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Always wanted to Ask This


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:devil This may sound unusual,but I always wanted to know if anyone remembers dreams when they were a kid. I do when I was 6 and a half to 7, I can remember the dreams that I had when I was that age,and OH, does that bring back very good memories. In the dreams I could breath underwater,walk through walls,I even found secret passages in my parents house,and hung out with past relatives that had passed away.Another thing that I noticed was My Neighborhood looked completely different,and the other thing was that I remember the years that I had these dreams,this may sound a little strange,but I just wanted to ask people that are on the DGN:share your experiences.

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I had one where I saw my little green parakeet flying and then I was flying in the starewell to the second floor.

There was a really creepy one I used to have where this u-haul van would pull up in the driveway and a bunch of faceless men came in and robbed the house and took my family. But, everytime would leave me behind all alone.

Then when I was dating my first ex I would dream that I could jump (like in crouching tiger hidden dragon) and I would kinda float for a few blocks and then jump again. I remember dreaming that I was going through a tunnel and then trying to avoid cars on Southfield.

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i actually remember a LOT of dreams i had as a kid. so many that i won't even begin to tell them and bore everyone. ;) i tend to really remember my dreams - i think it is easier since they are all little short snippets. the ones that have stuck with me the most are the really bad ones, really weird ones, or ones that made me wake up and really think about them all day long. any one i ever had about someone dying, i remember. anyone i had about my house i seem to remember. and then there was the one about ricky schroeder. what can i say, i was a little kid.

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Yeah.. When I start talking about my dreams as a kid people start to smile, nod and back away.... so here goes...

I had a reaccuring dream for most of my early childhood. It varied to some extent but was all pretty much the same theme... it goes like this.

I'm in a huge room. Everything is white. At the other end of the room is a desk with a desklamp and varoius papers. There was always a man and a woman in the room. The woman had blonde hair and the man was bald. What they were doing varies from night to night but held to a main theme. They were testing and documenting the things on the shelves. The walls if the room were covered with shelving. On each shelf was a thing. The thing looked like a large sponge with needles of variuos sizes stuck in it. Every shelf had a name plate on the front. People names. At this point in the dream I would engage the two people in a conversation. Normal everyday kinda thing..

"What are you doing?"

"Testing and Monitoring."

"What are you testing?"

"The _____." I could never understand the answer.


"So that we can ______. You know, you can never tell anyone about this." again... never could understand what they said for parts of it.

"Is mine here?"

"Yes, do you want to see it?"


At this point they would take me to one of the shelves. On the shelf was one of the grey sponge thingys with pins and needles in it. I knew... I knew at that point exactly what it was I was looking at. Me. Everything that makes me, well, me. I was 3-6 years old at this point in my life. I knew that was my soul, though I had no word for it. I would wake up alone and scared. I never told anyone about it untill I was in my 20's. It still creeps me out when I think about it.

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I always dream about my old childhood house. My dreams take place in the house, around the house or in the same neighborhood.

One dream I had I could Hover.....and it was set in the playground at school. I couldn't fly anywhere, or go anywhere, I had to hold my breath and flap my arms, and then I would hover up about 20 feet....

In another dream, I did have the power to breath underwater, but it was from the tornado that was above the water stirring air into the water...so I could breath, but I was safe from the tornado cause I was under water....

I also had dreams where I was in the nude, fallen and I can't get up fast enough....or even move....paralyzed.

One significant dream I had was I had gotten stuck in a woods that was in a bowl shaped hole in the ground.....everyone said NOT to go, cause If I fell in, I could never get out. Well, I went venturing to the edge, and the earth crumbled below me and I went falling into the woods pit. There was a wolf boy in there, who had been there for 17 years (But was still young in my dream????????) he gave me a can of beans to eat...then I woke up.

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can anybody post links for dream analyzer stuff?

the dream i remember is poltergeist the tall guy coming out of the light reaching for me every night for about three months after my parents took me to the drive in to see it.

I remmember other dreams that would make everyone afraid of me i don't talk about those so openly.

let me ask you this, what experiences do you remmember feeling when you were still waking up that were strange.

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None of the dreams I remember from childhood are particularly pleasant ones. It makes me wonder if I ever had a pleasant dream as a kid. They were rarely 'nightmares' in the classic sense, but they always left me with a profound sense of disquiet.

In one dream, I am far out on the ocean, standing on a segment of bridge. I look around and see no land, anywhere, just this piece of bridge that I'm standing on, and other pieces of bridge, of all different shapes and sizes, arranged in a circle. I look down, and I see sharks filling the water below. Somehow, in the intrinsic manner of dreams, I know two things: that everyone else in the world is gone, no people, no land, nothing, and that I have to jump from bridge to bridge. So I start jumping, running in a circle for no reason. As you might guess, I eventually miss my jump and fall, into the waiting jaws of one of the ravening sharks...and I wake up.

That was when I was young, maybe 5 years old. When I was a little older, perhaps in middle school, I dreamt that I was Simon Belmont, straight out of Castlevania II, and that all my friends and all the people in my school had become vampires, and I had to hunt them down and kill them. I travel, I kill all my friends, all my classmates, and then I arrive at some large castle. I step inside to see them all waiting for me,

Go figure.

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