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Getting Vicodin

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ok... i read the thread but I am confused

1. Why did they give you vicoden?

2. What kind of health care place gives out barbituates for mental health issues?

3. Are you sure that things happened the way you described them or were you a bit loopy when you went in and mistook the hospital for a psych ward and were given vicoden for an injury rather than for a mental health issue.

4. Most people in the health profession have seen it all and are not likely to hand out schedule 1 drugs like tic tacs.

ok... done

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Just to make this clear:

The other thread was closed because it became too personal. Unfortunately, what could have been an interesting discussion, devolved. EVERYONE is hereby warned to keep this conversation interesting.

Thank you, carry on.

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:devil My myself if I was desperate to catch a good buzz,about 10 asprins,and alcohol,go together very well.Its a blood thinner,Considering I have better things to do with my time like sleep,Just don't hurt your self with vicodinDollarDave,you are way too cool to be taking that stuff anyway.Talk to ya later.

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i'd have to agree with with MArk up there about friends. Freinds do lend helping hands and out you when you are indangering your self and not doing right by your own family. I've done it with a friend and family. We are still friend and i love em all more now then i did befor.

all in all i worry about the kid/s, just keep them in mind and think if you would want your own doing what you do? If you really stop and think about it that way its scary as hell, i know i dont want my kids near anything that i have seen or done. Would you want a daughter going to the mental hosp. and getting solicited for sex all cause she wanted a drug? What if she cant say no to said guy and the guy is three time her size and some thing happens? Its scary........

The abuse of the system upset me too, it is breeding the type of additude that leads cashiers to judge there customers when they use assitance and insults those who use it when they truley need it.

edited to change one term to something less offensive .......

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So, I finnally read the thread...

Wow. What a bunch of crap. Not even good crap.. crap of the thin runny "OH MY GOOD MAKE IT STOP!" varaity.

I have been trying to think of a way to address all that has been said without ending up sinking to the level of most of the other thread. It wont be easy, so here goes.


Get help. Now. Vicodin is an opiate. It's one of the hardest things to beat. Have the nightmares taken over your thoughts yet? Waking dreams of your inner most fears? The pills will tell you that they will make the dreams and nightmares go away. They wont. The pills will tell you that they can make the pain go away. They wont. The pills will tell you that they will make you happy. They wont. The pills will tell you that they will make you feel good. They might, just like a spider sings to the fly before it sinks in it's fangs.

Cleaning up wont be easy. Withdrawl from an Opiate is living hell. Spiders crawling just under your skin. Phatom pains and loss of sensation. Bright lights searing into your eyes.

It gets better.

Then it gets over and you can then start to fix everything the pills have been telling you is ok. It's not ok. Your not ok. Get help. Get help Now.

To everyone else,

He's an addict. Your not talking to him, your talking to the addiction and the Pills. Get over your wallets, pocket books and self interest. Show some compassion.

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addicts do need help, but first they must realise what sort of shit they haveto go.

daves post didnt seem to have any trace. tbh. i dont care about my wallet, there are far worse abuses of healthcare money over here that we haveto pay by law into in adition to any private schemes.

cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped, and i cant tollerate such abuse of my compassion. been taken for a ride before by such a case. its made me more cynical and cold but better off.

this is my bleeding heart liberal view incase i get flamed.

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He's an addict. Your not talking to him, your talking to the addiction and the Pills.

Yep to that...

I disagree with you on the money comment. It sounds like you've been there Mark... Empathy is certainly important, but so is taking responsibility for your actions while using.

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I'm gonna chime in here and don't take this as me 'defending a fellow addict'. It is far from that.

I'm not on the board that much. From some of the topics I have read I don't see how anyone can bash DD for his post.

Sure it was a selfish act. Yes. He shows all the signs of being an addict.

But now is not the time for tough love. That time was long ago. The first time he posted his problems with Vicodin. I'm sure long before I became a member.

You knew he had a problem. He talks about it constantly.

Most of you egged on his womanizing or egotistical comments. Just by responding to them.

Even the girls who just laughed off his little jokes.

I met DD. Gave him the benefit of the doubt. Realized he was not a person I could allow in my life at all and have shut down all communications with him. I don't have a problem with him I just see no purpose in allowing someone like that within my life.

You can't joke with a pervert.

You can't force an addict.

All you can do is offer help. If he wants it he will accept it. If he doesn't and you can't accept that, you need to step back and let him ruin his own life.

From the stand point of an addict: Really how do we know he is ruining his life? Maybe his addiction is his own way of self medication for a greater underlying problem.

I understand the worry for his wife and child. And you are right. Its not right, or moral or fair to them. If his wife knows he has a problem like that she needs to take the child and leave.

Sometimes you have to choose.

Maybe then he will realize he needs help, but right now he has everything he needs and there is no reason for him to seek help.

The first thing friends need to do is quit enableing him. Support is one thing. Sympathy is another. Sympathy is just as bad as tough love. The anger and resentment will only give him more reason to want to continue.

In response to the topic:

It is possible to be checked into a psych ward and walk out with Vicodin. If the doctors believe that a true physical pain or condition is the cause of the psychiatric behavior they can prescribe the medication with the recommendation to see an outside therapist and family physician.

My ex gf practiced this method alot. As long as you don't go back to the same hospital twice it works for awhile. And we aren't talking about top of the line facilities either. Aurora is great for this.

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now, i found myself quite curious about how pretending to be suicidal would give a clinic good reason to give a pain script!? anti-depressants, sure, but vicoden? i just don't get it...  :erm


I'm not saying this is exactly how he did it but here is what my gf would do, and it worked almost every time.

She had chronic back pain but no insurance.

She would claim to be suicidal and when they would sedate her, as is common practice in most shit hole psychatric facilities (not like havenwick or oakwood etc). They then question her, try to get to the root of the problem. She would tell them about her chronic back pain and how it drives her to want to end her life.

They write a script. Give her a few references for doctors in the area and she went on her merry way.

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Maybe then he will realize he needs help, but right now he has everything he needs and there is no reason for him to seek help.

well, i would say lying about being suicidal, and having yourself committed for a week is a sign that you need to seek help, but that's just me...

It is possible to be checked into a psych ward and walk out with Vicodin. If the doctors believe that a true physical pain or condition is the cause of the psychiatric behavior they can prescribe the medication with the recommendation to see an outside therapist and family physician.

actually, that makes sense - i don't like it, but it does make sense...

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yep i agree that what is going on here is exactly as wheres my piggy stated in all her posts.

4. Most people in the health profession have seen it all and are not likely to hand out schedule 1 drugs like tic tacs.


i don't believe this was his first go at this. so i am sure it was not like a "hand out" but more like an on going process.

i know someone else who does something ... similar. not the same, but similar and they gets pills (vicoden) as well. doesn't do the "mental health" issue, but they have chronic physical pain and the docs give them drugs. even though they are an addict and it ruined their life. the docs still just give them the pills. and rehab? goes in for a few days and then the insurance says "ok that's enough" and out they go. on the streets again, and getting high.

an addict will stay an addict until he/she wants to quit. no one can make them see things any differently. all you can do is not enable them.

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Guest Megalicious

Just so people know... If your taking what I am posting in an offensive way... Good, I most likely meant it that way.


Yes and thats why I like you Mark, because you dont give your view/advice in a passive way left open of interperitation lol ... You are blunt and honest. Well all know you are very strong in your view, but you do it in a way that is intellegent. You debate, you don't going around attacking people. You just know your right lol and you have the knowlege and info to back it up. =)

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This is now out of order, but this part of my post, before Zhuk's DD thread was split rightly belongs here:


I have this to say to Dave:

You justify your actions by telling us not to worry...because the bills are beiong paid by the Canadian government, not the US. I say that's no excuse. Your using other peoples money to support your addiction no matter who those other people are. Here's something else to think about... What kind of messege does it send to your daughter to chase drugs and woman while ignoring your addiction? You think she doesn't notice?? Guess again. Kids notice WAY more then you think, and if your high on meds... you're not noticing very much. An addiction left unresolved WILL kill you. One way or another. If you want to be around for her, it's time to face whatever demons, pain or whatever that's causing you to turn to drugs to keep happy. I'd also like to say that my tolerance of your womanizing, sexist statements has ceased. If you can't be respectful of woman and people in general, I'd rather not see you post here anymore. If you don't understand what I'm saying here... it's time to find out. One more thing: You say that many of us aren't your friends because we've called into question your actions and motives. I'd suggest to you that that's exactly what a good friend does. Friends don't facilitate your problems... they help you correct them. If that doesn't feel good from your end... sorry.. but that's part of the process.


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Guest Megalicious

I believe the second part of my post goes here too =)

As for Zhouk lol- I wounder myself .... hmmm? Now in the hospitals that I've been sometimes will give you shit just to make you shut up. However Vicoden is unlikely lol ...

2. What kind of health care place gives out barbituates for mental health issues?

You would be surpized.... I mean all I had to do with my current RX was send an email... take it in mind its not for any kind of barb .. but .. I was just amazed of how easy it was and to be honest really scared.

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So, I finnally read the thread...

Wow. What a bunch of crap. Not even good crap.. crap of the thin runny "OH MY GOOD MAKE IT STOP!" varaity.

I have been trying to think of a way to address all that has been said without ending up sinking to the level of most of the other thread. It wont be easy, so here goes.


Get help. Now. Vicodin is an opiate. It's one of the hardest things to beat. Have the nightmares taken over your thoughts yet? Waking dreams of your inner most fears? The pills will tell you that they will make the dreams and nightmares go away. They wont. The pills will tell you that they can make the pain go away. They wont. The pills will tell you that they will make you happy. They wont. The pills will tell you  that they will make you feel good. They might, just like a spider sings to the fly before it sinks in it's fangs.

Cleaning up wont be easy. Withdrawl from an Opiate is living hell. Spiders crawling just under your skin. Phatom pains and loss of sensation. Bright lights searing into your eyes.

It gets better.

Then it gets over and you can then start to fix everything the pills have been telling you is ok. It's not ok. Your not ok. Get help. Get help Now.

To everyone else,

He's an addict. Your not talking to him, your talking to the addiction and the Pills. Get over your wallets, pocket books and self interest. Show some compassion.


:devil Very well said,I know him personally,and I have always known he had a severe drug prblem.That is why I had to quit drugs myself and it was'nt easy.

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Crank, I'm proud of you for quitting. I'm proud of anyone for giving them up. It makes me very happy. And no, it's NOT easy. I've seen it firsthand. It's heartbreaking and painful and so destructive.

Keep up the good work. That goes for all of you who are or have gone through it.

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A)  You knew he had a problem. He talks about it constantly.

B)  Most of you egged on his womanizing or egotistical comments. Just by responding to them.  Even the girls who just laughed off his little jokes.

C)  I met DD. Gave him the benefit of the doubt. Realized he was not a person I could allow in my life at all and have shut down all communications with him. I don't have a problem with him I just see no purpose in allowing someone like that within my life.

D)  You can't joke with a pervert.  You can't force an addict.

E)  All you can do is offer help. If he wants it he will accept it. If he doesn't and you can't accept that, you need to step back and let him ruin his own life.

F)  From the stand point of an addict: Really how do we know he is ruining his life? Maybe his addiction is his own way of self medication for a greater underlying problem.

G)  Maybe then he will realize he needs help, but right now he has everything he needs and there is no reason for him to seek help. The first thing friends need to do is quit enableing him. Support is one thing. Sympathy is another. Sympathy is just as bad as tough love. The anger and resentment will only give him more reason to want to continue.


I just went back and re-read this post, and thought some very good points were made, so I broke it down a bit.....

....responding A,B,C and so forth:

A) I never tuned in to this obvious issue, but I dont know Dave and dont respond to many of his comments. Still - you make a very good point here.

B) I am guilty here, I have laughed at some of his comments while being bothered by others. This is one of the reasons that I had stopped addressing his posts, they reeked of obsession.

C) This is wisdom on your part Jesi. And no ill will was meant, just the neccessary closing of the door. I have had to do this many times with many people. It is seldom understood.

D) Yes, and Yes.

E) Yes again.

F) From a likewise addict's point of view: I disagree. I've seen various stages and paces of corrosion, but it's always corrosion nonetheless. I've never seen a healthy addict. A blossiming addict. An addict moving forward. Of course he's self medicating. That's what we do. Because there is ALWAYS a greater underlying problem. Addiction is just the symptom that cannot be ignored.

G) I agree that Dave is being enabled. And as long as that continues, he has no actual need to make the change. Tough Love however - does have its place in the healing process. So does sympathy - but be cautious in the application of both.

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