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What is your line of work?


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Just wondering what people here do at their place of employment.

Everyone does something different,depending on what their line of work is.

Some of these machines can be very noisy!

Also some of our stamping presses have the force of 700 tons per square inch,when in full production.

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I answer the phone and take orders for a tooling store. But I want to get out of that eventually and do CNC (computer numerial control) programing. I took Metals in high school and i really like doing that. Not to mention the really hot guys that were in that class.

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I work for a commercial sign and lighting company.

I run crews of guys in the field, meet with customers, do job walks and proposals, layouts, energy calculatiuons, deal with bullshit, babysit grown men, purchase material, argue over prices, try to keep idiots organized, hire, fire, and sdometiems work the field when were understaffed.

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I run crews of guys in the field, meet with customers, do job walks and proposals, layouts, energy calculatiuons, deal with bullshit, babysit grown men, purchase material, argue over prices, try to keep idiots organized, hire, fire, and sdometiems work the field when were understaffed.


This sounds almost exactly like my job except for the engery thingies.

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I am an Insurance Agent

I sell policies.

Auto, Home, Life, Health etc....

I don't really like it. I just do it. I'd rather be drawing pretty pictures of cars like Marc, or doing makeup and nails like Brenda. Or something else cool and neat. Maybe training Dogs or something?

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I'm the manager of a Computer Sales and Repair store in Cadillac, though I consider myself a Tech who has to do extra paper work.

I do budgets, inventory management, order product, design and build custom computers, phone support, design in-house advertising, deal with advertising on the radio and print, on site repairs, in house repairs, make sure my employees are happy in thier jobs, fight with corperate so my employees dont get fucked, go to Chamber of Commerce meetings and hob-nob....my god I'm under paid.....

Oh, and I chat with you slackers.

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Behavior Therapist for the developmentally disabled.

I go into homes and assess the consumer, identifying the behaviors that are exhibited (aggression, wandering off, property destruction, etc), then discuss what goals should be set for the year.

I develop a treatment plan that instructs the family (and any support staff the work with the person) on how to deal with the behaviors and how to work on the goals. I develop a data tracking sheet to monito how often behaviors occur. Then I meet with the family 1-4 times a month to monitor how everything is going.

I also have to write a report every time I go to the home, then there are reports every quarter, reviewing the data and progress, then the treatment plan gets updated. I train the support staff on how to work with the person as well.

I don't do this job for the money, well, because there is no money in my line of work.

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I'd rather be drawing pretty pictures of cars like Marc, or doing makeup and nails like Brenda. Or something else cool and neat.  Maybe training Dogs or something?


What about drawing pretty pictures OF Marc with his hair and nails all done up and being trained like a dog?

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I drive what seems like forever to go to work and drive all day, to drive home, what also seems like forever.

... I drive all day hauling new clean and old greasy car parts around in a Dodge Dakota for an auto parts store.

... Not that I mind that at all. :innocent

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What about drawing pretty pictures OF Marc with his hair and nails all done up and being trained like a dog?

Umm... You'll note I have neither hair nor much in the way of nails. Dork.

And I'm already trained like a cat. You'll kill me if you try to alter my programing. Yeah...I know. Let's kill Marc. :doh

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Guest Megalicious

I'm a copy editor for the Movies department of a music/movies/games online database (All Media Guide). So, I correct spelling mistakes all day. And then sometimes, if something catches my fancy, I'll write a review for it.


Grammar NAZI!!!!! :tongue:

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