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salvia divinorum


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ok so i have been looking at this for spiritual use for a short time, as i think i need to learn more about me, the world, and many other reasons.

Has anyone used this befor?

i am looking for frank information from how you felt after the effects wore off, did you enjoy it, did you tingle, did you have a spiritual experiance mainly did you think it was worth it and why or why not.

If you have any info you would rather not post please feel free to email or im me directly, i assure your words will be confident.

i forgot if you choose to im please use the following yahoo id draven_and_devine

Edited by lestat_and_lilith
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I have.. I tried the leaves sold at www.salviasupply.com

All I got out of it was about 60 seconds of pure hilarity.. Everything was funny.. A trash can was fuckin hilarious.. Then it wore off.

I understand the 20x extract is what you really want to get, from what my friend told me..

No bad effects from it. My friend said smoking it made him really hot and sweaty but he still liked it..

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Sex will do the same thing if you do it long enough.

Seriously, I've never heard of this. How can this help you find yourself? I'm just curious, no offense here.  :wink :


i did not take any offense cause when i first heard of this i thought well here comes the new "weed". ANy how i guess befor i try this, i am going to try to discover real life experiances to find out if this is just the next great get high craze or do people really use for spirtual stuff.


the words below came from the above guide i copied it n pasted it here as i cant see downloading the whole guide for just this bit of info.

The botanical name Salvia divinorum means "Sage of the Diviners." Under the right conditions, taken in the right way, Salvia produces a unique state of "divine inebriation." For hundreds of years, it has been used in religious and healing ceremonies by the Mazatec Indians, who live in the province of Oaxaca, in Mexico.

The effects of Salvia are very different from those of alcohol; but like alcohol, it impairs coordination. Never, ever, attempt to drive under the influence of salvia--doing so could prove fatal!

Salvia contains a chemical substance called salvinorin A. Salvinorin A is responsible for Salvia's mind-altering effects. It is not chemically related to any other psychoactive drug. Unlike most visionary compounds, it is not an alkaloid. Pure salvinorin A is extremely potent. Doses of only several hundred micrograms (millionths of a gram) will have an effect, and doses above 1 milligram (1/1000 of a gram) are too much for most people to handle comfortably. Because of its extreme potency, pure salvinorin A should never be used unless the dosage has been precisely measured with an extremely accurate chemist's scale. Fortunately, Salvia leaf is hundreds of times weaker than pure salvinorin A; therefore, Salvia leaf can be used much more safely.

Salvia leaf is physically quite safe. It is very gentle on the body. Toxicological studies have shown that salvinorin A is extraordinarily non-toxic. No one has ever died from a Salvia overdose. Salvia is not habit-forming or addictive. People who choose to use Salvia, tend to do so quite infrequently. Salvia is not a stimulant, it is not a sedative, it is not a narcotic, it is not a tranquilizer. Like many entheogens, at sufficiently high doses it can induce visions, yet it is quite different from other entheogens. Dale Pendell, in his book Pharmako/poeia, assigns Salvia divinorum to a unique pharmacological class, which he calls "existentia." This term alludes to the philosophical illumination Salvia seems to shine on the nature of existence itself.


This is important to understand. Salvia is not "fun" in the way that alcohol or Cannabis can be. If you try to party with Salvia you probably will not have a good experience.

Salvia is a consciousness-changing herb that can be used in a vision quest, or in a healing ritual. In the right setting, Salvia makes it possible to see visions. It is an herb with a long tradition of sacred use. It is useful for deep meditation. It is best taken in a quiet, nearly darkroom; either alone (if a sitter will not be used, see below for discussion of sitters), or with one or two good friends present. It should be taken either in silence or (sometimes) with soft pleasant music playing.

Edited by lestat_and_lilith
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I think that I would also like to try this and see what happens...how can you locate it?


i did pick some up at a local head shop, it is supposed to be cherry flavor and cost $3.25 a gram, i only got one gram. I have not tried this yet as i need more info and well i have kids and there is no way it will be taken untill my kids are all safe n sound with my mother in law for the night.

Soul mentioned you can get it at the following link http://www.salviasupply.com/ and just by typing the name in google search i found alot of web sites but i did not pay to much attention to price or anything casue i knew the head shop sold it.

the guy at the store said it all depends on the person and there original frame of mind basically if you are not open in the first place it will not work.

but being there are a million laws regarding smoking accesories and the like and he was at his work he could not go into great detail, but referenced that he had a nice experiance and has never heard of anyone having any problems.

My thought, to actually think about using something like this, you have to be open minded to begin with so something will probally happen. He did give me a sheet on it which i had already found the same info online. He did say smoking it in a bubbler or water pipe is best as it cools the smoke and allows u to keep it in longer and getting more of a proper dose. the website i posted in my oginal post has many tips n tricks and all the basics.

Edited by lestat_and_lilith
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  • 2 months later...

One of my old roomates when i was at U of M had a pound of this stuff (note we are talking ancient history at this point, havnt done any "drugs" in probably close to a decade now)

I sucked down a ton of it and never got any of the described effects (like 3 bowls worth) was pretty upset at the time hah.

Later i tried it again and >thought

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well i still have it sitting in my drawer as i siad i have not been in the mood for it and since i know alot of things tried the first time are directly affected by what is happening with life in general, i have not had any good chances.

I have not done it befor but from what i undersand the best way to avoid the harshness is to smoke it out of a water pipe of some type, it burns very hot and this way gives it a chance to mellow out befor you inhale. Also alot of people do not get an effect becuase you have to take slow long toke, hold for a long time, limit the amount of oxygen you inhale with it, and as soon as you exhale you take another toke with out any other breathes inbetween and repeat till you have smoked about gram or so. That is what has been told to me.

i am a pretty repsonsible person when it comes to trying new things. I get info, talk with peopel with personal experience and then if i decided to try it, i wait till the time is right for me. Druggs/alchol for me are ways to escape take a mental break from life, a mini vaction of sorts.. and just like with a vacation to say Floridia you are not going to go every week, life will just not allow it. You have to plan and make sure everything is in order so everything goes ok while you are on break and then once you return life continues as normal.

I thank you for your words of warnings they are helpful and well thought over in the process to make my deccisions.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done it...

First time I smoked it x20 It was like a whip it to me only I didn't hear the patterns.

Second time I refined it more, allot more. I thought I'll run a bath smoke it and get in. WRONG! When it kicked in I plopped right on the toilet and could not move. when it wore off in about 15 minutes I felt awesome. That is until I stood up and realized I needed to wipe my ass. Yup I keep some around for bad muscle spasms knocks them right out.

Then I was told to get green leaves by a priest wrap them in a tight ball until it's an inch and a halve to two inches wide and just slowly chew. It took about 30 minutes to ramp up it plateaus for about 45 then was gone in a dark room done in that manner I have visions.

And don't get around stupid people when using this method I'm not the only person that says it inspires hatred even when alcohol wont.

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  • 3 years later...

hey guys, check out this site I just found: www.salviasociety.org  I heard about it on Fox News last night. The guy who owns it was talking how he's trying to stop legislation in different states from banning the herb.  I hope he succeeds, meanwhile they just banned it in my State (Minnesota)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is the goddess of the plant spirits...when I smoked and just layed down and journied, wonderful.

when I sat up and did tincture spit...and tried to meditate...ugh.

Not so good.

I recently smoked E

It takes the good effects of the e out I think its a waste...I know this is prob not the thread for it. I didn't want to start a new one and draw more attention to it...lets just say...I got the sound effects, you know...how everything sounds funny...but it only last like 15 min...and the speedy, but not the full mdma effects...I think its a waste to smoke it would rather just take a pill. We put it in our pot.

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It is the goddess of the plant spirits...when I smoked and just layed down and journied, wonderful.

when I sat up and did tincture spit...and tried to meditate...ugh.

Not so good.

I recently smoked E

It takes the good effects of the e out I think its a waste...I know this is prob not the thread for it. I didn't want to start a new one and draw more attention to it...lets just say...I got the sound effects, you know...how everything sounds funny...but it only last like 15 min...and the speedy, but not the full mdma effects...I think its a waste to smoke it would rather just take a pill. We put it in our pot.

How did you smoke E?

I figured that would blow up with all the chemicals in it

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