing shows at small veues. I like going to dance clubs on occasion, a social drinker, a toker, and a smoker. I don't get out to many of the "Scene" clubs often due to the lack of friends that have interest in going with me.

I am an artist. I enjoy drawing when I want to and not when I am asked to, which is why I never pursued a career with art. I do portraits, cartoons, paintings, characters...but I am best at Toonish people/animals. I have done airbrushing and sculpting, but I prefer drawing and painting.

I have a passion for cooking come to find out....a new love..hobby I guess you could say...which BTW is not good for my waist line....

I love my friends like family, and have a respect for most people. Unless you give me a reason not to. I get along with most, and desire strong loving friendships. I am kind of vulnerable to jokes, and get picked on a lot...mostly because I leave myself open to it. I am kind of naive at times, and get walked on a lot....but this is somethign I am learning.

I say too much mot of the time...my mouth gets me into trouble. My mouth speaks faster than my brain can function. I jump to conclusions a lot, and a little hard headed at times.

I am open to most things. I try not to be closed minded. I try not to settle on an idea, and I change my mind a lot.

I think that sums me up well....

And BTW wow, what a great therapy session....that feels good! :grin

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I am Pharoh, I am also 26, live in Monroe Mich and work as a computer technician for GM. I am single with no children, and don't know if I'll ever have any kids anyways. I am extremely loyal to my friends, and will do anything for them if I can. I am extremely blunt, and I don't mind if it pisses people off, I won't lie to anyone or beat around the bush. I appreciate honesty, and I feel I am a natural born leader. I was in a really bad relationship for almost 6 years, and I have been working on myself changing the things I don't like for about a year now. I am ready to get back out to the dating field, but my schedual is hectic.

I have been in Tae Kwon do for about a year also since my breakup to improve my self confidence and to drop weight. I am a big guy, but I got a bigger heart lol.

I am Lakota, which means I practice Native American religion and beliefs and I am a pipe carrier too. Saturdays I usually sweat in the spring/summer time, which keeps me from going to City Club, but to me it's just a matter priorities.

I used to have a short fuse, but my temper has settled down now with age lol. I am now more patient, but even I have my limits :tongue:

Besides Martial Arts, I also enjoy Shooting. I have been doing marksmenship for about 3+ years now and I love it. I find it to be exciting and constantly changing, so I never lose intreset. I don't know what else to type lol

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