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I pray for the day when your anti depressant of choice is just people.

And maybe some Marlboros.

And a snickers.


Stephen, usually you have really good input but I have to say, I hope you were just joking around a little with this post.

I hate taking meds, but I have to. My blood pressure would shoot out of control and my heart rhythm would put me in danger of dying from arrhythmia. Fortunately the one daily drug I take does the job for both those problems, plus acts as a migraine preventative. It wasn't an easy decision for me to go on this medicine. I tried many herbs, acupuncture, spent literally thousands of dollars and traveled to several clinics to try to fix these problems, but nothing has worked for me but Inderal.

I really see no difference in taking antidepressants if you need them than taking insulin if you are diabetic. Did you know that depression is actually visible on brain scans? Did you know that once you find the RIGHT antidepressant for that person, their MRI scan takes on the same apperance of someone who is not depressed?

The antidepressants won't work all the way on their own either. You still have to take care of your body and still have to try to get out of depressing situations whenever you can, but I do believe that at times, for some the medication really can be an extra help that is very much needed.

I don't think diabetics should take insulin before they have exhausted every other possibility, and I don't think depressed people should take antidepressants either until they have tried other avenues, but sometimes it's needed.

If you are at a normal weight, watch your diet and still need insulin and don't take it, you'll be in a casket before you know it. Would you tell this person they should avoid the drugs they need, go ahead and live a few miserable years and then die? Why tell a depressed person they should live in misery?

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No offense, Steven, but I don't know what world you live in, when you find people to be anti-depressants.


I live in MY world bud.

My friends and i are transparant with each other and are EXTREMELY tight.

We struggle togethor, we risk togethor, we celebrate togethor.

We push each other - to live better.

beleive me - it works.

I know the other side. And it DONT work.

Peace. Steven

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while i totally get where you're coming form on this, i just wanted to say - if you have to rely on externals as your source of happiness, you're forever doomed to disappointment...


ahhhhh Johnny but your missing my point.....keep it simple.....in community is strength and identity and purpose.

add those three togethor in a bowl and bake at 350 for an hour and you get fullfillment.

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i really don't think that is what steven meant. i think he meant that he hopes she doesn't have to rely on DRUGS but that one day the people in her life will be enough for her to live for or be happy about. not that she will rely ON people either for this but that people will be enough and she won't have to turn to drugs.


.....she's gettin it.....

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Rapid detox is extremely dangerous. You can very easily die from it if you were a long time user to begin with. Its not about mental dependancy but physical.

Your body becomes physically reliant on the drug.


The day they fix the chemical imbalance in my body/brain is the day when people or myself will become my anti-depressant. Until then I look for any help possible.

Being suicidal and struggling for help and seeing that none is in the near future is disappointing. Makes for a very difficult day each day.


your day will come Jesi. i certainly dont mean to be discouraging.

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Stephen, usually you have really good input but I have to say, I hope you were just joking around a little with this post. 

I hate taking meds, but I have to.  My blood pressure would shoot out of control and my heart rhythm would put me in danger of dying from arrhythmia.  Fortunately the one daily drug I take does the job for both those problems, plus acts as a migraine preventative.  It wasn't an easy decision for me to go on this medicine.  I tried many herbs, acupuncture, spent literally thousands of dollars and traveled to several clinics to try to fix these problems, but nothing has worked for me but Inderal.

I really see no difference in taking antidepressants if you need them than taking insulin if you are diabetic.  Did you know that depression is actually visible on brain scans?  Did you know that once you find the RIGHT antidepressant for that person, their MRI scan takes on the same apperance of someone who is not depressed?

The antidepressants won't work all the way on their own either.  You still have to take care of your body and still have to try to get out of depressing situations whenever you can, but I do believe that at times, for some the medication really can be an extra help that is very much needed.

I don't think diabetics should take insulin before they have exhausted every other possibility, and I don't think depressed people should take antidepressants either until they have tried other avenues, but sometimes it's needed. 

If you are at a normal weight, watch your diet and still need insulin and don't take it, you'll be in a casket before you know it.  Would you tell this person they should avoid the drugs they need, go ahead and live a few miserable years and then die?  Why tell a depressed person they should live in misery?


I respect eveything you jsut siad Onyx.

and for the record - I DO beleive there are cases where antidepressants are a good idea.

I just also beleive that there are more cases, where they are not.

Incidentlly - your social environement will also manifest in your chemical output bilogically. There is more than one type of "medicine". Thats all I'm sayin babe.


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I live in MY world bud.

My friends and i are transparant with each other and are EXTREMELY tight.

We struggle togethor, we risk togethor, we celebrate togethor.

We push each other - to live better.

beleive me - it works.

I know the other side.  And it DONT work.

Peace.  Steven


Forgive me for being forthright, but I know for a fact that it doesn't.

At least, in my case it doesn't.

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ahhhhh Johnny but your missing my point.....keep it simple..... in community is strength and identity and purpose.

add those three togethor in a bowl and bake at 350 for an hour and you get fullfillment.

actually, i mostly disagree with this - community, friendship, etc can, and does *add* to a sense of happiness, but to my way of thinking, (and perhaps this only works with/for me) if i am able to spend a week or two completely alone, maybe in the wilderness, but certainly away from people, with no input such as tv music, etc., and still be at peace in myself, theni know i'm ok. so many people in the world can't just *sit in silence* and be, because their minds aren't their own. they can't/don't want to face those thoughts they push away & bury with routine, with busy work, with the *white noise* of life. my opinion, one will never find true peace & happiness unless they are able to face themselves, and solitude and silence is an excellent mirror to hold up to yourself to see who and where you are. as for the comment "in community is strength and identity and purpose." well, all i can say is this - if you take your strength from your "community" (friends, family, acquaintances,etc), if you base your identity on them, and if you define your purpose based on the community to which you belong, what happens when that community is no longer a part of your life? things can and do happen, and that is always a possibility. as long as people rely on external things to build themselves on, create themselves on, they will find themselves lost when those things are no longer. of course, in no way do i mean to say that friends/family/community can't be a source of delight, an enhancement of your happiness, and somthing that will allow you an outlet for your sense of purpose. it's true, social interaction brings so much color, so much texture and vibrance to life, and it's a very important aspect of any well-rounded life, but it should never take the place of knowing yourself.

and now that i've totally bored everyone.... :innocent :whistling :fear

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Forgive me for being forthright, but I know for a fact that it doesn't.

At least, in my case it doesn't.


Sorry bout that Shade.

As I've grown older I changed the types of freinds and social circle I had.

I started searching for people who were down to earth - but who knew how to live well (not talking about matewrial things here) - they had solid relationships, good variety in their social circle, were constantly working to improve themselves, were seekers of knowledge, etc. Those types of people carry a certain type of energy with them, and vice versa. In essence, we sew into each other - it adds value to the relationships, and purpose. We also hold each other accountable to a ahigher standard that is agreed upon by us all. We have a common identity - although our personalities are vastly different.

ALso, although I have alot of friends - my inner circle is small and trustworthy - and most important: SAFE. It too - varies greatly in terms of what "types" of people reside in it. Only a few are like me.

Over the last ten years especially, these types of relationships have made a monumental change in my life. Change is healthy - when its moving forward.

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actually, i mostly disagree with this - community, friendship, etc can, and does *add* to a sense of happiness, but to my way of thinking, (and perhaps this only works with/for me) if i am able to spend a week or two completely alone, maybe in the wilderness, but certainly away from people, with no input such as tv music, etc., and still be at peace in myself, theni know i'm ok. so many people in the world can't just *sit in silence* and be, because their minds aren't their own. they can't/don't want to face those thoughts they push away & bury with routine, with busy work, with the *white noise* of life. my opinion, one will never find true peace & happiness unless they are able to face themselves, and solitude and  silence is an excellent mirror to hold up to yourself to see who and where you are. as for the comment "in community is strength and identity and purpose." well, all i can say is this - if you take your strength from your "community" (friends, family, acquaintances,etc), if you base your identity on them, and if you define your purpose based on the community to which you belong, what happens when that community is no longer a part of your life? things can and do happen, and that is always a possibility. as long as people rely on external things to build themselves on, create themselves on, they will find themselves lost when those things are no longer.  of course, in no way do i mean to say that friends/family/community can't be a source of delight, an enhancement of your happiness, and somthing that will allow you an outlet for your sense of purpose. it's true, social interaction brings so much color, so much texture and vibrance to life, and it's a very important aspect of any well-rounded life, but it should never take the place of knowing yourself.

and now that i've totally bored everyone....  :innocent  :whistling  :fear


All good points.

But I am not an introvert.

and the importance of community and giving back are pillars of who I am as a man, therefore I cannot lose community, unless somone drops the bomb and I'm the last man standing.

Your still missing my point about self - I have not replaced the need for centering myself by inserting community in its place.

I am saying - (and read my responses to others) that within community - community with purpose - is myself.

Points to ponder - and no right or wrong answers here:

How many of you - Mentor consistently and with intention?

How many of you allow yourselves to likewise be mentored by both peer groups and in subordinate (you as the student) relationships for any given period of time?

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I've been talking with a woman I work with a lot lately. She seems to give me advice right when I need it about what I'm confused on without me even asking.

She's made me realize something important.

WE ALL have control over our world. Thoughts are powerful. People don't realize what they hold.

Just like I posted in Cranks post about his job offers. If you think positive you'll get it. If you think you'll be an addict the rest of your life and die an addict then I can bet that's what will happen.

It's hard has hell to change the thoughts you've been having for years. But it's worth it!! If you start BELIEVEING you'll get better and there IS hope then there will be. NEVER EVER WANT for something. You'll spend the rest of your time wanting and not gettings. You need to say you are or it IS going to happen.

As preachy as this sounds it's true.

TRY IT! It just might be what you need.

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I've been talking with a woman I work with a lot lately. She seems to give me advice right when I need it about what I'm confused on without me even asking.

  She's made me realize something important.

WE ALL have control over our world. Thoughts are powerful. People don't realize what they hold.

Just like I posted in Cranks post about his job offers. If you think positive you'll get it. If you think you'll be an addict the rest of your life and die an addict then I can bet that's what will happen.

It's hard has hell to change the thoughts you've been having for years. But it's worth it!! If you start BELIEVEING you'll get better and there IS hope then there will be. NEVER EVER WANT for something. You'll spend the rest of your time wanting and not gettings. You need to say you are or it IS going to happen.

As preachy as this sounds it's true.

TRY IT! It just might be what you need.


there is wisdom in this Mustard.......and more depth than you may realize.

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Thank you. :) I'm working on understanding it myself. So far I've been changing little by little and I think I like it :)  :happy:


YES!!!! you SHOULD like it! this is called getting healthy, getting focused, getting confident. This is part of what I've been talking about in here in regard to community - learn from one another, sharpen one another, grow togethor, push each other - and then take what you've learned and bring someone else along.

When you get healthy you get balanced.

When you get balanced you have much less need for chemical assistance - because your natural coping skills are being honed and your accquiring more life skillsets. You start to realzie that the thigns that spurred anxiety no longer have the same degree of impact - and that you are not getting overwhelmed.

we are being bred as a society to lean on chemical assistance.

I know that offends people but the statistics bear it as factual.

Never before in our national history have we had so many people being diagnosed and pharmecutically dosed.....especially our youth. We start them off young. We splinter the family, trat tehri food with chemicals and hormones, strip away the nutrients, and put up billboards that teach escapism as the lofty goal. But there is no true escape....thats the undelying current......

then you dope the young generation - reinforce the fear of the inability to cope without medical treatment - and you've got a nice wide future of bendable, moldible, pliable people. Reinforce certain values or lack thereof thru the media and you've got voters, taxpayer worker bees, survivors.

surviving is not thriving.

people who thrive are a threat to the machine.

they think for themselves - against the grain.

they have the dangerous ability to influence others.

they call to question the norm.

we are all creating a legacy that we leave behind - whether we want to or not.

I have no children.

We've tried and tried but its not in the cards for us.

But I'm constantly aware of my legacy nonetheless.

But someone somewhere when I'm gone, will remeber the things I've said and done, and the way I've lived, will be challenged by them, perhaps motivated by them, perhaps might even have soem breakthrough.

I know this....I am very intentional with this.

....because others have left that legacy for me to value if I so choose, and I have.

it mattered to them - to leave something behind. None fo these peopel were family, or blood related, or even came from where I came from.

and I do not come from happy shiny healthy people.

I come from dirt poor violent disfunctional drug addicted sexually abused and manipulative people.

so I push myself even more - to be something more than what I was handed in the beginning.

and not because I'm better. But because I have choice and desire - to not simply repeat history and thus have OTHER people write out my life story for me.

My father used to mock me.

"your a dreamer kid" - thats what he always told me when I would try to discuss these things.

and so here I am - almost 40 - still dreaming and building somethign more.

and Dad......is still stuck inhis disfunction, and alone. By choice.

we choose so much more than we realize.

be free honeymustard.

it is your call.

never let anyone steal it from you.

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When you get balanced you have much less need for chemical assistance - because your natural coping skills are being honed and your accquiring more life skillsets.  You start to realzie that the thigns that spurred anxiety no longer have the same degree of impact - and that you are not getting overwhelmed.

people who thrive are a threat to the machine.

they think for themselves - against the grain.

they have the dangerous ability to influence others.

they call to question the norm.


These two things struck home for me. I've noticed that before I used to get REALLY stressed about things and would get to the point of making myself sick over it. But now I am learning to let things go. It's hard, but I just step back and breathe. Think about it and then try and move on.

Also I have always been one to go against the grain. There's no other way for me. I am a leader more then a follower. I like to make my OWN mistakes and learn to fix them. I'd rather find something new to mess up then do the same stuff other people have done and already fixed. Boring if you ask me.

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