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What kind of girl are you?


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Imagine that the Girl Next Door moved to the big city. Think of Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. She's America's sweetheart with an urban sensibility. She's a post-Christian spiritualist, a pre-Monica Clintonite, and a dues-paying member of at least one social-change organization like NOW, Planned Parenthood, or the Sierra Club. You won't find her at an Earth First or PETA meeting, though. Those are the Granola Girl's stomping grounds. Progressive Girls want the world to be a better place, but they live out their politics in a moderate, left-of-center way.

If you are going to date a Progressive Girl, the one sin you can commit is to be a chameleon. Molding your opinions to fit hers will lose her respect. One very positive thing you can do is offer her new experiences -- the Progressive Girl is fearless about trying new things. Whether it's pluralism, skydiving, Asian peanut sauce, or this book, the Progressive Girl is always looking for new ideas.

She Might Be a Progressive Girl if:

She drives: a small SUV but really wishes it got better mileage; once she can get a good hybrid, she will.

She can talk for more than ten minutes about: just about anything.

She begins her sentences with: "Susan Sarandon says..."

She'd never: pass up the chance for a new experience.

She owns any of the following: a water filter, a tabletop fountain, an acre of rain forest, a mutt from the pound.

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Actually, it was originally Jarod who posted it, so he deserves props. I tried the "what kind of girl is she" quiz and got Academic/Indy hybrid, but I got pure academic on "what kind of girl am I" It's funny, I thought I had more progressive girl in me; I do work exclusively for nonprofits, after all.

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Moderation in all things, excess in nothing.

-- Epicurus

Imagine that the Girl Next Door moved to the big city. Think of Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. She's America's sweetheart with an urban sensibility. She's a post-Christian spiritualist, a pre-Monica Clintonite, and a dues-paying member of at least one social-change organization like NOW, Planned Parenthood, or the Sierra Club. You won't find her at an Earth First or PETA meeting, though. Those are the Granola Girl's stomping grounds. Progressive Girls want the world to be a better place, but they live out their politics in a moderate, left-of-center way.

If you are going to date a Progressive Girl, the one sin you can commit is to be a chameleon. Molding your opinions to fit hers will lose her respect. One very positive thing you can do is offer her new experiences -- the Progressive Girl is fearless about trying new things. Whether it's pluralism, skydiving, Asian peanut sauce, or this book, the Progressive Girl is always looking for new ideas.

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Imagine that the Girl Next Door moved to the big city. Think of Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. She's America's sweetheart with an urban sensibility. She's a post-Christian spiritualist, a pre-Monica Clintonite, and a dues-paying member of at least one social-change organization like NOW, Planned Parenthood, or the Sierra Club. You won't find her at an Earth First or PETA meeting, though. Those are the Granola Girl's stomping grounds. Progressive Girls want the world to be a better place, but they live out their politics in a moderate, left-of-center way.

If you are going to date a Progressive Girl, the one sin you can commit is to be a chameleon. Molding your opinions to fit hers will lose her respect. One very positive thing you can do is offer her new experiences -- the Progressive Girl is fearless about trying new things. Whether it's pluralism, skydiving, Asian peanut sauce, or this book, the Progressive Girl is always looking for new ideas.

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I happen to know that Mystica Maven got progressive girl as well. This is quite interesting, is it not?

I did the What kind of girl is she and got Progressive. Then I did the What kind of gork are you (different questions) and was told I am a hybrid of Progressive and Party girl, imagine that!

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im indie girl and party girl

<table align="center" width="250"><tr><td align="center"><div style="font-size:18px;font-family:Verdana"><b>I am a hybrid of: <br><a href='http://www.cookingtohookup.com/girls/indie.php' target='_blank'>Indie Girl</a><br><a href='http://www.cookingtohookup.com/girls/party.php' target='_blank'>Party Girl</a><br><p>Click on the pictures below to read more:<p><table><tr><td><a href='http://www.cookingtohookup.com/girls/indie.php' target='_blank'><img src='http://www.cookingtohookup.com/_media/quiz/indie.gif' width='200' height='260' alt='Indie Girl' border='0'></a></td><td><a href='http://www.cookingtohookup.com/girls/party.php' target='_blank'><img src='http://www.cookingtohookup.com/_media/quiz/party.gif' width='200' height='260' alt='Party Girl' border='0'></a></td></tr></table></b><a href="http://www.cookingtohookup.com/quiz/forgirls.php">Take the 'What Kind of Girl Are You?' quiz at CookingToHookup.com</a></div>


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You're a hybrid of:

Progressive Girl

Girl Next Door

Progressive Girl

Imagine that the Girl Next Door moved to the big city. Think of Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. She's America's sweetheart with an urban sensibility. She's a post-Christian spiritualist, a pre-Monica Clintonite, and a dues-paying member of at least one social-change organization like NOW, Planned Parenthood, or the Sierra Club. You won't find her at an Earth First or PETA meeting, though. Those are the Granola Girl's stomping grounds. Progressive Girls want the world to be a better place, but they live out their politics in a moderate, left-of-center way.

If you are going to date a Progressive Girl, the one sin you can commit is to be a chameleon. Molding your opinions to fit hers will lose her respect. One very positive thing you can do is offer her new experiences -- the Progressive Girl is fearless about trying new things. Whether it's pluralism, skydiving, Asian peanut sauce, or this book, the Progressive Girl is always looking for new ideas.

She Might Be a Progressive Girl if:

She drives: a small SUV but really wishes it got better mileage; once she can get a good hybrid, she will.

She can talk for more than ten minutes about: just about anything.

She begins her sentences with: "Susan Sarandon says..."

She'd never: pass up the chance for a new experience.

She owns any of the following: a water filter, a tabletop fountain, an acre of rain forest, a mutt from the pound.

Girl Next Door

The Girl Next Door is from a small town, a large family, or both. She still has a healthy dose of what people 'round these parts call "family values." She calls her grandparents every Sunday and she's got her mom on speed dial. The Girl Next Door likes an uncomplicated life filled with the simple pleasures of family, home, kids, and food. She may not actually live on a farm, but she tends to keep a menagerie. Asked to choose between a dog and a cat, she generally won't. What's a good guard dog without a mouser to keep it company? She is caring and warm, welcoming and friendly. Anybody in your office ever bring in chocolate chip cookies? You got yourself a Girl Next Door.

The defining characteristics of the Girl Next Door are simplicity and tradition. Simplicity means that, unlike the Academic Girl, she's really not that interested in the great questions that keep philosophers up at night. When she can sit in the kitchen, drinking coffee, eating shortbread cookies with a friend, and listening to the cat purr on top of the radiator, what else is there to life? What else, indeed.

She Might Be a Girl Next Door if:

She drives: a good, solid American car -- a Ford Taurus, Chevy Cavalier, or Dodge Stratus.

She can talk for more than ten minutes about: her family's holiday traditions.

She begins her sentences with: "my mother says..."

She'd never: go to a rave.

She owns any of the following: scrapbooks, heirloom quilts, a Bible, family recipes, her grandmother's engagement ring.

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Hold the boat, I have a problem. It says I'm an Indie Girl, which for most of the characteristics might be true. Until you get to the vehical part.

"She'd never: drive a mini-van."

What?! I do drive a mini-van. An awesome one. Named Norman. He's a transexual transvestite who likes in the grill and the tail pipe. He's got more personality than most of my friends. Of course I would drive a mini-van. *kicks poll*

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Guest Megalicious

La-la-la I'm in love with a four-eyed girl.

-- Rhett Miller

If you want to date the Academic Girl, it's time to hit the books, or at least hit the bookstore. This is the girl you never met in college because you never spent an evening in the Rare Books Room. Or, if you did, you were too busy reading rare books.

Actually, the Academic Girl has never really left the university, not because she's still chugging margaritas (see The Party Girl) or wearing her college colors (see The Girl Next Door), but because the Academic Girl is a lifelong learner, eternally seeking knowledge and culture and the answers to the Big Questions. This is the Girl whose favorite date is a lecture, whose cat is named Plato, and whose favorite love note is a footnote.

She Might Be an Academic Girl if:

She drives: a Volvo, a Saab, or a Toyota.

She can talk for more than ten minutes about: her thesis.

She begins her sentences with: "Noam Chomsky says . . ."

She'd never: read Cosmo.

She owns any of the following: an Oxford English Dictionary, any book written in a "dead" language (Greek, Latin, Aramaic, etc.), a lifetime membership to Mensa.

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