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Just wondering where people stand on this these days.... wanted a healthy debate type of thingy....

I have heard some interesting arguments on both sides, and thought that maybe it was worth bringing up again....

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Just wondering where people stand on this these days.... wanted a healthy debate type of thingy....

I have heard some interesting arguments on both sides, and thought that maybe it was worth bringing up again....


I think the death penelty should be in every state. If you kill someone, you should die the same way. Or worst.

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Just wondering where people stand on this these days.... wanted a healthy debate type of thingy....

I have heard some interesting arguments on both sides, and thought that maybe it was worth bringing up again....


I'm opposed to it. Just seems wrong to kill people no matter what they've done. Statistics show it does not deter crime (in the U.S. at least).

However, I might feel differently if someone in my family was axed to death. Perhaps I would like to see the muderer get murdered him/herself.

Also, If Osama Bin Laden was arrested I would not support his execution, but if he was executed I wouldn't shed a tear either.

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I think the death penelty should be in every state. If you kill someone, you should die the same way. Or worst.

Hmmm... Okay.... do you think that a person who has paid to have an innocent person killed should be put to death?

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I'm opposed to it.  Just seems wrong to kill people no matter what they've done.  Statistics show it does not deter crime (in the U.S. at least). 

However, I might feel differently if someone in my family was axed to death.  Perhaps I would like to see the muderer get murdered him/herself. 

Also, If Osama Bin Laden was arrested I would not support his execution, but if he was executed I wouldn't shed a tear either.

Interesting statements Blackmail... will get back to you on these

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Hmmm... Okay.... do you think that a person who has paid to have an innocent person killed should be put to death?


Yes. If you paid someone do to your job, and are convicted of it, then you should die as well.

Now on the other hand, if you are talking about the military, then no.

The trainin we are given is to protect ourselves. You go through so much training on how to spot, when to shot, permission to do so, and so on and so forth.

I'd go on, but I have to go to werk.

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Yes. If you paid someone do to your job, and are convicted of it, then you should die as well.

Now on the other hand, if you are talking about the military, then no.

The trainin we are given is to protect ourselves. You go through so much training on how to spot, when to shot, permission to do so, and so on and so forth.

I'd go on, but I have to go to werk.

Do any of you believe that in the History of the Death penalty that the government has ever put an innocent person to death?

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Do any of you believe that in the History of the Death penalty that the government has ever put an innocent person to death?

I'd put money on it.

I think this is one of the strongest arguments against the death penalty. Oops.. the jury made a mistake.... :doh

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I'd put money on it.

I think this is one of the strongest arguments against the death penalty.  Oops.. the jury made a mistake....  :doh

By the logic that if you believe that paying to have someone killed... you should be put to death... and they have proven that it has happened before that the government has put innocent people to death... well then everyone one who has ever paid taxes should be executed, because they paid to have innocent people killed...

That is one of the main reasons I don't believe in the death penalty... the paradox of it...

Also does it work as a deterant? Two Words: Jesus Christ....

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i was all for the death penalty until i found out about all the extra *taxpayer* cost associated with pursuing a death penalty case, and all the costs that come after the conviction, right up until the actual execution. imo, they don't deserve for me to pay all that extra money just to kill them...

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Yeah. The deterrent effect is overrated.

I think your logic(?) is messed up. The person paying has to have intent to kill before the murder rap gets pinned on them. I'm pretty sure just being a taxpayer doesn't qualify. Nice try though.. :-P

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Yeah.  The deterrent effect is overrated. 

I think your logic(?) is messed up.  The person paying has to have intent to kill before the murder rap gets pinned on them.  I'm pretty sure just being a taxpayer doesn't qualify.  Nice try though..  :-P

Wait... are you aware that the Death Penalty is a Federal issue?

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The Death penalty does not deter crime, but it does deter that specific individual from ever committing a crime again. Prison over crowding or bleeding hearts or changes in regulations etc. will not let them out. I am really glad that Ted Bundy fried in Florida. That way we dont have to deal with him "being all better now" and getting out sometime.

It also provides a nice closure for the family of the victims. They know the criminal is gone and will not be coming back... uless wes craven writes a stupid movie or somthing.

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The Death penalty does not deter crime, but it does deter that specific individual from ever committing a crime again.  Prison over crowding or bleeding hearts or changes in regulations etc. will not let them out.  I am really glad that Ted Bundy fried in Florida.  That way we dont have to deal with him "being all better now" and getting out sometime.

And the innocent people who have died?

Or is this considered an acceptable loss? kinda like a war....

Is it acceptable until a loved one is killed innocently? Would you still be for the death penalty?

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Innocent people die all the time. I would bet the more innocents die by the hand of homicidal maniacs than by the death penelty.

I don't care about the deterent effect of it... That guy who abducted young girls and mutilated them before killing them is being peeled off the chair... good enough for me.

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Innocent people die all the time. I would bet the more innocents die by the hand of homicidal maniacs than by the death penelty.

I don't care about the deterent effect of it... That guy who abducted young girls and mutilated them before killing them is being peeled off the chair... good enough for me.

So if your daughter was falsly executed... you would basically say... "innocent people die all the time, at least that one murderer who deserved it died" and let it go?

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I would be pissed off that evidence that would have gotten a different verdict at her trial wasn't brought up until after she was put to death.

Stop trying to pull my heart strings.

But it happens.... and you more or less said that "innocent people die all the time" and you never know... (heart strings are real....)

And not only that... but your tax dollars (and mine) went to having her killed...

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I would be pissed off that evidence that would have gotten a different verdict at her trial wasn't brought up until after she was put to death.

Stop trying to pull my heart strings.

And there's the rub. We'll let people die because the evidence to exonerate them doesn't come to light on time??

And you bring up the subject of heartstrings. I feel a new thread segue .....

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And there's the rub.  We'll let people die because the evidence to exonerate them doesn't come to light on time?? 

And you bring up the subject of heartstrings.  I feel a new thread segue .....

Yeah... Death is perminant... granted incarseration has perminant effects, but death has even more so...

I am not really arguing weather or not certain people "deserve it" or not...

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Guest Megalicious

For or against ?: against.

Why?: because i believe killing people is wrong PERIOD!  The court system is so fucked up just look at all the people that have been let out of Prison (after being in there for SO MANY YEARS) because of DNA testing.  It makes you really  think OK how many ppl that have been inocent and have BEEN MURDER by our goverment???? SOMEBODY HUSBAND, FATHER, SON ect was MURDER for not good reason.  Without wrong doing, now that just makes me sick to my stomach with just the thought of it. 

I think life in prison is enough, I mean if i was in prison for a LIFE SENTENCE I would be begging someone to fucking kill me. 

watch the life of david gale ...... it will explain alot of what I think of capital  punishment .....


I dug this up from the old thread =)

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