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So, I keep getting these leters in the mail. My wife assumed they were junk mail and has been tossing them. She opened on today. Some woman in Florida gave my name as the father of her child. :blink :ohmy: I have no idea who this woman is.. I have not been in Florida since I was 11. Nor have I slepted with anyone but my wife in 11 years. The child is only 10. OMG I want this to just go away... this child is not mine damnit. If it were, I would admit it and deal with the problems that woul;d cause me.. but it's not mine!!!!

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  The_Dark said:
but I don't have $600 to lay down. I know I'll get it back when it's over.. but damn... thats a lot of cash to drop.


Well hopefully it's a simple matter of mistaken identity that the woman will realize quickly. *crosses fingers and toes*

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Guest Megalicious

Wow Mark.... thats awful. Have you tired to contact this woman to tell her she is mad? Well not to tell her she is mad lol .... but to try and explain that you have no idea who she even is let alone fathered a child with her? The 600$ is well worth it considering that she lives in FL ... which means you would have to fly down there and get a lawyer .. not to mention how much you would spend if you had to support this child, I'm not to sure if thats what will happen .. but it may if you dont show up to speak up in your deffense.

What a psycho. I believe we should have a fundrasier for Mark and his needy cause =)

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Idea #1:

Go on Maury Povich and be all like "She a HO!" and then the tests will come back negative and she'll run off sobbing "But, I didn't sleep with anybody else!" and then she'll come back on next week with another small village of young men and continue her search.


Idea #2

Who sent you the letter? Contact that person, department, whatever and explain that you believe they are mistaken. Seriously, this kind of stuff happens ALL the time. If you have a fairly common name, sometimes these things happen. It's like those Geiko commercials "Five minutes could save you hundreds of dollars". It certainly couldn't hurt.

Personally, though, I like option #1 better.

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What a nightmare.

It's so unfair that you would have to come up with that much cash, likely because someone made a mistake and got the wrong address.

I hope they straighten it out for you soon.

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  The_Dark said:
So, I keep getting these leters in the mail. My wife assumed they were junk mail and has been tossing them. She opened on today. Some woman in Florida gave my name as the father of her child.  :blink  :ohmy:  I have no idea who this woman is.. I have not been in Florida since I was 11. Nor have I slepted with anyone but my wife in 11 years. The child is only 10. OMG I want this to just go away... this child is not mine damnit. If it were, I would admit it and deal with the problems that woul;d cause me.. but it's not mine!!!!


God bro, I think you got Peter North beat now for distance shooting of the semen!

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Well, I called the person of contact on the letter. Seems the woman fucked someone named Mark Frost while she was on vacation in Michigan about 10 years ago. The person I spoke with said I most likely had nothing to worry about as they sent the same letter to everyone named Mark Frost who lives in Michigan. Seems there about 30 of us. After a long talk with her she assurd me that I am pretty much ruled out as the father... we'll see. All she would give me is a first name. Leanne. I have never met anyone named Leanne. Why does this keep happening to me? This is the 5th time someone has named me as the father when I wasn't. My wife thinks this is funny as hell. I may have to spank her.

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Guest Megalicious

  Shade Everdark said:
It would certainly explain why I don't get any.


It doesn't explain it to me Shade, I happen to think you are very sexy.

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