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Us old Goths deserve some respect


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:devil Lately I have noticed that when I am up at CC or some of my other friends that are in their 30's or older,seem to get looked at the wrong way sometimes.

I myself are getting really tired of the "your too old to hang here"Well I have other friends that are older than me and quit going up there because of the people half our age act really stupid.CC was more fun 5 years ago or longer when you did not have to deal with this crap.PS no offence to the people that I personally know,that are in their early 20's.It's mostly these emo punks that go up there.

This goes out to all the older goths that had to put up with this garbage.Show some damn respect!I try to go there to have fun,but it's not ;like what it used to be,I wish some of theold crowd came back.

Anyone here on DGN get this kind of disrespect before,Explain,your more than welcome too.

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I don't look all that old... nobody bugs me.

Still...  Us old fartrs should stick together.  Youngster's beware!!  We will NOT tolerate your insolence!!


:laughing :devil :devil :laughing

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Guest Megalicious

The emo punk in my heart just died a little.


Emo and punk don't belong in the same sentence :laughing

I'm sorry people treat you strange because of your age Crank, if they can't enjoy your company then fuck them.

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:devil Lately I have noticed that when I am up at CC or some of my other friends that are in their 30's or older,seem to get looked at the wrong way sometimes.

I myself are getting really tired of the "your too old to hang here"Well I have other friends that are older than me and quit going up there because of the people half our age act really stupid.CC was more fun 5 years ago or longer when you did not have to deal with this crap.PS no offence to the people that I personally know,that are in their early 20's.It's mostly these emo punks that go up there.

This goes out to all the older goths that had to put up with this garbage.Show some damn respect!I try to go there to have fun,but it's not ;like what it used to be,I wish some of theold crowd came back.

Anyone here on DGN get this kind of disrespect before,Explain,your more than welcome too.


i don't feel that i ever get treated badly for my *age*. but i have noticed that cc tends to be a snobby place now. i have been treated rudly there but i figure it is because i am pretty *normal* looking and maybe people think i should not be there. (if they happen to be someone who is like 18/19 i just kind of laugh inside considering when i was their age i was there every weekend for years and they were oh... about 5? but i grew out of it. i've noticed people of that age or that are more *goth* think they own the place and that others should not be there. not saying that IS the way it IS. just saying that is they way it has been for me there often in recent years.)

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When I come back for a visit in July, I will be celebrating my 20 year anniversary of going to CC (I'm coming back for my 20 year class reunion). I really don't encounter any attitude. Sometimes I'll get looks like "you're not goth enough to be here" and I just look back like "honey, when I started coming here GOTH wasn't even a word" and go about my drunken fun!

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You are WAY too paranoid about your age man.

Who gives a shit how old you are and what people think about it. You probably thought the same thing back then when you saw someone your age walk through the door.


That and you look 22 anyway.

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You are WAY too paranoid about your age man.

Who gives a shit how old you are and what people think about it. You probably thought the same thing back then when you saw someone your age walk through the door.


I seem to be the only one you seem to really hate here and have issues with, .and no I am not paranoid about my age,I just don't like immature morons,so grow up.nough said.(no drama here)

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I have noticed that the majority of people up at CC are a little older, but it doesnt bother me. What bothers me is most of the people there become drunk assholes by 12, which is when everyone seems to start to dance. No offence to anynoe, but people need to control there attitudes when they drink.

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I have noticed that the majority of people up at CC are a little older, but it doesnt bother me.  What bothers me is most of the people there become drunk assholes by 12, which is when everyone seems to start to dance.  No offence to anynoe, but people need to control there attitudes when they drink.


Amen to that,nothing worse than an arrogant drunk.

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Every person who has guessed or asked my age at CC has put me in my mid 20's, and seemed shocked when I tell them my real age. This includes people who previously knew me only from DGN, where I have been pretty open about my real age (38).

I have never been treated negatively at CC overall, I must say. There have been one or two new people I've met who seemed drunk and reacted badly to something I said (or didn't say), but people standing around me were just as confused by their reaction as I was.

I've been hit on once or twice over the years, and gotten a negative reaction with I've either smacked a guy in the face for taking liberties, or didn't get a call back when I offered a phone number rather than a one-night-stand. But I wouldn't relate any of that to age - just to being a non-slut.

I do notice a lot of gothier-than-thou snobs at CC like others have mentioned. But I have learned to find them funny, rather than feel somehow "less-than".

Unfortunately, I've also found that the ratio of enjoyment I get from CC directly decreases the more involved with people I get there. There's a middle ground that seems to be great, where Jon and I can converse with people and also enjoy dancing and some "alone in a crowd" time, but seems when we try to open our circle past a certain point, tons of drama floods in with the good.

Haven't been there in over 3 months now since going on depression meds, and intend to return soon with a more low-key level of socializing to try to bring in the good, yet keep out the drama.

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Every person who has guessed or asked my age at CC has put me in my mid 20's, and seemed shocked when I tell them my real age. This includes people who previously knew me only from DGN, where I have been pretty open about my real age (38).

I have never been treated negatively at CC overall, I must say. There have been one or two new people I've met who seemed drunk and reacted badly to something I said (or didn't say), but people standing around me were just as confused by their reaction as I was.

I've been hit on once or twice over the years, and gotten a negative reaction with I've either smacked a guy in the face for taking liberties, or didn't get a call back when I offered a phone number rather than a one-night-stand. But I wouldn't relate any of that to age - just to being a non-slut.

I do notice a lot of gothier-than-thou snobs at CC like others have mentioned. But I have learned to find them funny, rather than feel somehow "less-than".

Unfortunately, I've also found that the ratio of enjoyment I get from CC directly decreases the more involved with people I get there. There's a middle ground that seems to be great, where Jon and I can converse with people and also enjoy dancing and some "alone in a crowd" time, but seems when we try to open our circle past a certain point, tons of drama floods in with the good.

Haven't been there in over 3 months now since going on depression meds, and intend to return soon with a more low-key level of socializing to try to bring in the good, yet keep out the drama.


I find CC a lot more enjoyable from 3,000 miles away and visiting twice a year. that seems to keep the drama at bay. I'll be back in town the end of July Fierce, so plan on going then.

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I don't hate you. If I hated you, I would either ignore your posts or PM you. I'm just stating what I think is true.

I've seen so many of your posted related to age and how for some reason or another you didn't get something because of age.

Like I also stated in my post. Who gives a shit on your age??? As long as you're having fun and not hurting yourself or other people then it's fine.

I seem to be the only one you seem to really hate here and have issues with, .and no I am not paranoid about my age,I just don't like immature morons,so grow up.nough said.(no drama here)

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