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Feeling like grabbing up Odims and handcuffing him so he goes and plays with his baby girl. Life is only so long kiddo go have some naughty fun!


I'm hoping you are talking about Candy. My baby girl is only 2 and a half months old she wont be ready for naughty fun for at least a year *kidding*

But yes Candy is coming over tonight, which is always fun. I may take those handcuffs though :wink

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blah...happy that I got a good paycheck and that I went and got my nails done (and I had them painted fucking pink, ok?), sad that the rest of my paycheck is gone to bills, sad that I can't be with someone right now, annoyed that I have to go to a meeting, overwhelmed because I'm up to my eyelids in paperwork...blah.

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Anger Frustration Fear Disapointment

My best friend of 12+ years is getting married in less than two weeks. She only lives 3 1/2 hours away in Indianna and all was going well for my attendance until my car broke down (Saturn took a shit) so now my car won't make it. I dont have a new car yet. I can only get saturday and sunday off of work to go and not one of the trains or busses leaving that weekend will work. They all get me there too late on Saturday and all the ones on friday leave while I have to be at work. I am training new managers and have noone i can get to cover plus I already had to fight with the owners just to get these two days. Im flat broke and am borrowing money just to take the train/bus, at least i was until i realized it wont do me any good. She is only having a small ceremony and i am her only bridesmaid (or whatever you call it) there is only one groomsman as well. If i cant make it her sister will have to take my place but her other two closest friends arent coming either. one is in germany with her husband whos in the military and the other is in south carolina with her husband (also military) and she VERY pregnant and cant make the trip. I feel horrible that shes going to get married and none of her friends will be there. I assured her from when she first told me (in october) i would be there, but had no idea my car would be dead at this point. I dont really care if i go or not for myself, but i feel horrible i cant make it for her. Im still searching for something.... anything... that might work to get me there.

I always feel better after a good rant.....

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sadness, a kick in my bladder and extreme anger (not angry because of the kicks though) I was supposed to find out what I am having, but the father never showed up, and never called me, that was monday, and still no word from him. I am so sick of crying over how he tends to treat me this week. all I want to do is see a doctor, know if my baby is healthy, and make him realise he's a father now, and I wanted him to see it for the first time when I did. again, I am crying still, and I'm so sick of crying. I think I need a better man.

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another day in the office alone.

You know, I don't know what is worse...dealing with the public face to face, or sitting in an office alone...where the phone doesn't ring all day, and an occasional payment or idiot comes in to try and sell me something...and you have nothing but your thoughts...that can be dangerous grounds....


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Why sweetheart?

-CatsEye  :cat:


several reasons, the main one is because I'm manic right now, so every little thing is a big deal and I feel like the things that are most important to me are on a downward spiral to pain and misery....

oh the drama!

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