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Oversensitive, highly-emotional, clingy romance addict seeks brilliant, domineering and successful business woman to remind me of my inadequecies and failures while I subvert and destroy your life as my revenge.  I am bad with money, a selfish asshole, and the king of procrastinators.  I make a joke of everything to hide the pains of truthfullness.  I will lie to you all day in order to prevent being yelled at, break your stuff when you piss me off and insist that we do everything I love before I ever consider your needs.  I spend all day on the computer or in the garage, in my own little world, so please don't intrude.  I have my own children, that I see only when I want but pretend they are my first priority.  Get real.  I come first. 

If your self-esteem needs a reality check, by all means contact me.


*wink wink*

Call me.

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Domineering, evil, sex maniac, controlling, selfish bitch.

Over sexed on a slow day and gets pissy if you can't hold a job.

Expects you to cook and clean while you're sitting home all day.

If you want to be supported expect to pay for it with continual sex, and house chores, and honesty.

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Domineering, evil, sex maniac, controlling, selfish bitch. 

Over sexed on a slow day and gets pissy if you can't hold a job. 

Expects you to cook and clean while you're sitting home all day. 

If you want to be supported expect to pay for it with continual sex, and house chores, and honesty.


How ya doin?

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Looking for a flexable girl?

21 year old female at 5'6'' tall. I returned from Iraq in December, and I am a mentalwreck. I seem to be attracted to boys that can control me and beat me. YOu know, its not a good relationship unless they can give you the AIDs, or beat you on a daliy basis for your own "good".

I fit the word of flexable. I can listen to you, or you can beat me. I can be molded into different sexual posisions for you pleasure. If I cannot do it, then you can beat me.

My dad says I am good at what I do. Or he beats me if I don't.

So if your looking for a girl that will except your AIDs, then call me!

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Cowardly, petulant, completely oblivious male, leaving his 20s, seeks emotionally needy and manipulative female. I'm afraid of EVERYTHING, and what I'm not afraid of, I scorn. I'm by turns as distant as Pluto, and codependent, I complain about everything, and I couldn't find a positive thought if I won the lottery while getting a blowjob. I have no life outside of my job and the clubs, and despite my own severe sexual frustrations, I won't fuck you unless you're pleading for it.

So, if you're looking for a pretty-boy who keeps his emotions locked away until they break out in force, I might just be the guy for you!

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Guest Megalicious

Emotionaly unavalible, psycho, woman with trust issues. If your looking for someone that always has one foot out the door and mad commitment issues LOOK NO FUTHER! Lost in my own little world, I have no problems pushing you out of it. I have trouble decideing who I want to be on a daily basis ... the woman you left at home, may not be the woman you come home to. Oh and don't be scared when I throw shit (sometimes at you) and tell you how much I hate you, thats just the way I show I care.

If you looking for someone who is unpredictable, moody, and all around "fucked up in the head" I'm the one for you ...

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Emotionaly unavalible, psycho, woman with trust issues.  If your looking for someone that always has one foot out the door and mad commitment issues LOOK NO FUTHER! Lost in my own little world, I have no problems pushing you out of it.  I have trouble decideing who I want to be on a daily basis ... the woman you left at home, may not be the woman you come home to.  Oh and don't be scared when I throw shit (sometimes at you) and tell you how much I hate you, thats just the way I show I care.

If you looking for someone who is unpredictable, moody, and all around "fucked up in the head" I'm the one for you ...


When you throw things at me, can I read you poetry?? It's a Klingon dating thing.

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eccentric, cocky late 20's male with no sense of direction, looking for a girl who'll please my every sexual desire and cuddle with me, but then get the hell out of the way at the times that I don't feel like being around her. I am spastically emotional, being closed in most of the time, but then release all of that emotion in huge bursts, often making my girlfriend question where I really stand. I'm too much of a girly-man, mainly showing this through my deep need for writing poetry, cuddling, talking lovingly (often too much, and at questionable times), and needing physical expressions of love all the time just to not feel worthless. I will promise to make you feel smothered due to my cuddliness, yet distant at the same time cuz of my not revealing anything too personal of myself. After being with me for a while I will still seem like a stranger, and our relationship will eventually end with us becoming fuck-friends, then friends when you get a new man. Most likely I will end the relationship too, cuz I'm so afraid of my ego getting hurt by being broke up with that I'll break up with you first. So if this sounds like the kind of loser you're looking for in life to drag you down, then give me a holler!

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Guest Megalicious

When you throw things at me, can I read you poetry?? It's a Klingon dating thing.


Some how I think that would just make me throw bigger, sharpper objects at you but by all means lol go right ahead lol ....

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Sarcastic, lying, cheating, boy seeks meaningful relationship with sexaholic tart. I will hide things from you and go into blind rages, and never listen to what you say, I have no goals and will never be on "the same page" as you... I have poor habits, and will never make any attempt to understand you. My friends are a bunch of degenerate loosers who you will never get along with.... and btw ladies I am codependant as hell *wink* so never worry about feeling left alone...

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OMG this is fun!

Too jealous to share you, I'll growl to myself about your female friends while I have plenty of male friends myself. Mine, dammit! Back off bitches. :laughing

During the week it's work work work, at least 10 to 16 hour days. On the weekend it's go go go, nearly always on the road. Never a minute's rest. I'll drag your ass out of bed at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning to drive to a science museum and spend the entire day examining jet engines, DNA charts, touring a captured nazi sub AND make you drive back the same day. Too old to be goth, too conservative to fit in with most of the scene, too weird to be mainstream, a complete misfit wherever I go. I'll drive you insane with bluegrass one minute, techno the next. I'll worry myself to death and obsess over tiny details and things that will never ever happen and forget the big stuff like remembering to turn off the oven or where I left my cellphone.

AND forever in love with my ex boyfriend so that nobody else has a chance. Geez, I'm a real prize. :)

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Guest Megalicious

OMG this is fun!

Too jealous to share you, I'll growl to myself about your female friends while I have plenty of male friends myself.  Mine, dammit!  Back off bitches.  :laughing 

During the week it's work work work, at least 10 to 16 hour days.  On the weekend it's go go go, nearly always on the road.  Never a minute's rest.  I'll drag your ass out of bed at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning to drive to a science museum and spend the entire day examining jet engines, DNA charts, touring a captured nazi sub AND make you drive back the same day.  Too old to be goth, too conservative to fit in with most of the scene, too weird to be mainstream, a complete misfit wherever I go.  I'll drive you insane with bluegrass one minute, techno the next.  I'll worry myself to death and obsess over tiny details and things that will never ever happen and forget the big stuff like remembering to turn off the oven or where I left my cellphone. 

AND forever in love with my ex boyfriend so that nobody else has a chance.  Geez, I'm a real prize.  :)


Fuck do you come in male form???? :woot:

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OMG this is fun!

Too jealous to share you, I'll growl to myself about your female friends while I have plenty of male friends myself.  Mine, dammit!  Back off bitches.  :laughing 

During the week it's work work work, at least 10 to 16 hour days.  On the weekend it's go go go, nearly always on the road.  Never a minute's rest.  I'll drag your ass out of bed at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning to drive to a science museum and spend the entire day examining jet engines, DNA charts, touring a captured nazi sub AND make you drive back the same day.  Too old to be goth, too conservative to fit in with most of the scene, too weird to be mainstream, a complete misfit wherever I go.  I'll drive you insane with bluegrass one minute, techno the next.  I'll worry myself to death and obsess over tiny details and things that will never ever happen and forget the big stuff like remembering to turn off the oven or where I left my cellphone. 

AND forever in love with my ex boyfriend so that nobody else has a chance.  Geez, I'm a real prize.  :)

Detached sex and taking me to museums???

How YOU doin?? :woot: :woot: :woot:

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This was so fun I had to do another!

Self-centered narcissist seeks someone who will love me as much as I love me. As long as you understand that everything is about me we will get along just fine, until you piss me off or hurt my feelings, both of which are very easy to do. My moods change at the drop of a hat and even I can’t follow them, but I will expect you to. I’m easily offended and will dump your ass if you even fathom making a joke at my expense. I’m closed off, cold, and I don’t share my feelings or even know what they are most of the time. I’m not pretty but I’m more vain than anyone you’ll ever meet. You will probably bore me to death because most people do, but if you think you’re interesting enough drop me a line!

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Crazy, Sassy, Bitchy, & emotionally out of control seeks man who knows what I am thinking, will over extend themselves, and is easily manipulated into my mold of perfection even though I am not sure what it is...and once you mold into it, I will then remold into my new profound idea of perfection just when you thought you had it.

Must be easily persuaded, yet strong minded. Must not allow my uncontrollable nature cut you down. You must use it to become stronger....otherwise I will unintentionally dominate you and then use it against you and cut you down again.

You must be willing to walk on eggshells, and you must not show signs of weakness. You must be one step ahead of me at all times.

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Arrogant, expensive, cold-hearted, lioncelle seeks pathetic doormat type for impersonal sex, sitting around, and possibly eating dinner once in a while.

If you are like my past guys you are likely immature and are looking for a mommy to do everything for you and pay your way...But never fear!

I am just crazy enough to think your chronic lack of self esteem, general crabbiness, and bad posture is just a stage and you can be fixed. Even though I will date you, I will constantly be annoyed by your failure to do anything of value. You will be deridded about this until you crumble into dust and can't get it up anymore. In addition, I will store everything annoying, evil, embarassing and pathetic about you - just in case it's needed. Beware if I find out you have slandered me, as I can afford a good attourney. I will only date men who have manipulative, self-centered under-educated faded-flowers for moms. You get bonus points if your mom is scared of me.

Be prepared for my family to think you are a piece of shit as they are much more observent than I am. If you can't handle being embittered for the next 10 years after I dump you on your sorry, lay-about, ass - then I am not the gal for you.


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Passive, anal, jealous, needy and unmotivated 30 year old woman with trust issues seeks 27-35 male to entertain and please me. Must be good at cuddling and giving compliments. Must have a very flexible schedule and a high sex drive. Must be understanding at all times and sensitive to my needs.

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Retail Whore seeks more than one hot male. Must be able to tolerate being told what to do and when to do it. Must also know HOW to do it. I'm a giver, but fully expect you to give me more. Must be able to cook a good meal, as I expect my dinner to be on the table when I get home. Must also clean. I do not like a dirty house, just a dirty little man.

If you're willing to give me everything all day, EVERY day, then you're the man for me. If not, you're fired. Clean out your locker and get out.

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