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True meaning of valentines day

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Someone wrote me this and I thought it was very well said. For those who like valentines day. Dont get mad at me for this.

Valentines Day

Body: What is Valentines Day, nothing but a piss pour day that people express the love towards one another. So you are telling me that you only need one day to show you significant other that you care or even love them. That is pathetic. If you think that you need that one day to show how you feel about one another, what about the other 364 days of the fucking year. Why celebrate one day? If you think that one day is the day to celebrate your feeling for that one person in your life, you are either pathetic, an ill conceive bastard, or a coward who does not want to bother with it but for that one day. Valentines Day is one of the biggest jokes out there as it is one of the worst celebrated holidays which seems to have conspired into nothing but a commercial advertisement and a hoax. And for all who reads this and thinking what the fuck is this assholes talking about and that I must be the pathetic one, think again and look in the goddamn mirror for I only speak the truth. For we do nothing but use one another as for our own self perspective. I have been use and I have been the one to use others for there own pleasure and get what they want. So, tell me does Valentines Day really represent what it is meant to be, or is it nothing more but a fucking cover up for all the lies, cheating, and betrayal which seems to be a part of our society……..

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ooooooooooooo glad, that absolutely none of this applies to me and Laura.

and to be honest i dont understand the rancor. if it does not apply to you, why do you bother being upset?

and if your love life is not so hot.....improve it, be a giver, take the lead.

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I hate vanentines day.

When your single it just means rubbing your nose in it even more.

If your attached it reminds you of how good things could/should be.....

The candy rots your teeth.

Waste more money on cards and stuffed animals.....real good for the environment.

When I was young we could never afford to do much.....now that I am older we just don't have the time or energy.

But I think holidays are invented by hallmark to sell more useless crap.

The best thing is.....when you least expect it and are feeling down, someone comes and wraps their arms around you and tells you how much they love you......no matter what day it is.

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Geez Louise.

When I was single, I found ways to enjoy Valentine's Day. I got presents for my family one year, and I almost always buy a box of kiddie Valentines to give out to close friends & family.

Now that I'm married - to a man who expresses his love for me EVERY DAY - we do acknowledge and do things to celebrate this HOLIDAY based on the CENTURIES OLD legend about St. Valentine, who according to legend, passed a love note to his jailer's daughter that read, "From Your Valentine" while imprisoned, or whom, during a ban on marriages of Roman soldiers by the Emperor Claudius II, secretly helped arrange marriages.

CHECK OUT "Valentine's Day" on WIKIPEDIA. I'm not going to re-type it all here. Were you aware that middle February is, in many pagan cultures or mythology, the period in which fertility and love were celebrated in ancient times? For pete's sake. It has SO many more meanings than, "a day to go out of your way to show someone you love them when you should do it 24/7" or "a day in which to rub the noses of those who aren't in a relationship spitefully."

I do feel bad for people who express unhappiness over not having a "special someone" in their life. Hell, I've been there BIG TIME - I didn't meet Jon until I was THIRTY. And spent most of the years prior VERY lonely. But I don't understand the skepticism and rancor over something one can just disregard.

Save it for someplace it's better spent. Like, oh, SWEETEST DAY. :wink (Which, interestingly enough, has a benign origin that has NOTHING to do with the Evil Empire of Hallmark.)

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Anyone see the Mad TV skit on Valentines day, and how the big gift this year will be a bear holding a heart....

A grizzly bear holding a human heart......

What better way to say I love you than a grizzly bear holding a human heart.....

Or a Monkey holding a human heart, or a polar bear holding a human heart.....

I thought it was pretty funny.

Her honey, this is how I feel about you......here is an animal that just ripped out a human's heart! Enjoy! :nut

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Valentines day = d i a m o n d s and unless you're a guy lucky enough to be with one of the few good women on this planet, just expect to spend money on a female that will be looking for another guy to replace you a.s.a.p. because she thinks that the grass is greener elsewhere. I refuse to get sucked into this holiday. I had my fun but that's as far as I'll let it go.

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ooooooooooooo glad, that absolutely none of this applies to me and Laura.

and to  be honest i dont understand the rancor.  if it does not apply to you, why do you bother being upset? 

and if your love life is not so hot.....improve it, be a giver, take the lead.


Hey im just the messanger, I didnt type any of this. I have good friends that are into a long-term relationship and I am very happy for them. Of course even I myself might get affiliated with somone else again (whole new diffrent story)

But however the person who sent me that I can agree with on many levels though. Yeah yeah theres poor spelling&grammer ect. ect. which I dont need to be reminded, I didnt type this shit anyways so its not my fault. I think being misrable is funny.

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