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I'm Ashley. 16 years of age, currently residing in Ypsilanti. No children, but plenty of little brothers and sisters running around. ;x

Erm, I attend high school right now, hoping to go on to either a career in fashion or cosmetology. I like art, concerts, and literature. I listen to a pretty broad array of musical genres. There's not really much else to say.. :cheerful

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Merry Meet and Hi, yah all

You may or may not know me in person. My name is Aaron in the real world, but you know me on DGN/YIM/MYSPACE as CatsEyeOfTheWiccan or just plain CatsEye. Its part of my craft name I have been a Wiccan since I was age of 13 years old. I feel like been natural witch alot longer than that. That is how got my name. Feel like this sorta like personal ad...but it's not. If you ever see me off here feel free to aproche me with fallowing opptions in no peticular order:

1)Hug Me

2)Kiss Me

3)Lick Me

4)Pounce Me

5)Sit On my Lap

6)Hold Me

7)Wip Me

8)Spank Me

9)Pet Me

10)All Of The Above

11)Leave Up To Your Imagnation :wink

-CatsEye :cat:

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Guest Megalicious

Hi, Im meg. I've also been known as Meg3 and Megaladon the Destroyer lol .

For all that don't know I am taken.

I don't have any children besides the one that is growning in my tummy at the moment.

I moved from southern california to Detroit a year ago. I'd have to say Im ok with that. I don't have any real family besides my brother back in CA , and the only friends I really have are here on DGN. I don't get out much anymore, nor do I take enjoyment in the things I use to love to do. I've become what I always feared ... Boring and Im scared to death of it. I use to be this really excited, crazy, spontenous person, the crazy person that would try to walk along the edge of her 9 story apartment buliding while drunk to see what it felt like. I use to really love who I was. Now Im just this empty shell of who I use to be. Kind of like Detroit in a way, perhaps thats why I love it so.

IRL I have no one close to me. Im pretty anti-social. Everyday I spend hours inside my own head trying to convience myself this is the way "normal" people feel. I can go a whole day with barely talking to anyone. I like to remain emotionaly netural most of the time, just so I can get through my day without having an outburst of anger or an emotional brake down. I know this is no way to think when becoming a mother hence why I'm in therepy. Im trying to change myself for the better. But sometimes it's just easier said then done.

Some how I always have the feeling that Im not wanted places, and its not because of the way people treat me, I believe its because of the way I treat myself. I have issues with staying one place to long due to consently moving when I was young, I never really had a home, so its strange to stay in one place so long, it makes me feel somewhat unatural. Thank god I have atleast one person that is understanding in my life otherwise I really would'nt be able to make it through the day. I like music of all kinds, I grew up with a hippy (because I would never say she rasied me) so I have a great love for old music.

I read ppl easily and become what they want, atleast i use to be able to while social. I m a good listener and like to hear peoples life stories, achivements, problems, and wonderful highschool tales.

I feel like Ive lived a thousand lives with about how much baggage I have ... which can be helpful sometimes as far as being able to see different views then the average person.

What can I say ... Ive been lost as long as I can remember ... and now that Im in a siuation I cant really just run from I feel like some sort of caged animal ... longing to get out.

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hi im dave

i am a loner at heart that has only been going out for the last year or so but now i feel that the scene holds nothing for me so im back at being alone again at least until i can figure out what needs to be done in my life and what should have been done some years ago

i tend to spend most of my time listening to the smashing pumokins or placebo and thinking to much about things that should not be thought about

i often find myself the person who ends up being shit on when i try to mean no harm

there have been times when i have thought of changing the way i am because i belive it would get me more in life well more then what i have no at least but in the end i just forget about let things remain the way they are and chainsmoke

i find most of my comfort in a squeeze toy by the name of spooky

if i could i would run away to a town that isnt real and live my days in a total nightmare where all there is are monster and things to keep me on edge and scared because then at least i would feel something

that is all you need to know

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Howdy kids!

I was a CC regular for about 3 years then life took me in another direction... not too fun in the end of the lesson, but it's getting better. I'm falling further and further into the belief that there is not a solid right or wrong for most matters, most things are pretty grey. I've always been a believer of the golden rule, however I'm learning some people prefer to be abused. Now, I look at situations with others quite differently.

Ok, gotta stop or I'll end up with a book- in like note form. Oh, yeah, I might go all CC regular on yer behinds again! Party like a friggin Rock Star Baby!

I'm a gemini with a scorpio rising and pisces moon. I know what it means, find it accurate, and know how to please all 3 parts. I firmly believe that astrology tells alot about a person, but not everything. Think what you may, but I've found it to be quite accurate for perspective.

I love, Love, LOVE art in all forms. Really, I should have gone to school for that rather than BioChem. I would have lasted longer! Might go back eventually, but my dreams right now don't include school right now.

I dunno... might add more later.

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Hi! My name is Fierce Critter. I'm a frequent poster on Detroit Gothic Dot Net and I really like it.

I have a husband, a rabbit, a German Shepherd and fourteen cats. Yeah - you read me right. F O U R T E E N  C A T S. :grin

I like listening to music, singing, books, standing up against injustices - no matter how seemingly insignificant - and "reality" TV.

And you are?


I'm Rowan. I wear black a lot, but today I'm wearing a red Brain Failure t-shirt. I'm an art-fag with a button press and a cat named Vermin. I'm mainly here to lurk and read stuff that, like, two people on here send to me. I play electric viola in an avantgarde/sound-collage project called This Is Where the Fish Lives (you'd think that band name is really funny if you've watched enough MST3K), and we've already caught the attention of Karl Blake (who, maybe two people would know about... He's done a lot of work with Danielle Dax, who's probably the only woman who could swing me straight).

Sorry girls, I'm GAY! Whoo!

I'm probably going to end up lurking more than posting.

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  • 1 month later...

If I ever get married, I think I'll have a sloth officiate the wedding.

How do ya like them apples!?




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:blink :erm :fear :fear :nut :tear :sleeping :doh :confused :whistling :woot:

Hi my name is Saephyr or Cat if you believe in real life.

I have been married. Ihave had some fabulous jobs SBC, Video jockey, construction worker, factory worker, Hotel desk and manager person and even a copper. yes. i was given permission to walk righ tinto the white house with federal clearance but who wants to?

I have a dawg named Nikola Tesla and he's my main man. He's a yellow lab and I'll never be unfaithful to him as I don't put restrictions on our relationship. I have had a total of 7 roomies in my own since since I bought it in 1992 and only 2 of them were marrid to me. i have slowly and unsurely become handicapped and have no idea why or how. I am 5' 10" tall, very dark brown eyes and chestnut hair which is about maybe 31" long. I love to dress trampy and get stared at cuz I can. City Club is my happy place most times but i can barely dance anymore so that MAy end soon.

I am in love with a man who says he loves me and is fucking another female.

Regardless of how that sounds, I believe in true love and I may have found it but the 'he' half has not which is beyond my control.

I have some very true friends on DGN and as far as I know not 1 enemy cuz I won't bother to hate someone who has taste that is that bad. I mean..how can you not at least like me? Inconceivable. I'm a giver and I hand out free hugs al the time as long as you don't smell, aren't covered in filth or any bullshit like that. I don't have a favorite thing about myself but I have 1 thing i dislike...but I';m not telling. Why should I give ALL my secrets away :whistling

My family is fantastic. I have no children by birth. I am a Godparent of 4 and was a step mother of 2 at one time but no longer. I am not racist. I only like a few items of seafood. I dislike red meat . I'm poor, not just without pocket money, I get PAID to go out to the club so I'm not locked up at home all the time. Music rules as long as it ain't country babe. I love flowers but not roses as gifts. They seem trivial and bunches of a lesser expensive flower is awesome compared to 1 flower for $5 ya know? I don't wear gold or diamonds. I'm a silver & amber stone gal (in all colors), it reflects what I appreciate most. Beauty in it's most simple of forms.

I have 1 severe addicton and it's movies. I can not stop watching films. I love the horror genre but not the entire spectrum unless I have to pick only 1. I work for an online company that completes the entire process of making absinthe, yes the entire process. I sell it and it's legal. The website explains how that occurs Absinthe America !

I think I covered it all. If not just ask whatever cuz I'm the furthest from shy that a person can be although I can be made to blush and be embarassed by a compliment :tongue:

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I'm gonna add more!!!

I live in Midland. EEWWW!!!

But it will be PARTY TIME when I return to good ol' Oakland County. Trust me, if I cant have the world, Oakland County is best. =P

I am happily taken / involved with a guy going by the name of Nate. And DAAAAAMMN am I happy as hell about that. He's mine and you CANT have him!! ::: HISSES!! :::

The body mods just keep coming!!! FINALLY gott inked and a day later, I got poked........ again. 3 weeks later..... I got poked........ again. =D I wont be a walking pin cushion BUT, I still havent gotten all the piercings I want. ;;___;;

And one of these days..... your kids will be reading my mind-numbing, gruesome and violent comics. :fear


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:blink  :erm  :fear  :fear  :nut  :tear  :sleeping  :doh  :confused  :whistling  :woot:

  Hi my name is Saephyr or Cat if you believe in real life.

I have been married. Ihave had some fabulous jobs SBC, Video jockey, construction worker, factory worker, Hotel desk and manager person and even a copper. yes. i was given permission to walk righ tinto the white house with federal clearance but who wants to?

  I have a dawg named Nikola Tesla and he's my main man. He's a yellow lab and I'll never be unfaithful to him as I don't put restrictions on our relationship. I have had a total of 7 roomies in my own since since I bought it in 1992 and only 2 of them were marrid to me. i have slowly and unsurely become handicapped and have no idea why or how. I am 5' 10" tall, very dark brown eyes and chestnut hair which is about maybe 31" long. I love to dress trampy and get stared at cuz I can. City Club is my happy place most times but i can barely dance anymore so that MAy end soon.

  I am in love with a man who says he loves me and is fucking another female.

Regardless of how that sounds, I believe in true love and I may have found it but  the 'he' half has not which is beyond my control.

  I have some very true friends on DGN and as far as I know not 1 enemy cuz I won't bother to hate someone who has taste that is that bad. I mean..how can you not at least like me? Inconceivable. I'm a giver and I hand out free hugs al the time as long as you don't smell, aren't covered in filth or any bullshit like that. I don't have a favorite thing about myself but I have 1 thing i dislike...but I';m not telling. Why should I give ALL my secrets away :whistling

  My family is fantastic. I have no children by birth. I am a Godparent of 4 and was a step mother of 2 at one time but no longer. I am not racist. I only like a few items of seafood. I dislike red meat . I'm poor, not just without pocket money, I get PAID to go out to the club so I'm not locked up at home all the time. Music rules as long as it ain't country babe. I love flowers but not roses as gifts. They seem trivial and bunches of a lesser expensive flower is awesome compared to 1 flower for $5 ya know? I don't wear gold or diamonds. I'm a silver & amber stone gal (in all colors), it reflects what I appreciate most. Beauty in it's most simple of forms.

  I have 1 severe addicton and it's movies. I can not stop watching films. I love the horror genre but not the entire spectrum unless I have to pick only 1. I work for an online company that completes the entire process of making absinthe, yes the entire process. I sell it and it's legal. The website explains how that occurs Absinthe America !

  I think I covered it all. If not just ask whatever cuz I'm the furthest from shy that a person can be although I can be made to blush and be embarassed by a compliment :tongue:


he says he loves with you, but is fuckin someone else. THAT is fucked up. Actions speak louder then words.He SAYS he loves you but is fuckin Her. If he actually loved YOU then he wouldn't be fuckin someone else. That guy is a dumbass. Girls like yourself only come around once in a lifetime and he doesnt realize that apparantly.

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  • 6 years later...

I'm a moody person with interesting ideas about sex (which sucks since I'm still a virgin), nearly made it to the altar but pretty eyes chickened out. Own my own company that's on hiatus right now due to a jerk in a Durango truck that turned our car into the size of a fiat. Lost a lot of memory and still struggle with new info. Have to reminded of who died so I don't freak out my mom. Still looking for a right proper relationship (love, sex, and especially marriage, no ding ding without the wedding ring). Find mainstream America a joke. Sheep for the slaughter. Those idiots believe just about anything. I love messing with their heads. Try it, you'll like it. My name here is Eagle Rose and its a derivation of the literal translation of my real name. People see me and think I'm 25. I laugh and say nothing. It's even funnier when I get carded. I had one girl staring me in the face trying to see if I was lying when she saw my birthdate. I love messing with people's heads.

Well that's it for now, later bunnies! :welcome:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I will do the appropriate and introduce myself.

I am uroboros1640, the name comes from the serpent biting its own tail and the story that comes with it is only a fraction of topics I am interested in. I chose this name because I am a returning user although I would like to keep my identity hidden for now.

I currently live in Calgary. Married. One awesome baby. No cats yet. No job atm. Camera, some dreams, and tarot cards.

Nice to meet you all.

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