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I need a Favor...........

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:innocent: Ok I just wanted to say thank you guys..... I just got owrd that next thursday I am to "train" at a local bar for waitressing with the chance that i may get "thrown to the dogs" befor then if they need some one. WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO You guys just dont know how much this is bringing my hopes up i am so freaking excited. OMG WHAT A RELIEF..... any how for the moment things are not great but they are deffinatly looking up and ...... uh i dont know how to express it just thanks guys :blushing:
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I got all this info with in one hour of each other, after months of applying at jobs with no call backs i was getting pretty worried. Then ot of the blue on probally one of the worst days of my life, one of those days you realize you are fucked and heart sinks, we get two call backs.

I cant think of this as anything else but good, even if Brian does not get he job today, which i am rather confident he will, it gave me hope which i had lost..... and well with out hope not much gets done...... either wya i have my hope back and that in its self is good.

Also i have ot believe with all of you praying, with all of our non net friends praying, and our family that this has to turn out good.

As soon as i find out about Brians job i will of course let all of you know.

Thank you all for your support it is more then apperciated.

LUV U ALL :innocent:


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So far the inteview went well,

he will be going on tuesday for a second interview, woo hooo they like him.....

I get the feeling that this is more then your run of the mill crappy apartment maintence job.

the way they are presenting the company is totally employee orineted. They promote with in, they have health insurance in 30 days, and a bunch of other cool things

the process is taking alot longer then i would hope it tooo but then again fi this is a good place to work and Brian can work his way up who knows the possibilities.

if you all could keep the good vibes comming it would be greatly appreciated. THank you all so much XXXX OOOO HArmony

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Hey guys Great news, Tonight (sat 1-29-2005)

I get Thrown to the dogs at 8 p.m. i will be waitressing

if any of you are not busy feel free to stop in and say hi

wish me good luck guys plzzzzz

Cominsky Park Sports Bar & Grill (586) 775-1534

16101 E 10 Mile Rd, Eastpointe, MI 48021

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Hey guys Great news, Tonight (sat 1-29-2005)

I get Thrown to the dogs at  8 p.m. i will be waitressing

if any of you are not  busy feel free to stop in and say hi

wish me good luck guys  plzzzzz

Cominsky Park Sports Bar & Grill  (586) 775-1534   

16101 E 10 Mile Rd, Eastpointe, MI 48021



This is the best news I've gotten all week and it doesn't even involve me!

I will eventually check out the Cominsky Park Sports Bar however that is a damn far drive for a Suburb dweller from Northern Oakland county.

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Thank you guys so much

I just got home and i am so thankful i had a good night, i got complimented from every one, the manager put me in charge of taking care of his friends, and the owner of the bar even mentioned to me how impressive it was at the number of compliments he heard about me. The rest of the staff just kept raving about how well i did for not knowing the place. I made good tips for my first night back out on the floor, and i have no complaints other then how pooped i am, but damn it does feel good. I bet I sleep past 6 am tonight!!!!!

I was surprised at how many people in there were um well not main stream, dont get me wrong alot of the bar was covered with normal peps but there was just a nice mix in the crowd which also made for a nice mix of music to work too. They had Karoke tonight, with breaks of music that was from Snoop Dog to Disturbed.

i am not sure what they have scheduled on each night, but when i find out i will let you know.

I also do not know my schedule yet but i am confident that i will be getting more nights.

oh if we all could keep the good vibes comming for Brian, that would be way cool, cause we need him working too to get things back on track around here.

any how i am going to put my feet up, unwind a bit and then hit the sack. You all have a good one cause i know i did. kisses n huggs to u all Harmony

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Today 2-1-05 @ 3p.m. is round two of interviews for Brian, iam so hoping he gett this job, it has been the only call back he has gotten in two months and to make it to round 2 of interviews is such a good sign i think.

I also got a call from the bar yesterday and starting tonight i am on the schedule so every thing obviously went well on sat night and i have a job! oh yeah oh yeah woo hoooooo

just wanted to thank you guys once again for all your thoughts and words and prayers, it is really paying off, and the power all of you hold is astounding.


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ok so brain went and did his interviews and the palce was supposed to call back on wensday and they never did.... brian called them and left a message but no return call yet, i am getting discouraged by this.

For me thing are going rather well, i worked tuesday and wensday night made ok money and i am scheduled to work sat night and sunday night woo hoo superbowl ........... any how just wanted to updated this for those who care. Thanks again guys harmony

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ok so brain went and did his interviews and the palce was supposed to call back on  wensday and they never did.... brian called them and left a message but no return call yet, i am getting discouraged by this. 

For me thing are going rather well, i worked tuesday and wensday night made ok money and i am scheduled to work sat night and sunday night woo hoo  superbowl ...........  any how just wanted to updated this  for those who care. Thanks again guys harmony


Do not give up if they did not call. I repeat, do not give up. CALL THEM!! Even if they gave the job to osomeone else, often the first person that is extended an offer turns it down for one reason or another - or takes too long to get back with them. After you call them, send the interviewer a thank you letter thanking them for their time and requesting to be considered for future positions. The cost of a phone call and a postage stamp can mean the difference between a job and no job.

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ok guys Brian talked with the maintence people yesterday afternoon and he found out that they are interviewing other people besides him, so if we could all keep the good vibes comming it would be apperciated, either that or good vibes for a diffrent job offer. just an update thnks again guys harm

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