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My upcoming surgery


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The gastric bypass is moving forward and I'm so happy. My insurance is going to cover it and all I have is a $250 deductable.

I met with the surgeon earlier this week and went over everything. We discussed what kind of bypass I want and I opted for the Micropouch. With the MicroPouch, my new stomach will be the size of a large grape, about 2cc. Doesn't sound like one could live like that but people do and they seem to adjust just fine. Over the years the stomach might stretch to about 5 oz.

Weight loss is 80%-90% in the first 12 months. YAY!

We went over a few pages worth of risk's which has scared the hell out of me. Blood clots are a huge issue so they are going to start me on blood thinners before and after the surgery. I'll have to inject them myself twice a day. I will also have to go on a liquid diet 2 weeks before surgery.

The last part of this process is to see a Psychologist to see where I am in my head and to make sure I understand what's going to happen and how it's going to change the rest of my life.. the good and the bad. After that, we'll schedule the surgery.

Just thought I'd share my happy news with everyone. =)

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The gastric bypass is moving forward and I'm so happy. My insurance is going to cover it and all I have is a $250 deductable.

I met with the surgeon earlier this week and went over everything. We discussed what kind of bypass I want and I opted for the Micropouch. With the MicroPouch, my new stomach will be the size of a large grape, about 2cc. Doesn't sound like one could live like that but people do and they seem to adjust just fine. Over the years the stomach might stretch to about 5 oz.

Weight loss is 80%-90% in the first 12 months. YAY!

We went over a few pages worth of risk's which has scared the hell out of me. Blood clots are a huge issue so they are going to start me on blood thinners before and after the surgery. I'll have to inject them myself twice a day. I will also have to go on a liquid diet 2 weeks before surgery.

The last part of this process is to see a Psychologist to see where I am in my head and to make sure I understand what's going to happen and how it's going to change the rest of my life.. the good and the bad. After that, we'll schedule the surgery.

Just thought I'd share my happy news with everyone.  =)


I wish you great luck and hope everything goes well for you.

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Just curious - why did you not opt for the banding procedure? I've heard it's the most reversible & least risky.


Why would I want my weight loss to be reversed? I really don't see the point to this. And the weight loss is typically 52-56% in 5 years after surgery. Now compare that to 80-90% in one year with the proceedure I'm getting. The surgery I'm getting is permanent, the Lap-Band isn't. Besides, people that get the Lap-Band done have to go in for maintenance and get the band adjusted. I don't want to haev to constaintly do that. =)

The Micropouch is the most invasive surgery but you get much better results and a lot faster. The surgeon said that I am in good health to get this done. I'm young enough and healthy enough so I shouldn't have any complications or my risk for serious complications are extremely low.

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I forgot to add this. When I met with the surgeon, he gave me three prescriptions. Lovenox, which is the injection blood thinner. Lortab for pain and Morphine for pain. I just though it was kinda weird that he gave me these already. He said to have them filled the day before surgery so I don't have to do it afterwards. :blink

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Why would I want my weight loss to be reversed? I really don't see the point to this. And the weight loss is typically 52-56% in 5 years after surgery. Now compare that to 80-90% in one year with the proceedure I'm getting. The surgery I'm getting is permanent, the Lap-Band isn't. Besides, people that get the Lap-Band done have to go in for maintenance and get the band adjusted. I don't want to haev to constaintly do that.  =)

The Micropouch is the most invasive surgery but you get much better results and a lot faster. The surgeon said that I am in good health to get this done. I'm young enough and healthy enough so I shouldn't have any complications or my risk for serious complications are extremely low.


It's not the weight loss I'm referring to as reversible, it's the alteration of the stomach. I've heard the adjustable band is the procedure with the least amount of complications, and the adjustability of the band allows for quick-change or removal in emergency situations. (There are two banding procedures, one is adjustable, the other isn't. I'm referring to the adjustable one. I believe that's the procedure Sharon Osbourne had.)

I've been seeing a lot of people who have had these operations done - all of the different procedures - who once they lose the weight, forget they have to keep up with proper eating habits, or they actually eat enough to re-stretch the stomach back out enough to be able to overeat. That's where the regaining of weight comes in. No matter which procedure you have done, fast results and irreversible procedures aren't a guarantee the weight will stay off. You have to reprogram your thinking & emotional ties as well.

I'm sure this is stuff that will be covered in the prerequisite psych counseling.

I wasn't trying to sound like I was suggesting you don't have this done, just wondering why you opted for the most invasive procedure over any of the others I've heard about.

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Guest Megalicious

I forgot to add this. When I met with the surgeon, he gave me three prescriptions. Lovenox, which is the injection blood thinner. Lortab for pain and Morphine for pain. I just though it was kinda weird that he gave me these already. He said to have them filled the day before surgery so I don't have to do it afterwards.  :blink


IF you on anykind of Monoamine oxidase inhibiitors STOP TAKING THEM. Its just I know you were seeing a therepist and they are some what common anitdepressents. The effects can be deadly B .. I dont want you to die :happy: I cant believe they have you on both Lortab and Morphine, ewww. Its going to be messing trying to kick them once your prescripitons run dry .. be careful.

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It's not the weight loss I'm referring to as reversible, it's the alteration of the stomach. I've heard the adjustable band is the procedure with the least amount of complications, and the adjustability of the band allows for quick-change or removal in emergency situations. (There are two banding procedures, one is adjustable, the other isn't. I'm referring to the adjustable one. I believe that's the procedure Sharon Osbourne had.)

I've been seeing a lot of people who have had these operations done - all of the different procedures - who once they lose the weight, forget they have to keep up with proper eating habits, or they actually eat enough to re-stretch the stomach back out enough to be able to overeat. That's where the regaining of weight comes in. No matter which procedure you have done, fast results and irreversible procedures aren't a guarantee the weight will stay off. You have to reprogram your thinking & emotional ties as well.

I'm sure this is stuff that will be covered in the prerequisite psych counseling.

I wasn't trying to sound like I was suggesting you don't have this done, just wondering why you opted for the most invasive procedure over any of the others I've heard about.


I know where you were coming from =) I was reading through the book they gave me and reading about what you can and cannot have to eat for the rest of your life. It's crazy! I'm sitting here thinking "What the hell am I getting into?" But I think I'll adjust.. I mean I don't have a choice really. It's almost unthinkable. In the long run though, I think it will be worth it and everything will be just fine.

I'm not on anykind of antidepressent's at this time, although I should be. So far from what I've been told is the majority of them are ok to take after a few months post-op.

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I wish you luck & much health. =)

To be honest, I don't think you look big enough to have this kind of operation - I think you're smaller than I am. But I understand when you reach a point where you just plain want what you want - and whatever it takes to get it, fine and dandy. If the doctor says okey-dokey, more power to you.

I qualify for it weight-wise. And it's covered by my insurance. But I won't have it because I already hardly eat, so my food intake isn't the problem. It's complete and total lack of movement and hypothyroidism. I need to exercise & see an endocrinologist, and I'll start to lose weight rapidly.

I've done so in the past. Went from a size 26 to an almost 18 in one summer. And I never changed my eating. But the instant depression or something else hits, I stop moving and the pounds come back VERY quickly.

Enough about me. GOOD LUCK & BE SAFE!!!

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I wish you luck & much health. =)

To be honest, I don't think you look big enough to have this kind of operation - I think you're smaller than I am. But I understand when you reach a point where you just plain want what you want - and whatever it takes to get it, fine and dandy. If the doctor says okey-dokey, more power to you.

I qualify for it weight-wise. And it's covered by my insurance. But I won't have it because I already hardly eat, so my food intake isn't the problem. It's complete and total lack of movement and hypothyroidism. I need to exercise & see an endocrinologist, and I'll start to lose weight rapidly.

I've done so in the past. Went from a size 26 to an almost 18 in one summer. And I never changed my eating. But the instant depression or something else hits, I stop moving and the pounds come back VERY quickly.

Enough about me. GOOD LUCK & BE SAFE!!!


Trust me, I am big enough.. too big for my small frame.

My main reason for doing this is health reasons. I don't want the complications people get from being over weight. I don't want to die an early death from those complications. I'm already borderlline diabetic. I have chronic back pain. Adema in the legs and feet. High cholesterol and a few other minor issues from my weight.

I've done the prescription diet pills, the fad diets, the gyms and even hypnosis. This kind of surgery is a last resort thing and is something I haven't taken lightly. It's a serious procedure with many complications/risks, even death. But for me it's worth taking that risk. My biggest fear is dying from complications. It does happen.

Anyway, I'm just trying not to think about that and think about the positive that I will have afterwards and how great life will be without all the problems I suffer from now. =)

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The post below has me convinced that you have given this quite a bit of thought and you have my support. Make sure you have loose ends tied up before the surgery from the pain meds to instructions in case something were to happen. Sure you don't want to think about that but (a) you already are and (b) it'll ease your mind when it all starts that you are really ready.

Good luck my Brookie.

Btw, who will be taking care of you while you are recouperating?

Trust me, I am big enough.. too big for my small frame.

My main reason for doing this is health reasons. I don't want the complications people get from being over weight. I don't want to die an early death from those complications. I'm already borderlline diabetic. I have chronic back pain. Adema in the legs and feet. High cholesterol and a few other minor issues from my weight.

I've done the prescription diet pills, the fad diets, the gyms and even hypnosis. This kind of surgery is a last resort thing and is something I haven't taken lightly. It's a serious procedure with many complications/risks, even death. But for me it's worth taking that risk. My biggest fear is dying from complications. It does happen.

Anyway, I'm just trying not to think about that and think about the positive that I will have afterwards and how great life will be without all the problems I suffer from now.  =)

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The post below has me convinced that you have given this quite a bit of thought and you have my support.  Make sure you have loose ends tied up before the surgery from the pain meds to instructions in case something were to happen.  Sure you don't want to think about that but (a) you already are and (b) it'll ease your mind when it all starts that you are really ready.

Good luck my Brookie.

Btw, who will be taking care of you while you are recouperating?


I will be taking care of myself :grin Actually, I've got family all over this neighboor hood and plus I'm trying to get Richard's mom to come up for a week to help with Nate and myself. I'm not too concerned about help.. there's plenty of family around and there's always daycare too.

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Good luck! I wish you the best. My Mother-in-law had the band tied around the stomach procedure done. I do not know alot about which one she had but she lost a ton of weight..had to totally change her diet and can never drink pop again but she is now slim and happy!

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