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A question about the religion you belong to..

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I noticed in FC's thread about going back to church that a few people mentioned "ignoring" the parts of the service or dogma of their faith that they don't agree with. I'm curious why people would stay within one particular faith knowing this? Is there a reason you don't seek a congregation or faith where you fully embrace their doctrine rather then picking and choosing? Also... I'm curious about what those differences are. What about your faith don't you agree with?

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i think it could be that people are just *comfortable* sticking with what they know so they don't venture out to find that there might very well be a religion out there that does fit with their beliefs.

or ...

it could be that there really is NOT a religion out there that matches up with what they believe so they stick with one that is *closest* to that.

or ...

they were raised to believe something and they stick with it no matter what.

or ...

it could really be that over all they do believe in their religion just not an aspect or two so that is not enough for them to want to leave it and find another one.

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I ignore the fact that everyone in my coven except me and one other person cast our circles counter clockwise and open it up clockwise.

I feel I have the correct way.....so does this one other guy........everyone else is different.

I stay because this is the best one I have found for me right now, and I can be in my place of 'vortexing the energy out' in a direction that suits me whilst they do their thing their way.

I know that doesn't make sence but the point is.....its what it does for you inside, and what you get out of it.

Really don't think its healthy to just except what others tell you as fact for yourself when it comes to beliefs.

I don't know anyone can ever find a church where they agree with everything all the time........but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still go.

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it could be that i really have no idea as i don't follow any religions at all. i don't really have an interest in organized religions. i just like to believe what i believe from the comfort of my own home.

is there a religion called "lazy"? i should be it's founding member.

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I dont agree with what people do with the tenants of my faith.

I dont beleive in ostracising those you do not understand.

I dont like pricks who beleive they are God-Like.

I dont like men who claim to be leaders yet at home are miserable failures.

I dont like overt religiosity.

I HATE Christianeze as a language.

And I hate churches that are only for the churched. It should flow outward into the community toward those who need help - not inward like a trite social club.

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thats why you should all join the church of HW.

do what the hell you want, but dont hurt anyone, and aknowlage me as god and your done


:devil :devil I will attend HW's Church, :laughing

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I noticed in FC's thread about going back to church that a few people mentioned "ignoring" the parts of the service or dogma of their faith that they don't agree with.  I'm curious why people would stay within one particular faith knowing this?  Is there a reason you don't seek a congregation or faith where you fully embrace their doctrine rather then picking and choosing?  Also... I'm curious about what those differences are.  What about your faith don't you agree with?


Yeah I don't get it really. I get that Steven thinks that some religions have co-opted God as their own and have made their own "rules" that seem to be more of the Religions dogma rather than their deity's dogma. I understand that and there is probably alot of truth to it.

But at the same time, in a religion like Christianity there is a set of rules outlined by scripture. Some of it may be vague and open to interpretation but other parts are clear. So if you decide to practice the parts you like and ignore the parts you don't like, isn't that making your own rules - much like the "religions" do?

I think that a Christian God does have a certain plan for the way we should be living our lives. I am a bit befuddled by people who decide to pick and choose which parts of scripture they choose to follow. What is the point of reading the bible at all then?

I can't comment on Homocidal Heathen's post because I don't know enough about that.

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i have one thing to say about the x-tian bible...


I received this email from a friend. I do not contend to agree or disagree with its contents or p.o.v. I have on occassion listened to the Dr. Laura show and have found some of her points amusing, mainly due to the clueless idiots seeking advice from her. Nuff said.

Subject: Dr. Laura



> Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a US radio personality who dispenses advice

> to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that,

> as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination

> according to the Old Testament, Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be

> condoned under any circumstance.

> The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a US

> resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as

> informative.

> Dear Dr. Laura:

> Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law.

> I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that

> knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend

> the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that

> Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of

> debate.

> I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other

> specific laws and how to follow them.

> 1. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it

> creates a pleasing smell for the Lord - Leviticus 1:9. The problem

> is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them.

> Should I smite them?

> 2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in

> Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what to you think would be a fair

> price for her?

> 3. I know that I am not allowed to have contact with a woman while

> she is in her period of menstrual cleanliness - Leviticus 15:19-24.

> The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women

> take offense.

> 4. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both

> male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring

> nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but

> not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

> 5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus

> 35:2 clearly states she should be put to death. Am I morally

> obligated to kill him myself?

> 6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an

> abomination - Leviticus 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than

> homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

> 7. Leviticus 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God

> if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading

> glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle

> room here?

> 8. Most of my male friends get their hair cut, including the hair

> around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by the

> bible, in Leviticus 19:27. How should they die?

> 9. I know from Leviticus 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead

> pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

> 10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Leviticus 19:19 by planting

> two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing

> garments mad of two different kinds of thread (cotton and polyester

> blend). He also tends to curse a lot. Is it really necessary that

> we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone

> them? - Leviticus 24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at

> a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their

> in-laws? Leviticus 20:14

> I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident

> you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is

> eternal and unchanging.

> Your devoted fan, Jim



=( :whistling

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um, leviticus, exodus, etc., aren't books in the x-tian bible? now i'm really confused... :confused

as for the post being relevant, it does give a glimpse into my belief system, insomuch as i don't buy into x-tianity. when i have more time, i'll elaborate on the beliefs i hold... icon2.gif

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personally, the main reason i don't participate in any organized religion is that i find too much hypocrisy and contradiction in them, and i find it hard to have any kind of discourse with people who will blindly ignore these glaring inconsistencies, for the sake of "having faith". i have my own beliefs, i find my own way, and happily allow and encourage others to do the same. i also take issue with "religious" people condemning others for finding their own way in life. yes, they may be "going to hell" in your mind, according to *your* beliefs, but according to someone else's beliefs, so are you! i also have a hard time reconciling the fact that these religions (any organized religion that i've been exposed to, so far) preach of "brotherly love" (for lack of a better term) and then tell people that if they don't "get with the program" that they won't be accepted by "god", the "church", or themselves. i may not agree with someone's choices in life, but everyone must find their own path - some people need to learn hard lessons in life, and who am i to prevent that, or condemn them for it? i'm not their god. (even if i am my own) and it's not up to me to push my views/beliefs onto them. i'm always happy to offer my opinion, but it's not my place to judge them, and I've always gotten the impression that that's precisely what [the organized religions i've been exposed to] do.

i hope i haven't run too far afield, and i hope this satisfies blackmail's issue with my being off-topic, because i'm terribly concerned that i might have hurt his feelings...

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um, leviticus, exodus, etc., aren't books in the x-tian bible? now i'm really confused...  :confused

as for the post being relevant, it does give a glimpse into my belief system, insomuch as i don't buy into x-tianity. when i have more time, i'll elaborate on the beliefs i hold... icon2.gif


Uh, no they aren't part of the x-tian bible, they are from the old testament. Furthermore - you're feelings about religion are tied to a chain letter about a guy who wrote into Dr. Laura?

The letter didn't even quote Leviticus properly. And most religions have evolved to the point not to take the Bible literally, only evangelicals do.

This thread has to do with whether or not you pick and choose points of your religion that you belong to. If you want me to post why I'm not pagan, I can, but I didn't think this was the appropriate thread. But far be it for me to stop you from posting more chain letters.

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2 things to never discuss in a damned web thread politics and religeon.

No debates just discuss for shitsakes. If it ain't your thing then fuq it it ain't.

Leave it alone if you have ill feelings about it since it obviously does wonderful tings for some and if you as a person would actually take those thngs away .... THEN SHAME ON YOU

Good nite and good luck

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2  things to never discuss in a damned web thread politics and religeon.

  No debates just discuss for shitsakes. If it ain't your thing then fuq it it ain't.

  Leave it alone if you have ill feelings about it since it obviously does wonderful tings for some and if you as a person would actually take those thngs away .... THEN SHAME ON YOU

  Good nite and good luck



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Uh, no they aren't part of the x-tian bible, they are from the old testament.  Furthermore -  you're feelings about religion are tied to a chain letter about a guy who wrote into Dr. Laura? 

The letter didn't even quote Leviticus properly.  And most religions have evolved to the point not to take the Bible literally, only evangelicals do.

This thread has to do with whether or not you pick and choose points of your religion that you belong to.    If you want me to post why I'm not pagan, I can, but I didn't think this was the appropriate thread.    But far be it for me to stop you from posting more chain letters.

Are you saying that the Old Testament is not part of the bible? Last time I checked it was. I'm going to assume you're making a distinction between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

I think TA's second post is relevent to the discussion. He chooses not to be part of any religious faith because of the inability to reconcile his differences of belief with their dogma.

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Uh, no they aren't part of the x-tian bible, they are from the old testament. 

you can't be serious!?! :blink

so, i guess genesis wasn't part of the x-tian bible either!? :blink i guess the whole adam & eve thing was just some pagan fairy tale used to explain how we came to be... icon2.gif

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Are you saying that the Old Testament is not part of the bible?  Last time I checked it was.  I'm going to assume you're making a distinction between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

I think TA's second post is relevent to the discussion.  He chooses not to be part of any religious faith because of the inability to reconcile his differences of belief with their dogma.


You didn't asky why people aren't part of a religious faith. Did you? If so that is a whole different topic. Are you not able to read your own posts Marc? Because if so, how is asking "a question about the religion you belong to" equate "why you don't beling to a religion" ?

And since both you and TA do not understand, the Old Testament was written before the birth of Christ. While Christians see it as part of the story of God, it has nothing to do with Christ. Christ is not mentioned once in the Old Testament, which is why the jews still read it and how it pertains to the chain mail as Dr Laura being an Orthodox jew, some of Lectivus is rendered irrelevant by the new testament.

maybe I'll make a post as to why I am not hindu, seeing as this is a thread where we just post random thoughts about religion.

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And since both you and TA do not understand, the Old Testament was written before the birth of Christ.  While Christians see it as part of the story of God, it has nothing to do with Christ. 

dood, you just admitted, in your own post, that x-tians see it as part of the story of god, which is basically saying the same thing as "it's part of the x-tian religion". how can you expect to win an argument when you disprove yourself? :erm

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I noticed in FC's thread about going back to church that a few people mentioned "ignoring" the parts of the service or dogma of their faith that they don't agree with.  I'm curious why people would stay within one particular faith knowing this?  Is there a reason you don't seek a congregation or faith where you fully embrace their doctrine rather then picking and choosing?  Also... I'm curious about what those differences are.  What about your faith don't you agree with?


If I don't agree with it then it's not a part of *my* faith is it? :wink

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Just um, to sorta clear things up. The Old Testament is part of the Bible but it is not followed by Christians. Christians follow the rules and examples set forth in the New Testament. There are even a few parts of the Gospels that explain that the Old Testament is moot.

Jesus was a phrophet of the Old Testament. He taught a new way though, a way so powerfull that it's teachings still last... though they are often ignored by the very people that teach it. Those teaching were gathered up and the New Testament was assembled. The Ten Commandments are mentioned many times within the NT. Jesus even adds a few.

It's not an easy matter to understand. One has to actually read the Bible to come close to understanding it. It's a life long journy.. but in the end.. it all works out.

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