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HAPPY 666 wont be another one of these for a long ass time everyone! Im going to wait for the random terrorist attack somewhere in the world and listen to all the heavy metal/hardcore music I can! and annoy everyone with it! *starts, girlfriend already yelling at me* LOL


haha, seriusly everyone be safe today, nevre know what crazy stuff could happen by some idiot to show something on 666.

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So far I went out to eat and to a graveyard with Luminosity, HomicidalHethen, and BrassFusion.  We'll see what else the day brings later.

Oh yeah 34 minutes until 06/06/06 06:06:06


not for me, i have an 8 hour time difference where i am. its 1:35 pm at the moment which mean....like 6 or 7 in the morning back home with you guys.

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I didn't hear about the Hell MI party till 1 am. Hee hee. Did anyone go?


I looked on my messenger last night and Hell Michigan was one of the TOP searches for the night for the whole world.......oh we are famous!

Well it's still on the 'buzz' list anyway, whatever that is. I think it moved down 2 notches since last night.

I am going to a Theatre Bizzare Party tonight. I might wear horns.

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I didn't hear about the Hell MI party till 1 am.  Hee hee.  Did anyone go?


I looked on my messenger last night and Hell Michigan was one of the TOP searches for the night for the whole world.......oh we are famous!


Is anybody going to Hell?

I would have loved to go if this date had fallen on the weekend.

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um, starting at midnight 6-6-6 has gone like this..

rolled off my boyfriend with a happy sigh and promptly passed out

woke up around 5 am freaking out cuz he still lives w/ his rents and i'm not supposed to spend the night so i hauled ass out of his house and across the border and back into my own bed to get another 2 hours of pitiful rest before work in the morning

had an unusually good day at work--much better than yesterday when i ran out of gas while out on a delivery and then couldnt find the emergency room of a hospital of all things... just to give you an idea of how yesterday was... but ya weird that 6 6 6 would be the day i DONT have all sorts of illogical crap happen to me, huh?

before i left for work jake left me an im saying i forgot my cell @ his house so after work i had to go back across the border where i got searched on my way over... i RECOGNIZE half the border cops now.. and they recognized me... but somehow "i'm just running 5 min into windsor to get my cellphone back f/ my boyfriend" somehow warranted a search today...wtf...

got back to the us, packed up some laundry n stuff and headed out to the suburbs to my rents, where i am currently dog-sitting after driving my little brother all over creation but hey i'm gettin paid 80$ to do it..

so ya. here i sit... posting here and taking care of some other stuff online... i'll probably be in bed in 2 hours or so having done nothing interesting at all today.

happy apocalypse everyone

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Had the gf roll off of me around midnight and completely passed out. Woke up at 5 to my gf leaving, forgetting her phone at my place (good job babe)

Went to school to have people poke fun at me, I guess being "goth" and 666 day means I must have been sacrificing a sheep or something to my demonic god, wierd shit huh.

Went to the doctor, after missing meeting up with April only to be put on a set of drugs and possibly another. Wooters.

Work, sucked.. enough said.

Now I am online, talking to the girl and watchin the tube.. all good.

Ciao all


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To finish off the day I ended up hitting Luna, and a poll trying to squeese between a car and said poll. Fucked up the front end up a little but nothing that can't be fixed. Asside from that it was great, saw some old club friends and a girl I met at I-Rock. Indeed much demonic fun was had.

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