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to the people of dgn...


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This post does not reflect the views of anyone on dgn, just wanted to post this on my own behalf.

I have been on dgn since it’s beginning (well not the day that troy spiral spread his legs and gave birth to it, but I have been on it since it was the spiral board, in it’s very early days of spitting up and wearing diapers). And one thing has always been certain to me (as a mod); you can’t please everyone.

There are people here who love the mods and what they do… and there are people here who hate us. Maybe only one of us, maybe all of us. We have been called Nazis, control freaks. We are accused of censoring too much. Then on the other hand we are sometimes accused of not being P.C. enough. People come to us for help. People message us to tell us how much we suck. People get mad when they are “breaking rules” and called out on it but then others doing something similar… and are not. Some of you realize “it’s just a message board” so you don’t even care. We are supported and we are looked down upon. But over all: we are just people.

We have opinions too and sometimes our own beliefs get the better of us but over all what we try to do, the best we can, is keep this board how Troy Spiral wanted it. “A safe haven for people of similar interests to get to know each other, jerk free”. That of course is not a direct quote from Troy himself, but that over all is what he wanted the original spiral board and the detroitgothic.net board of today to be.

In my opinion, sure sometimes things go over board. But that is MY opinion.

When you put so many varying questions and concerns in the hands of the mods, people who don’t necessarily view things the same way, you have to come to a compromise. Or what is over all best for the board, as Troy wanted it all along and still would to this day.

The “mods” are not one person. We don’t have one view, or one way. But we try to come together on any important issue and DO THE BEST WE CAN.

Maybe for some of you that is not ever good enough. Maybe some of you support it 100 percent. Maybe some of you realize IT IS A MESSAGE BOARD so you just don’t care. Either way know that we can’t please everyone all the time. ;) And truthfully, we are not here to “please” anyone. We are here to keep the board running.

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i have no issues with the DGN staff whatsoevver. infact this board is very leniant, i am a member of another board for airsofters that isnt so forgiving, people who wine and moan usually get ther ISP ID blocked and recently they blocked a whole section of the country due to immature behavior.

jane, and other mods. keep up the good work

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Guest Megalicious

Damnit PHEE!! What did I tell you about dying! Your not allowed.

As for JD's post, I could only imagine how hard it is to get so many people to agree ...

as far as Mod's are conserned.

Your right, you can't please everyone.

Nor should you be "pleasing" anyone, your right. I do not have an issue with the way Mod's run things... however I do have problems with people who modertate with a personal vendetta..... that being said I hope the mods can remember that they are Mod's they dont have to (but it is the idea) to leave your personal feeling out of modertratoring ...

Now note to people of DGN....

Remember that Mods have lives to, that sometimes they can't get to that PM because they are doing something that is more of a priority.... that they are just people that have to debate, listen and come to some sort of foundation .... and that is really hard when you have that many people all voicing oppinons they see to be right and fit.

That they to have bad days, problems to deal with and things to think about other then DGN. Just because they dont get to the problem right away doesnt mean they arent working on it .. it just takes time, sometimes it longer then others.

And remember if we were all just adult and stuck to the "play nice" rule there would be no reason for them to shut down threads/delete or edit anything.

They are doing the best they can, they are just people.

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Ignore that guy. ^^^ (The one above Meg)

Seriously... I think for the most part, things are handled well. There's times I disagree with how things are handled,b ut as Melissa (JaneDead) said.. they're human, and not everyone's going to agree all the time. I'd challenge anyone with a serious gripe against the mods to do it themselves long term and see how easy it is.

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Guest Megalicious

Ignore that guy.  ^^^  (The one above Meg)


:laughing I pretty much got that but thank you for the edit Marc =)

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Ignore that guy.  ^^^  (The one above Meg)

Seriously...  I think for the most part, things are handled well.  There's times I disagree with how things are handled,b ut as Melissa (JaneDead) said.. they're human, and not everyone's going to agree all the time.  I'd challenge anyone with a serious gripe against the mods to do it themselves long term and see how easy it is.

Human eh?

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I got tired of trying to please everyone. So, I quit.


It's funny because I was told by more than one moderator that their inbox has like 5 to 10 messages a day with people complaining that someone hurt their feelings and demanding actions be taken.

Are DGNer's really that sensitive? If dgn people are as thin skinned as some of the moderators would have me believe, I don't envy the job of the moderators.

And if you think I'm calling people who complain to moderators "crybaby's"....well.....you're right.

Wah! someone said something I didn't like on the internet! I am gonna sit in my room and cry even though it has no effect on my everyday life! Wah!!!!!!!

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It's funny because I was told by more than one moderator that their inbox has like 5 to 10 messages a day with people complaining that someone hurt their feelings and demanding actions be taken.   


Yeah. And I always wondered just WHAT I was supposed to do about it, when we're all adults here. Go figure.

I've probably even hurt a few feelings myself.

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