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Celebrity sightings & other unusual crappola

Fierce Critter

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Jon got called to a door repair at the Hyatt Regency in Dearborn today. I sat in the work van while he worked.

The Seattle Seahawks are staying there, but I wouldn't know one of them from a hole in the wall.

But Jim Belushi did walk by my window. WHOOPDEFREAKINDOO!!!


So, have you seen anybody or anything unusual as a result of all this hoopla?

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I'm from California. I've seen many celebrities up close and personal and could give a rat's ass. Although I must admit that once I met Sass Jordan and was a little bit flustered and at the same party Jack Blades from Night Rangers/Damn Yankees came up to me and shook my hand and introduced himself. That was pretty cool.

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I went to the taping of the Jimmy Kimmel show, and he had David Spade and Rob Schneider and Napolean Dynamite on the stage, so I saw them, but I don't really think that counts.

My friends and I are doing the half-time show today and Friday was our dress rehearsal, so I did get to see Mic and the boys up close. Keith Richards, um, yeah, kids don't do drugs. Just don't. Because it will pickle you. In the end, you will end up looking like Keith Richards and then you will be very sad. The dead do walk, my friends. They walk and they play guitar and wear spangly headbands. I should be nicer to Keith though, shouldn't I? If you cut him, will he not bleed?

Actually, no, I don't think he will bleed. More of an oozing of embalming fluid.

Other than that, I just went to the Winter Blast and had, well, a blast! Despite the rain/snow/fog/sleet combination for which Michigan is so famous, it was a really fun time.

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Jon got called to a door repair at the Hyatt Regency in Dearborn today. I sat in the work van while he worked.

The Seattle Seahawks are staying there, but I wouldn't know one of them from a hole in the wall.

But Jim Belushi did walk by my window. WHOOPDEFREAKINDOO!!!


So, have you seen anybody or anything unusual as a result of all this hoopla?


:devil Yeah I saw Big Bird leaving the Ramada when we just getting there.LOL!!!!!

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My friends and I are doing the half-time show today


Sweet! What are you doing? I did a half-time show at Ford Field when they first opened for the Lion's first away game and "Ford Vision" (just doesn't sound as cool as "Joe Vision") but I'm not nearly cool enough for something as bit as the SB.

I'm still waiting for the following conversation to happen some day ...

Famous Person: "Do you have any idea who I am?"

Me: "No. Do you have any idea who I am?"

FP: "Why should I?"

Me: "I can walk on broken glass barefoot and lay down on it with somebody standing on my head. I can crack a cigarette out of somebody's mouth with a bullwhip traveling faster than the speed of sound. I can escape from a straight jacket in less than two minutes. I can juggle knives and torches. I can make it appear that I'm able to read your mind, predict the future, and talk to dead people. I've directed three different professional improv comedy troupes and played drums in three different bands, all of which you've probably never heard of either. I can also ... (and so on, and so on). And to think, all you do is (fill in the blank). So, neither of us have heard of each other. I guess we're even, though really you ought to get out more."

Yeah, the day I get to say all that is the day I'm really happy.

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Sweet!  What are you doing?  I did a half-time show at Ford Field when they first opened for the Lion's first away game and "Ford Vision" (just doesn't sound as cool as "Joe Vision") but I'm not nearly cool enough for something as bit as the SB.

I'm still waiting for the following conversation to happen some day ...

Famous Person:  "Do you have any idea who I am?"

Me:  "No.  Do you have any idea who I am?"

FP:  "Why should I?"

Me:  "I can walk on broken glass barefoot and lay down on it with somebody standing on my head.  I can crack a cigarette out of somebody's mouth with a bullwhip traveling faster than the speed of sound.  I can escape from a straight jacket in less than two minutes.  I can juggle knives and torches.  I can make it appear that I'm able to read your mind, predict the future, and talk to dead people.  I've directed three different professional improv comedy troupes and played drums in three different bands, all of which you've probably never heard of either.  I can also ... (and so on, and so on).  And to think, all you do is (fill in the blank).  So, neither of us have heard of each other.  I guess we're even, though really you ought to get out more."

Yeah, the day I get to say all that is the day I'm really happy.


Well, we're not doing anything as exciting as all that! We will be the "fans" for the Rolling Stones show. All we have to do is run really fast onto the field (as fast as 2,000 people can run, I imagine) and cheer and scream "Mic, we love you!" :jamin

and then run back as fast as we can after the set is over. The only "wardrobe malfunction" that I'm worried about is my shoelaces coming untied and getting trampled to death. So, we're not doing anything terribly special, but still, at the end of the day, I can say that I was in the Super Bowl halftime show. But I will say this, I am very impressed with the amount of time and effort that goes into 12 minutes of entertainment. The people who run these shows must be sucking down antacids like they're breath mints!

I'm betting your half-time show required quite a bit more talent than mine will require.


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I'm still waiting for the following conversation to happen some day ...

Famous Person:  "Do you have any idea who I am?"

Me:  "No.  Do you have any idea who I am?"

FP:  "Why should I?"

Me:  "I can walk on broken glass barefoot and lay down on it with somebody standing on my head.  I can crack a cigarette out of somebody's mouth with a bullwhip traveling faster than the speed of sound.  I can escape from a straight jacket in less than two minutes.  I can juggle knives and torches.  I can make it appear that I'm able to read your mind, predict the future, and talk to dead people.  I've directed three different professional improv comedy troupes and played drums in three different bands, all of which you've probably never heard of either.  I can also ... (and so on, and so on).  And to think, all you do is (fill in the blank).  So, neither of us have heard of each other.  I guess we're even, though really you ought to get out more."

Yeah, the day I get to say all that is the day I'm really happy.



That's awesome :)

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It's not meant to brag, but rather to rant about how sick I am celebrities get preferencial treatment because of their "status" and often treat us "lesser folk" like crap when most of the time we're more talented than them. We just don't have rich dadies, Barbie bodies, or happened to be in the right place at the right time.

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It's not meant to brag, but rather to rant about how sick I am celebrities get preferencial treatment because of their "status" and often treat us "lesser folk" like crap when most of the time we're more talented than them.  We just don't have rich dadies, Barbie bodies, or happened to be in the right place at the right time.


Add to that, that if they weren't looked up to and admired, if we didn't buy tickets to their movies, watch their TV show etc, they wouldn't be stars. Just out of work actor wannabe's, regular folk like us.

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Guest Megalicious

I'm from California.  I've seen many celebrities up close and personal and could give a rat's ass.


LOL I know exactly what you mean Steven. Its just normal for us. It just fucks with the impression that we first had of them. OR SHOULD I SAY SHATTERS LOL ...

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It's not meant to brag, but rather to rant about how sick I am celebrities get preferencial treatment because of their "status" and often treat us "lesser folk" like crap when most of the time we're more talented than them.  We just don't have rich dadies, Barbie bodies, or happened to be in the right place at the right time.


Spook, the reason celebrities get preferential status is because they ARE better than us. Not more talented, just better. So, see, don't you feel better now? Here's the abreviated hierarchy.

Brad Pitt and Angelia Jolie (who replaced Jenny from the Block and Ben Affleck)

K-Fed and Britster

The President


Gary Coleman

That annoying kid from Silver Spoons

Anyone from Survivor

So see Spook? Though some people are better than you, you in turn, get to be better than some other people. It just makes the world a better place. :nut

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Spook, the reason celebrities get preferential status is because they ARE better than us.  Not more talented, just better.  So, see, don't you feel better now?  Here's the abreviated hierarchy.

Brad Pitt and Angelia Jolie (who replaced Jenny from the Block and Ben Affleck)

K-Fed and Britster

The President


Gary Coleman

That annoying kid from Silver Spoons

Anyone from Survivor

So see Spook?  Though some people are better than you, you in turn, get to be better than some other people.  It just makes the world a better place. :nut


Spook ranks above Gary Coleman ... the world is a much better place. :happy:

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