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The Piercing that didnt last


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Long story short, I went out with my friend Hope. She wanted to finally get her cartilage pierced. She bought my labret piercing. Ended up a "3 piercings for 80 bcusk" seeing as though we were repeating customers and we knew the owner at Sterling Dragon.

I got home.


'Nuff said.

The piercing's gone. But not forever. Bill (( sterling dragon owner )) is going to repierce it when the time comes.

I miss my labret. ;_;

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She had a room all lined up in Lake Orion last fall but her mom and George wouldn't let her do it. I think to the point of calling up the house owners and telling them it ain't gonna happen. Yeah, they're just a bit controlling. They seemed to love me though for some reason. :erm

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She had a room all lined up in Lake Orion last fall but her mom and George wouldn't let her do it.  I think to the point of calling up the house owners and telling them it ain't gonna happen.  Yeah, they're just a bit controlling.  They seemed to love me though for some reason.  :erm


Wow ... *hugs* Farril ... I know exactly what your going through there.

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Yep, had to call Holly and let her know that her "Big Sis" wasnt moving.

Perhaps when I move in with dad this year (( hoping hoping hoping, he DID say the big M word when I saw him last weekend oO )). I know he works in the Court System and I know he'd HATE facial piercings as he sees a ton of them, but he also has this wonderful talent of seeing things from other peoples' views, especially mine. =3

He usually sees it as "If I dont see it, I dont care" so I know he'll definitely care about it. But if I present to him the idea of retainers....... who knows. We'll see. ;_;

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Yep, had to call Holly and let her know that her "Big Sis" wasnt moving.

Perhaps when I move in with dad this year (( hoping hoping hoping, he DID say the big M word when I saw him last weekend  oO )).  I know he works in the Court System and I know he'd HATE facial piercings as he sees a ton of them, but he also has this wonderful talent of seeing things from other peoples' views, especially mine.  =3

He usually sees it as "If I dont see it, I dont care" so I know he'll definitely care about it.  But if I present to him the idea of retainers....... who knows.  We'll see.  ;_;


My parents flipped out when I got my nose pierced (and I was 25) ... to the point where my father threatened to make me leave the house I was living in ...

... They got over it.

My father still hasn't gotten over my tongue piercing ... and that was almost 3 months ago. ...

My father would absolutely disown me (more than he has) if he saw my hair ... my mother ... is a *bit* more easygoing.

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She had a room all lined up in Lake Orion last fall but her mom and George wouldn't let her do it.  I think to the point of calling up the house owners and telling them it ain't gonna happen.  Yeah, they're just a bit controlling.  They seemed to love me though for some reason.  :erm

Grrr... What a load of cow dung. What are they so fucking afraid of?

Tara.. I can't tell ya how to live your life, but I'd just make plans and move since being under their roof is obviously one of the tools they like to use to force you into doing what they want. Explain to mom that she can either live with it or not see you. It's not her decision anymore. You're an adult. End of discussion. There are lots of time, and ways in which we should make compromises. This is not one of them. Rant rant rant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK..I'm done now. :whistling

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My parents flipped out when I got my nose pierced (and I was 25) ... to the point where my father threatened to make me leave the house I was living in ...

... They got over it.

My father still hasn't gotten over my tongue piercing ... and that was almost 3 months ago. ...

My father would absolutely disown me (more than he has) if he saw my hair ... my mother ... is a *bit* more easygoing.

Every time they object to some small body mod... Bring a list of all the shit they have perpetrated on you over the years. Maybe that'll shut em up.

Then again... probably not. *sigh* :doh

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Now, my dad didnt extremely dislike the dye job my sister did on it, but he didnt like it either. I told him that if I grew tired of it, my hair would keep growing and I could just cut out the dyed parts.

He felt "Good point, but you still could've kept it one colour."

I can see it now......

"What is that god-awful thing in your face?!"

"I got my lip pierced. NOW wait, before you go off on me, just to let you know, I have ways to make this even less visible than it already is."

Then we'd get into the discussion about jobs and school and my career. (( college doesnt have a dress code, and the career I'm going into really doesnt have one either. Now, for job interviews, there's always retainers or taking the piercing out FOR the interview, only to put it back in later when all is said and done..... however, working from home would enable me to keep the piercing in ))

My dad doesnt like my multiple ear piercings OR the fact they're "huge" (( c'mon, the biggest gauge is a 4 oo; )) but he deals because they're not always visible. I DID tell him I've plans to get tattoos........ but he wouldnt see them, they'll all be hidden. He goes "Yeah, keep them that way."

With my dad, as long as you can prove that you can talk him like an adult, he'll treat you as one.

My dad may get angry, but he also cools down easily when you tell him the plus side to any bad situation as this. The sight of metal in my face would downright make him angry, but telling him that clear string can also suffice to keep in there (( therefore it being less visible..... )), he'll cool down and carry on.


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It's not her decision anymore.  You're an adult.  End of discussion. 


Marc is right about that Tara - no offense to you as I don't want to step into your personal affairs.

I know for myself there came the day when I had to tell both my parents that a) I am an adult and b) I can choose how I want to look and c) if they don't like my choices then oh well - it is my life.

They got over it eventually and now all is good.

Good luck to you whatever you decide.

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Yeah, my folks always had a rule, "no tattoos or piercings until I move out of the house". I followed their rules becasue they were kinda right, it was their house even though I did not agree to the rules at all. (I did get a my tounge pierced and got a tattoo anyway, but I was always careful to hide it from them). They had issued with my long hair as well, but they let me keep it as long as I got good grades in school. I moved out after high school to go away to college and these days have my own place. My friends tell me that they had it so much worse then I did when talking about tats and piercings so I guess I was lucky my folks were a bit more openminded.

It is kinda funny though becasue one of my younger brothers (19) still lives with my parents and he has a few piercings and he said he has had it for a few months and doesn't even think they care. Either that or they not notice.

My advise to you is move out and find your own place and peace of mind. I am glad I did and I know many others are glad they did to.

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I've tried that.......... on many occassions.

With Wendy and George.... it doesnt work. They make themselves sound like a broken record.... "We dont care if you think you're an adult, you live under OUR roof and you have to respect our rules."

It IS my fucking decision...... and I dont have $$$ to move (( Hope bought this piercing for me )).

I've tried time and time again to present them the facts that I have NEVER done anything wrong in my LIFE. NEVER gotten arrested. NEVER gotten drunk. NEVER did drugs. NEVER dropped out of school.

By law, I'm a moral citizen. I AM an adult.

Oh wait, nope, I'm not. All because I chose to "Marr" my face with something THEY didnt like.

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I have mixed feelings about this.

I am not a very strict parent in regards to things like piercings that are not permanent. My oldest daughter is so straight-laced though she has no interest in anything like that. She is sooo much more conservative than I ever was and am.

They are your parents though and you really should respect their rules until they are no longer supporting you.

or.... you could be a spoiled irritating brat like I was and they'd be sooo glad to see you go they would help you pack! heh.

It's a difficult time to be an adult and still live at home. I did it for a couple of years due to school and lack of cash. Things will get better for you once you're on your own. Sometimes it's worth a few seemingly unreasonable rules to get yourself educated and a bit of a better start. So many move out and end up with a not-so-good job when they could've gritted their teeth a few years and ended up with a bit of college or trade school under their belt.

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(( For some reason, I think this may end up in the Relationships forum oO ))

That's another thing I'm getting at. You've all heard me mention time and time again about my relocating. Hopefully, it may actually happen this summer. I do not (( I repeat, DO NOT )) mind living with my DAD at all. I wouldnt mind living with my stepmom either, although she's quite conservative as far as piercings go too, but still.

THEY are reasonable with their "punishments".

George and Wendy, I honestly believe, are not.

While I realize that Dad and Jackie dont like every aspect of me, they accept me for ME, and dont try to change that. Wendy and George do try to change that. Every aspect they think is evil, wrong or (( GASP!! )) GOTHIC!! Yep, mom said the piercing brings me that much closer to "that Gothic thing".

Dad? Jackie? They dont use that word. Havent heard either of them say it ONCE, except for talking about "There's a time to do it and a time not to do it" (( of course, this was over a year ago when he said that..... the way I dress has changed QUITE a bit since then ))

I can bear living with my DAD to get through college. He was practically the first person who knew that I wanted to get my education done and over with so I CAN get the jobs I want, when they're wanted and needed. I wouldnt mind living with him at all. Not one bit. (( Hehe, he'd even let me go out clubbing as long as my chores and homework were done and I was home by a decent time, hehe )). I can easily grit my teeth to live with him, because there arent many times I need to.

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You and me BOTH!!  ;_;

Marc makes three. :tongue:

I'd rather see you with the halfway reasonable parent then the completely unreasonable ones. All the head-butting WILL cause problems with your work, studies, etc. Better to minimize that until you can support yourself.

All this ^^^ from a man with two daughters... Oh to see into the future... :laughing

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I have a daughter just a bit younger than you... and I was a rebel of a teen myself... so, my advice comes from both sides... I hope you don't take offense...

You say your an adult, act like one. Make a choice and live with the cosequences. Thats what adults do. If you want to live with your parents, then your going to have to put up with thier rules. If you can't live within those rules... move out. You may have to get a better job and eat a little less. You may have to eat Ramen noodles every day for a year before you can afford to go out again. You may have to give up the piercings so you can get a job that supports you. Being an adult means making choices and then dealing with what they bring.

Good Luck.

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I have a daughter just a bit younger than you... and I was a rebel of a teen myself... so, my advice comes from both sides... I hope you don't take offense...

You say your an adult, act like one. Make a choice and live with the cosequences. Thats what adults do. If you want to live with your parents, then your going to have to put up with thier rules. If you can't live within those rules... move out. You may have to get a better job and eat a little less. You may have to eat Ramen noodles every day for a year before you can afford to go out again. You may have to give up the piercings so you can get a job that supports you. Being an adult means making choices and then dealing with what they bring.

Good Luck.


Pardon me for deconstructing your post but here goes......

I DONT want to live with my parents, but I HAVE to. I CAN deal with certain rules. I CANT move out because I honestly cant afford it right now.

Finding a job is out of the question as there are no establishments that are hiring, and I am not going to become a stripper and dance in the buff. Now before anyone mentions Mephisto's........ Mephisto's never let us strip. 'Nuff said.

I can make choices. I have made choices and dealt with them accordingly. But, something that doesnt strike me as a mistake, is thrown back into my face as something worse than an "oops" or an innocent curiosity..... it's a crime worth capital punishment, apparently.

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I DONT want to live with my parents, but I HAVE to. I CAN deal with certain rules. I CANT move out because I honestly cant afford it right now.

Finding a job is out of the question as there are no establishments that are hiring, and I am not going to become a stripper and dance in the buff. Now before anyone mentions Mephisto's........ Mephisto's never let us strip. 'Nuff said.

You don't have to. You have to if you want to live the life at the comfort level your used to. Moving out now means you would have to make sacrafices your not willing to make. Your choosing to live there so that life doesn't get any harder than it already is.

As for jobs, there are plenty of places that are hiring. Unemployment is at an all time low. Choices, choices and more choices.

Life is Hard.

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Now that I think about it.... when George said that I "wouldnt be able to use the modem" (( his always-first threat when I do something "wrong" )) until the piercing healed over, I should've said "Then I'll just use the school's or the library's." and kept the piercing.

Too bad I lack the guts to talk back to 'authority' figures. =_=;;

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Ehh I'm 21 and I quickly learned that, yeah, it was nice having all my piercings, but then I'm only limited to certain jobs, etc. Life sucks and then you bend over and take it up the ass..

In a sense..

It's not all bad, though.. I mean, yeah, I'll probably never be able to get another piercing again, but that's because I've decided I would like to have a good job and lots of money rather than look cool..

I didn't have too many issues with my parents and my tattoos or piercings, but I chose to go to a school that wouldn't allow any jewelry at all, if that's what I had to deal with to go to the #1 automotive school in America, ok, fine.. Do I regret going there and having my piercings heal up cuz I couldn't wear the jewelry at school? Hell no! I understand your situation as it rests right now, but don't worry, eventually things like this aren't as important as you once thought they were.. Or you may never grow out of it, like Mark said, it's all about the decision you make.

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Personally, I want it back.

But, I've already thought ahead about body mods and jobs mixing. I dont like corporate desk jobs, particularly, however, the labret would be the only facial piercing. And, on top of that, any tattoo I get would be quite covered, IF I were to end up in a deskjob environment.

I've thought about breaking this idea about a sole facial piercing to my dad, and as long as I can provide some upsides to this one downside of having a visible piercing (( also telling him the fact that once the piercing heals, I can take the jewelry out for special occasions )), he might be okay with it.

I want to go into Visual Communications, I'm going to work for my bachelor's degree IN that area when I manage to transfer to a better school (( hopefully IADT in Troy )). Visual Communications doesnt limit you to just a few job opportunities, there's many in that field, including Graphic Design, Broadcasting, Advertisement, Animation...... all that other fun stuff. Even Videogame design. Now sure, many have office buildings and the like, but there are also several careers that someone can do from home if necessary.... as long as there's a computer.

Yes I'll have a facial piercing, but when I have a job where I dont have to leave the house all the time, it shouldnt matter too much. And if I have interviews, again, I can take the piercing out for the interview and put it back in when I'm finished. OR, put in a retainer that makes the piercing less visible.

Sorry if this all sounds quite naive, but I'm really open-minded about body modification. So, maybe I wont grow out of it.

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