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Whats your favorite movie

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i just watched the 9th configuration today

it easily surpased everything

the man who directed it was a geniouse it had everything

and youd have to be a smart person to be able to make a comedy based on psycology and theology and have it still be full of drama intense moments

twas directed by william peter blatty

and it had stact keach scott wilson jason miller

...older movie about an expermental home for troubledvietnam vets whom run their own asylum

great movie check it out if you have'nt seen it

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i cant list one

the medievil dead: army of darkness

shawshank redemption (yes everyone says it but it really is that good a movie)

dog soldiers

13th warrior

blazing saddles

shaun of the dead


tears of the sun

the star

get carter (the original, not any of the shitty remakes)

harry palmer films (ipcris file, Funeral in Berlin, etc.)

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I could never list a single favorite. I have recently concluded that The Big Lebowski is bar none my favorite comedy ever. It was difficult to come to that decision considering my love for the Monty Python Holy Grail and Borat movies.

Some serious favorite movies include Eraserhead, Blood for Dracula, Barry Lyndon, The Last Temptation of Christ (I make an effort to watch it every Good Friday), Pi, The Fountain, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Brazil, Blade Runner, and good grief could this list go on. This isn't even dipping into my favorite Shaw Brothers classics, Godzilla movies and various old samurai movies.

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Pretty much everyone I know has seen it and if they haven't, they will. I own the original VHS from when it was in a cardboard sleeve and not the re-release in the clamshell case. I bought the original DVD and also the special edition DVD. I also own the paperback novel and the 25th Anniversary Edition novel, plus the screenplay. I've listened to the book on tape, but don't own it ... yet.

Yeah, I'm just a wee bit obsessed.

I own the paperback book, the cardboard covered VHS, but I actually don't own a VHS player anymore, so I had to get the DVD.. *drools* <---Princess Bride

I love Spaceballs, Monty Python movies (Holy Grail/Meaning of Life/Life of Brian), A Clockwork Orange, Audition, Wow, I could go on for a while, but I think I'll stop there. :)

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Your kidding. You, my fellow serial killer loving, ghost busting fanatic.....bad guy likes fucking TITANIC??? Best????

I am shocked and dismayed.

To pick one horror (obviously it would HAVE to be one of those) movie would just be too hard.

Your losing tough dark goth points. Like 10 for this, combined With all that silly baby sweetie talk shit I heard. You got back casanova points but lost dark points. So there. :harhar:

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Donnie Darko

Other personal favorites that are still worth mentioning..

Anything starring Bruce Campbell

Anything starring Johnny Depp

Anything created, directed, written, whatever, by Tim Burton

Yes, please and add David Lynch.

A small list of the one's I like the most are:

Team America

What Dreams May Come

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Young Frankenstein

Blazing Saddles

LOTRs (all)

The Princess Bride

Army of Darkness

Shaun of the Dead

Office Space

and so on, and so on, etc. I really love movies!!!!!!!!

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I just thought of another movie that I like that I saw as a kid. Does anyone remember "Harold and Maude"? Great movie. I never get tired of watching it. Ruth Gordon is a hoot in that movie. If I can find it on DVD, I'm going to get it.

On the subject of "Titanic", I myself found it too long AND boring. It's overrated IMO.

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im shocked i dont see terry gillam on that list phee

as for me i have 2 favorite movies

the evil dead 2 dead by dawn

and life is beatiful

Evil Dead 2 is my favorite also

Anything with Bettie Davis

Gone with the wind

The ten comandments

Kings Row


Clerks 1&2

Hellraiser 2

Wild at Heart

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Well the short list of favorites:

Ichi the Killer


Clockwork Orange

Habla con Ella


Sympathy for Mr Vengence


Suicide Club

Battle Royal

Run Lola Run

Kentucky Fried Movie

The Wicker Man (1973)

Adventures of Baron Munchausen


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  • 11 months later...
Guest Megalicious

Favorite movie of all time. Hands down, The Wizard of Oz, I could watch that movie a million times and never get sick of it.

Other all time fav's

Time Bandits

Mulholland Drive


The Third Man

A Clockwork Orange


and many more I can't think of at the moment.

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