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:devil I have noticed this alot,some people do not seem to want to turn off the ringers on their cell phones in libraries movie theaters.The last time I was in the library,to use the computers,these peoples phones kept on going off all the time.The librarian was getting on their case,but they still would not turn off their ringers.I my self usually leave my phone in the car,and at movie theatres I usually have the ringer turned off,but at least I can tell who called.

Has any here been around inconsiderate people like this? just wondering.

Hey when you pay almost 10 dollars for a movie,I wanna hear the movie not a phone ringing.

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every day ;)

i hate when people are at a store and they are supposed to be paying in the check out or ordering something - either way, talking to the person who works there- and they are on the cell phone.

i was with a friend who did this one time. i was actually embarrassed by it. she was ordering a drink at the mall (one of those things in the middle of the mall that has drinks/fries etc) and she had her purse, a bag of stuff she just bought and was on the phone and the girl was trying to take her order. she kept talking on the phone instead... then she finally ordered but was juggling phone/purse/bag to get out money ... still talking on the phone. i was like omg. i looked at that the girl working who looked more upset rather than annoyed and said lowly "sorry".

recently i was at the fruit market and this guy was there talking to me and being rather rude to the guy behind the meat counter. he then started to talk on his phone (which was a headset so it was hard to tell he was even on the phone cuz it was attatched to his head the whole time)... he was talking on the phone, to me and to the meat guy. it was sort of confusing who he was talking to and when. :p

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i have had mine ring when i thought it for sure would not (my husband calling when i am the dr's office and he KNOWS i am in the office for example) and the person is always so considerate and says "do you want to get that" and i say "oh no no i am sorry it is ringing" and try to hurry to shut it off. and they will say "no no it is ok answer it" and i still just feel horrible it rang at all. if my phone rings in a store i just hit decline call and then if anyone calls again i turn my phone off. i only keep my phone on cuz of my kids, so if i am getting a call that is an emergency about them.

i know other people who have their phone attatched to their ear. i often feel as if i am hanging out with them... and every person they know ;) but i am not part of the conversation as i just sit there and they talk on the phone.

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every day ;)

i hate when people are at a store and they are supposed to be paying in the check out or ordering something - either way, talking to the person who works there- and they are on the cell phone.


When I was working in retail, this happened ALL the time. I loved it when a customer would talk on her phone and signal me like I'm her damned butler. So, I'd make like I didn't see her. Then, she'd "mouth" the words, but I don't read lips. She finally hung up and asked me why I wasn't waiting on her. I told her that, until I had her full, undivided attention, she gets none of mine.

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my phone is allways on vibrate and never on ringer. just habit supose as were not supposed to have them with us where i work


My brother is stationed at Little Rock AFB. We went to visit him and he turned his ringer on on his phone so that he would know when we were at the main gates.

It went off in front of his C.O. It was very amusing to see him escorted to see us by a very unhappy looking man in camo gear.

He later laughed about it. Well that was until he saw my bro walking with his cell phone out. Big no no. lol.

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this wasn't really disrespectful but about 9 years ago i think it was, i was at a club/bar with a bunch of friends and there were these guys there that reminded me of the guys in the SNL skit (the ones that dance right up on the girls and are really gross and annoying) they were all on their cell phones, hair slicked back, shirts slightly open... totally disgusting. looking at every girl that walked by... and talking on their phones? i thought that was funny. why do people at clubs sit there on their phone anyways? for one, how can you hear? and two, don't you want to be at the club, with your friends not on the phone staring at people walking by?

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Guest Megalicious

recently i was at the fruit market and this guy was there talking to me and being rather rude to the guy behind the meat counter. he then started to talk on his phone (which was a headset so it was hard to tell he was even on the phone cuz it was attatched to his head the whole time)...


The first time I ever heard some one talking on one of these it thought he was Scizo .. lol ..

Yes it pisses me off, not only because it annoying but I can't believe so of the shit ppl will talk about in public. Sometimes I feel like yelling "DUDE GO HOME AND TALK ABOUT WHO GAVE YOU THE CRABS, BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT!!! "

Ewww... People sometimes.

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The first time I ever heard some one talking on one of these it thought he was Scizo .. lol ..

Yes it pisses me off, not only because it annoying but  I can't believe so of the shit ppl will talk about in public. Sometimes I feel like yelling "DUDE GO HOME AND TALK ABOUT WHO GAVE YOU THE CRABS, BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT!!! "

Ewww... People sometimes.


Yeah some of these idiots want the whole world hear their bragging and how many times they got laid,did drugs etc, etc,etc

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