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Six surprising ways to boost your sex appeal

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Now that every guy and his uncle is sporting a fresh shave, a flash haircut, hip new jeans, and even a new sofa...

Hmm, Idunno about that. Queer Eye still seems to find plenty of guys who could use some 'freshening up.' :)

...and for the record:

Vote. I've voted in every election since I was 18, even the non-presidential years.

Serve eh... Hmm, maybe I should volunteer for that Planned Parenthood escort thing. I've been meaning to, honest!

Be kind to animals Your cat loves me. It's true! Ask anyone who's dated me! :)

Suggest coffee I've been doing this since before QE! :p

Quit smoking Working on it... I've definitely committed myself to stop buying them. Now once the guilt of constantly bumming sets in, I'll be done.

Lighten up. I hope you like poop jokes.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Megalicious

...and for the record:

Be kind to animals  Your cat loves me.  It's true!  Ask anyone who's dated me! :)


no way MUDDY WOULD HAVE HATED YOU!!!!! He hated everyone ....with the expection of his mother ...me =)

1. Stop being so indecisive ... and make up my fucking mind !!!!

2. I need to be more comfortable with loving ppl ... and being loved in returned.. Nobody wants to here "I DONT REALLY NEED YOU"

3. lose some weight lol ...




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Vote: Been a registered voters since I was 18 - check!

Serve: Does jury duty count? lol - heres where I bomb out!

kind to animals: I like pets! - check!

Suggest coffee: This one sounds kinda lame..but whatever...starbucks it is! - check

quit smoking: easy...quit along time ago. The only time I smoke now is cloves when im drinking - Check!

lighten up: got this down pat!!! although its probably leaning further towards the play than the work....only slightly off balance but who isn't?

Ok...so the line starts to my left, so come on girlies lets hop to it!!! uhm...did I mention free cheese cake?

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hahaha.. that was funny.. and no daevion, its not starbucks *gag too expensive* its Trixies Coffee Cafe!!!! here in roseville.. heh..


god i havent been to that place in years and now onto the list

1vote-give me somebody worth my vote and ill vote for them

2serve-I didnt know girls had a thing for waiters

3kind to animals-what kind of a sick fuck wouldnt be?

4suggest coffee-and what sober her up?

5quit smoking-now this is a hard one i really like smokeing and would not quite just to make it easier to find somebody i am a smoker if you dont like it then you dont like me but at the same time if i was to be in a realtinship and a child was on the way i would stop smoking because i would care more then

6lighten up-now that one i should do

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hahaha.. that was funny.. and no daevion, its not starbucks *gag too expensive* its Trixies Coffee Cafe!!!! here in roseville.. heh..


harbucks was the first thing that popped in my head....but Im sure theres much "cheaper" and better coffee shops out there.

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Guest Megalicious


Vote: Been a registered voters since I was 18 - check!

Serve: Does jury duty count? lol - heres where I bomb out!

kind to animals: I like pets! - check!

Suggest coffee: This one sounds kinda lame..but whatever...starbucks it is! - check

quit smoking: easy...quit along time ago. The only time I smoke now is cloves when im drinking - Check!

lighten up: got this down pat!!! although its probably leaning further towards the play than the work....only slightly off balance but who isn't?

Ok...so the line starts to my left, so come on girlies lets hop to it!!! uhm...did I mention free cheese cake?


OH shhhh Jason you know your sexy already ...... Ill never forget ..."this is my boyfriend jason" LOL ... holy shit .... you know all the gilrs at CC are drooling over you ...

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Suggest coffee. Heh I love coffee, but I'd rather it be the next morning :devil

Seriously,though, I've spent half my life in coffeehouses but I can't imagine a first date in a coffeehouse--dates are high pressured enough, without adding caffeine-induced nervousness to the mix. I'd much rather a date in a bar. (hence why just about every relationship I've been in has started in one.) Plus, the alcohol-induced removal of inhibitions helps make things a lot less ambiguous.

Quit smoking. But then who will step outside with me when I want to have a clove?

Women also tend to prefer the company of a man who makes them laugh over a man who makes them think, according to survey results. Heh not this woman! Not knowing who Kierkegaard is, is a definite deal breaker.

So yeah, for my money, nothing beats a smoking, boozin' intellectual...I guess I've just seen "barfly" a few times too many :tongue:

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What fun are they if they aren't naughty?  *Stomps around kicking things*



::: Places a tight collar and a short leash on Msterbeau :::

DOWN boy!!

Vote? Bah, I voted, not like it mattered much. I dont care if the guy votes or not, because I'm not fond of Politics.

Serve? Umm, in a pointless war? Nah, he doesnt need to serve in anything, unless he knows how to serve a good point. I gotta go with Daevion on this one.

Kind to animals? Well no sh*t. If he wasnt kind to animals, he'd probably be in jail.

No, seriously.

Suggest coffee? I'm game, but I like movies better...... with a frozen drink.

Quit smoking? Yes, please do. Second-hand smoking sucks just as much. However, just because he IS a smoker doesnt make him lose points. it just doesnt enable him to gain any either.

Lighten up? Umm, I'll be the first to tell him that. Workaholic? Someone needs to get out more. Personally, I prefer a guy whom i can goof off with, however, keeping me on my toes is also a good trait too.

So...... I'm gonna kinda disregard this article. <<;

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OH shhhh Jason you know your sexy already ...... Ill never forget ..."this is my boyfriend jason" LOL ... holy shit .... you know all the gilrs at CC are drooling over you ...


So where is this alternate universe and I how can I get there!! :laughing

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