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What are you feeling?


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Like I just got back from Fetishcon, and it fucking rocked!

like I learned even more about myself

like I slept 2 hours last night and one hour the night before that

like I wore 5"heels everyday and every night, and now have no more skin on my toes

like my ass is completely black and blue, and it makes me smile

like my life will never be the same, in a good way


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Like I am bored out of my skull, and my favorite human isn't answering my IM's...either they are super busy, sleeping, or their phone is lying about them being online (which happenes from time to time....

grrrr! Some one IM me!!! Everyone's IM's are set to away.... I am the only one left!


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Extremely sore.

I think trying to do one-legged squats, handstand pushups, one-arm pushups and pullups after leaving them by the wayside for several years was a bad idea...

Ouchie that doesn't sound fun at all.

I'm feeling good, I found out earlier that I got into Eastern Michigan University for the fall semester.

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Like it's about bedtime. And I have a feeling that this semester is going to prove to be interesting. Especially since none of the classes I need are offered at any of the off campus locations near me. Thank god for online classes I suppose. Now let us see if I can get the student loan to pay for said classes. :X:X:X

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I feel like TitsMcGee needs some luck in what she wants to do... hope it all works out, hun. :)

I feel like I have been up too long, (since 4pm yesterday), but today is going to be even longer. I am SO effing HAPPY!!!! I got a NEW sewing machine. Lots of different stitches... oooo I am going to have LOTS of fun! Now I can finish my light blue and tie die dress! woohoo!


I'll post a pic or two, when its done. :) anyways...

yeah... I'm on cloud nine.. things are going exactly how I want them. I mean, going in the right direction. :biggrin:

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Guest Megalicious


My books for fall just cost me ALOT, even used. I still have to buy one, and I can't buy it used, its a new edition, plus my lab notebook.

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