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Facebook Tracks Your Every Movement...

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This is why I have browser accounts and multiple browsers and have had them for years.

It is absolutely retarded how the kiddies have thrown away their privacy and then expect the rest of us to comply.

I'm going to love it in 15 years when I decide I don't like a politician so I hack FB and it ilk to get their life's history for blackmail.

A lot of people say "Why should I care, I have nothing to hide from them." Hey that's great and when the "social nets" voluntarily give information to a prosecutor when your innocent but the only defense your attorney can come up with is a "character defense" dont cry. 100 to 1 says that dumbass kid you use to be would totally trash your character. With the prevalence of invasive tech, you're not going to be allowed to forget your harmless dumbass mistakes. Yes I am adding all the rest of the "tech problems" into the picture, dont forget it is a social networking site. Just wait for the day they decide to scour the internet with facial recognition and you can't opt out. May as well post an automatic criminal search, and don't forget those juvenile files aren't erased or even closed they just can't be used against you in court... for now.

Always remember, private or corporate entities are not constitutionally required to demand a court ordered release for any information they have on you.

You can call me paranoid now but you be cursing me for being right later.

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One of the problems I have with Facebook is that it came out of Harvard, to me it reflects academic elitism and the withholding of information. I tend to think its out of this elitist background that changes have been made to this site consistantly without any consent of the people on it. After deleting my facebook I got so much more writing done, as opposed to posting new music or trying to get people to go to shows, and getting mostly ignored.

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  On 3/22/2012 at 9:53 PM, Saint Germain said:

Police over here uses FB to capture speeders and tailgaters.

So, it's not cool anymore.

I am curious how facebook can be used to catch a tailgater.. either way I see it as another myspace and is most likely just now started spiraling down the toilet, ready to meet it's twin, myspace, in the sewers of fail and aids.

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Update.. Just curious about how invasive they are, I tried making a profile with them, and couldn't get anywhere without giving a mobile number. They now DEMAND your phone number (for verification purposes excuses.) So looks like I won't have a facebook, because there is no practical reason at all that I should give a silly little site that's the exact same thing as fucking failspace my personal info. The number of facebook users is directly proportional to the number of stupid people on the planet I suppose.

EDIT: Spelling and grammar nazi purposes.

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  On 3/23/2012 at 1:09 AM, Epic_Fail_Guy said:

I am curious how facebook can be used to catch a tailgater..

It's simple. Offenses are recorded by a speed camera that made a picture of the plate and the drivers face.

After that the vehicle keeper gets a letter which told him to pay the fine. But the vehicle keeper is not

automatically liable for this, only the actual driver during the offense. So, the simplest way to avoid

the fine is to say "My entire family/company is using this car and I have no clue who did it at this time".

At extremely or frequently offenses they do home visits, but in minor cases you got a real chance to got

away with it.

And now you can image how FB's facial recognition helps our cops.

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  On 3/23/2012 at 10:26 PM, Saint Germain said:

It's simple. Offenses are recorded by a speed camera that made a picture of the plate and the drivers face.

After that the vehicle keeper gets a letter which told him to pay the fine. But the vehicle keeper is not

automatically liable for this, only the actual driver during the offense. So, the simplest way to avoid

the fine is to say "My entire family/company is using this car and I have no clue who did it at this time".

At extremely or frequently offenses they do home visits, but in minor cases you got a real chance to got

away with it.

And now you can image how FB's facial recognition helps our cops.

Ok that makes perfect sense, I already knew about your speeder camera system, which i'm surprised that isn't furiously protested, at the same time i'm not, veerrrry laid back country from my impression of it.

The face recognition is the missing link i was looking for. I didn't know they were that advanced already, I thought it was up to the users to tag photos of their friends.. that's absolutely creepy.

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And this is fresh off the Olbermann site (hosted by current tv)


Still biased (in a liberal way) however they usually have considerably less spin than fox news, ect. I'm looking up other sources just to verify but this seems legit enough to post for the moment. If I do a follow up post, it will be because it's a hoax, if not, I won't bother following up and you can assume it's legit.

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  On 9/29/2011 at 10:56 PM, Coffeenated said:

One of the problems I have with Facebook is that it came out of Harvard, to me it reflects academic elitism and the withholding of information. I tend to think its out of this elitist background that changes have been made to this site consistantly without any consent of the people on it. After deleting my facebook I got so much more writing done, as opposed to posting new music or trying to get people to go to shows, and getting mostly ignored.

Interestingly, the philosophy of FB has flipped to the total other side of the spectrum from its beginnings, basically because you make more money that way with what it is. I used to think about it in the same way that what we think of as democrats / republicans today, is the opposite of what they were in say, Abraham Lincolns time.

Its FB is an "everyman" type thing now rather than its original "exclusivity" mentality. Not that they ever really achieved either goal, but thats the general way they design/implement things. Which is odd since that was its original for-the-elite selling point, now eschewed for the come-one-come-all style. If it still had that richyrich mentality, it would be much more "guarded" than it is now. Although as time goes on the rich are much more like the middle class than they used to be culture wise (even though there is still a huge culture separation) so what was elitist say 50 years ago is not as separated as it used to be... and the more "open info" of the middle class is now part of the upper class (the lower middle being generally much m ore guarded as it always has been). ugh thats 4 different discussions there hah.

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  On 3/26/2012 at 4:48 PM, Troy Spiral said:

Interestingly, the philosophy of FB has flipped to the total other side of the spectrum from its beginnings, basically because you make more money that way with what it is. I used to think about it in the same way that what we think of as democrats / republicans today, is the opposite of what they were in say, Abraham Lincolns time.

Its FB is an "everyman" type thing now rather than its original "exclusivity" mentality. Not that they ever really achieved either goal, but thats the general way they design/implement things. Which is odd since that was its original for-the-elite selling point, now eschewed for the come-one-come-all style. If it still had that richyrich mentality, it would be much more "guarded" than it is now. Although as time goes on the rich are much more like the middle class than they used to be culture wise (even though there is still a huge culture separation) so what was elitist say 50 years ago is not as separated as it used to be... and the more "open info" of the middle class is now part of the upper class (the lower middle being generally much m ore guarded as it always has been). ugh thats 4 different discussions there hah.

Its not so much a rich mentality now but a malicious hacker/cracker mentality. Inevitably, the goal of any programmer who enjoys what they do is to make money. Most of the decisions Facebook has made, many of which based around privacy, were without the consent of its members.

Any centralized social site should reflect the message boards that internet communication started on, which were by the people and for the people. Facebook isn't all bad or all good, but I believe it will fall into entropy because its failed to stay by the rule that keeps people on the internet. I believe if the internet was just a corporation-run place like television, knowledge would be more scarce, and we'd all be less intelligent for it.

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  On 3/27/2012 at 2:18 AM, Slogo said:

I don't care. They keep advertising ICP to me even though I delete every ad for them stating "I FUCKING HATE ICP". If the can't figure that out I'm pretty sure I'm safe.

Think again dude, they do that because they KNOW you hate ICP! Oh the terrifying things they know!

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Yeah I found out that if you put "I hate ICP" as your status Facebook confuses that for "I fucking LOVE ICP" and floods you with adds...they just focus on key words. I should never have mentioned tampons in a status rant because they are now plugging up my screen!

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I will admit I have had fun with this thread. But for those of you who want to present your fat ass middle finger to every site on the internet, follow these steps..

1)Download the most recent google chrome browser, and make a short cut on your desk top (or where ever you prefer)

2)Right click the short cut, and go to the properties tab at the bottom of the list.

3)In the box labeled "Target" you want to add at the very end, a space, dash, dash, incognito, like in the illustration below.

4)Hit apply, and close everything out.




Now, your web activity tracking cookies stored in your browser, along with all other cookies will go bye bye every time you close your browser. And you have a convenient shortcut that starts you out in incognito mode automatically!

WARNING - This will NOT allow you to browse the internet anonymously. Learn what it can and won't do, but it helps cut down on the spyware considerably. I don't even use firefox anymore (though you can adjust the settings in their browser to do the exact same thing)

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  On 3/28/2012 at 4:53 AM, Epic_Fail_Guy said:

I will admit I have had fun with this thread. But for those of you who want to present your fat ass middle finger to every site on the internet, follow these steps..

1)Download the most recent google chrome browser, and make a short cut on your desk top (or where ever you prefer)

2)Right click the short cut, and go to the properties tab at the bottom of the list.

3)In the box labeled "Target" you want to add at the very end, a space, dash, dash, incognito, like in the illustration below.

4)Hit apply, and close everything out.




Now, your web activity tracking cookies stored in your browser, along with all other cookies will go bye bye every time you close your browser. And you have a convenient shortcut that starts you out in incognito mode automatically!

WARNING - This will NOT allow you to browse the internet anonymously. Learn what it can and won't do, but it helps cut down on the spyware considerably. I don't even use firefox anymore (though you can adjust the settings in their browser to do the exact same thing)

Yup Yup but now instead of FB tracking you internet movement Google is tracking everything you do on your computer. EEVVEERRYYTHIIING.

Googles privacy policy essentially says that if you use their services you have no privacy rights and they will hand all information over the the government upon asking without a warrant.

Every search and every site you viset as tracked by cookies and beacon.

All Gmail scanned for key words.

Every call you make from Googlevoice get voice to text and scanned for key words.

All voice mails left for you get scanned for key words.

All sms scanned for key words.

Every address or coordinate you input into google earth.

All Droid activity.


Oh yeah, they claim they can access your webcam and microphone even though it has been ruled in the past that accessing a computer microphone without the direct owner/custodian consent is wire tapping.

Dont you just love it when the director of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency becomes a senior executive at google? Don't forget, DARPA is part of homeland security, and the CIA and NSA where already connected to google.

Gotta love illegally owned companies giving out seed money.

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Another reason as I previously mentioned, that I closed my Facebook, was music. Play a new song on the radio and almost everyone will love it. Post a new song on the internet and almost everyone will ignore it. I had friends who frequented Necto, who I thought might like Light Asylum or The New Division since they're both dancey, but they ignored them.

In the end, there are many avenues to popularize music, and there are threads on Cold Cave, The Exploding Boy, The New Division, O.Children, Soft Kill, and Light Asylum on almost all other major gothic forums. Though there won't be any more, because I've decided its more economical to eventually make one big playlist of everything I like and post that. :pizza:

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